The whole earth in songs rejoice, distant islands join their voice. are his counsels and unknown; grace and truth support his throne: gloomy clouds his way surround, e is their eternal ground.
bes of Judgment, lo, he comes ! s the wide earth, and cleaves the tombs: e him burns devouring fire ; mountains melt, the seas retire. emies, with sore dismay, om the sight, and shun the day: ift your heads, ye saints, on high, ng, for your redemption's nigh. SALM 97. Second Part. L. M. Let all the angels of God worship him.
E Lord is come; the heav'ns proclaim is birth; the nations learn his name : nown star directs the road
ern sages to their God. bright armies of the skies, rship, where the Saviour lies : and kings before him bow, Gods on high and gods below. Is totter to the ground, eir own worshippers confound: ah shout, let Zion sing, th confess her sov'reign King. ALM 97. Third Part. L. M.
Grace and glory. Almighty reigns, exalted high er all the earth, o'er all the sky: buds and darkness veil his feet,
2 O ye, that love his holy name, Hate ev'ry work of sin and shame! He guards the souls of all his friends, And from the snares of hell defends.
3 Immortal light, and joys unknown, Are for the saints in darkness sown : Those glorious seeds shall spring and rise, And the bright harvest bless our eyes.
4 Rejoice, ye righteous, and record The sacred honours of the Lord: None but the soul that feels his grace, Can triumph in his holiness.
PSALM 98. First Part. C. M. Praise for the gospel.
TO our almighty Maker, God,
New be addrest : His great salvation shines abroad, And makes the nations blest.
2 He spake the word to Abraham first; His truth fulfils the grace : The Gentiles make his name their trust, And learn his righteousness.
3 Let the whole earth his love proclaim, With all her diff'rent tongues; And spread the honours of his name In melody and songs.
PSALM 98. Second Part. C. М. The Messiah's coming and kingdom.
OY to the world; the Lord is come: Let earth receive her King;
Let ev'ry heart prepare him room, And heav'n and nature sing.
2 Joy to the earth; the Saviour reigns : Let men their songs employ;
e fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains peat the sounding joy.
more let sins and sorrows grow, r thorns infest the ground : mes, to make his blessings flow - as the curse is found.
les the world with truth and grace, 1 makes the nations prove lories of his righteousness, 1 wonders of his love.
PSALM 99. First Part. S. M. The kingdom and majesty of Christ. HE Lord, Jehovah, reigns, Let all the nations fear; rs tremble at his throne; saints be humbled there. s the Saviour reigns, earth adore its Lord: erubs his attendants stand, swift fulfil his word.
on is his throne;
Lonours are divine;
shall make his wonders known:
here his glories shine.
holy is his name! terrible his praise ! 1 truth, and judgment join, his works of grace.
LM 99. Second Part. S. M.
Poly God worshipped with reverence. LT the Lord our God, d worship at his feet ; are wisdom, pow'r and truth, mercy is his seat
2 When Israel was his church, When Aaron was his priest,
When Moses cried, when Samuel pray'd, He gave his people rest.
3 Oft he forgave their sins,
Nor would destroy their race; And oft he made his vengeance known When they abus'd his grace.
4 Exalt the Lord our God; His grace is still the same :
Still he's a God of holiness,
And jealous for his name.
PSALM 100. First Part. L. M. Praise to our Creator.
PEFORE Jehovah's awful throne,
Ye nations bow with sacred joy:
Know that the Lord is God alone ; He can create, and he destroy.
2 His sov'reign pow'r, without our aid, Made us of clay, and form'd us men ; And when like wand'ring sheep we stray'd, He brought us to his fold again.
3 We are his people, we his care ; Our souls and all our mortal frame: What lasting honours shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to thy name?
4 We'll croud thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heav'n our voices raise : And earth with her ten thousand tongues Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise.
5 Wide as the world is thy command, Vast as eternity thy love: Firm as a rock thy truth must stand; When rolling years shall cease to move.
SALM 100. Second Part. P. M. A general song of praise.
ING to the Lord most high; Let ev'ry land adore : th grateful voice make known s goodness and his pow'r. meerful songs declare his ways, et his praise inspire your tongues. cer his courts with joy; th fear address the Lord: form'd us with his hand, I quicken'd by his word. wide command he spreads his sway v'ry sea, and ev'ry land.
hands provide our food, ev'ry blessing give : feed upon his care, in his pastures live.
heerful songs declare his ways, t his praise inspire your tongues.
1 is the Lord, our God,
cruth and mercy sure; le earth and heav'n shall last, promises endure.
ounteous hand he spreads his sway Pry sea, and ev'ry land.
ALM 101. First Part. L. M.
The magistrate's psalm. RCY and judgment are my song And since they both to thee belong, cious God, my righteous King, my songs and vows I'll bring. rais'd to bear the sword, my counsels from thy word :
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