path is hedg'd, I see no light, hopes are prostrate in the dust. th fears that all experience past h been delusive, false and vain, ead, lest falling short at last, ver shall the prize obtain.
en to the cross I wish to fly, I see the blood of sprinkling flow; Sinai's mount, not Calvary, egal spirit bids me go.
ving to stretch my wither'd arms, n would give myself away; sins and guilt excite alarms, check a near approach to thee. if already I've believ'd, hrist and I indeed be one :
prove thyself my help and shield, let the work be now begun. v me a token, Lord, for good, let me know that I am thine; el my doubts, disperse the cloud, on my soul benignant shine.
let thy Spirit from above, witness to my troubled heart; shed abroad my Father's love, filial confidence impart.
■ shall my foes, who hate me, see God is faithful to his saints; he hath heard and helped me, chang'd to praise my sad complaints.
PSALM 87. L. M.
The christian church.
D in his earthly temple lays
oundations for his heav'nly praise;
He likes the tents of Jacob well; But still in Zion loves to dwell.
2 His mercy visits ev'ry house, That pays its night and morning vows; But makes a more delightful stay, Where churches meet to praise and pray.
3 What glories were describ'd of old ! What wonders are of Zion told! Thou city of our God below, Thy fame shall Tyre and Egypt know.
4 Egypt and Tyre, the Greek and Jew, Shall there begin their lives anew : Angels and men shall join to sing The Hill, where living waters spring. 5 When God makes up his last account Of natives in his holy mount, 'Twill be an honour to appear, As one new born and nourish'd there.
PSALM 88. First Part.
Life the only accepted time. HILE life prolongs its precious light, Mercy is found and peace is giv'n; But soon, ah soon! th' approaching night Shall blot out ev'ry hope of heav'n.
2 While God invites, how bless'd the day ! How sweet the gospel's charming sound! "Come sinners, haste, O! haste away, "While yet a pard'ning God he's found. 3 " In that lone land of deep despair, "No Sabbath's heav'nly light shall rise; "No God regard your bitter pray'r, Nor Saviour call you to the skies."
PSALM 88. Second Part. S. M. Sickness sanctified.
TRETCH'D on the bed of grief, In silence long I lay; disease and wasting pain d worn my strength away. w mourn'd my sinking soul e Sabbath's hours divine; of grace, that precious day, asum'd in sense, and sin. e work, the mighty work life so long delay'd; ace, yet to be begun, on a dying bed!
en to the Lord I pray'd,
1 rais'd a bitter cry: Le, O God, and save my soul, est I for ever die."
heard my humble cry; sav'd my soul from death : I'll give my heart and hands, - consecrate my breath. inners, fear the Lord, ale yet 'tis call'd to-day; _ the awful voice of death mand your souls away. SALM 88. Third Part. L. M.
Death not the end of our being. LL man, O God of light and life, rever moulder in the grave? thou forget thy glorious work, romise, and thy pow'r to save? cease, ye vain desponding fears : Christ, our Lord, from darkness sprang,
Death, the last foe, was captive led, And heav'n with praise and wonder rang.
3 Him, the first fruits, his chosen sons Shall follow from the vanquish'd grave; He mounts his throne, the King of Kings, His church to quicken, and to save. 4 Faith sees the bright eternal doors 'Unfold, to make his children way: They shall be cloth'd with endless life, And shine in everlasting day.
5 The trump shall sound; the dust awake; From the cold tomb the slumb'rers spring; Thro' heav'n with joy their myriads rise, And hail their Saviour and their King.
PSALM 88. Fourth Part. C. М. A believer walking long in darkness.
ORD, in a day of pow'r divine Thy grace prevail'd, and made me thine ;
To thee, my soul, when young, I gave, And trusted in thy pow'r to save.
2 But where remain the joy and peace, Which, then I thought, would never cease? If I am thine, how can it be,
That comforts should for ever flee?
3 Involv'd in glooms of darkest night, And banish'd from thy blissful sight, I seek thy face on ev'ry side; But still the glooms of night abide.
4 Up from my youth, depriv'd of joy, Afflictions all my peace destroy; Thy terrors oft distract my soul, And sorrows rise beyond control. 5 O! turn thine hand, command relief, Restore my peace, assuage my grief;
let, of future rest, an heir, drop of consolation share.
PSALM 89. First Part. L. M.
The covenant made with Christ.
Rever shall my song record The truth and mercy of the Lord;
and truth for ever stand, heav'n establish'd by his hand. to his Son he sware, and said, h thee my cov'nant first was made; hee shall dying sinners live; y and grace are thine to give.
hou my Prophet, thou my Priest; children shall be ever blest; u art my chosen King; thy throne - stand eternal like my own." et the church rejoice, and sing ner Saviour, and her King: his heav'nly wonders show, ints declare his works below. ALM 89. Second Part. C. M.
The faithfulness of God. never ceasing songs shall show The mercies of the Lord : ake succeeding ages know - faithful is his word.
cred truths his lips pronounce, firm as heav'n endure ; he speaks a promise once, eternal grace is sure.
ng the race of David held promis'd Jewish throne ! re's a nobler cov'nant seal'd David's greater Son.
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