Second Part. S. M. Mercy in the midst of judgment. Y soul, repeat his praise, Whose mercies are so great; anger is so slow to rise, ready to abate. 1 will not always chide: h as the heav'ns are rais'd lays are as the grass, hy compassions, Lord, And children's children ever find 1 PSALM 103. Third Part. S. M. THE Lord the sov'reign King, O'er all the heav'nly world he rules, 2 Ye angels, great in might, Bless ye the Lord, whose voice ye hear, 3 Let the bright hosts who wait 1 PSALM 104. First Part. L. M. The glory of God in creation and providence: MY soul, thy great Creator praise; When cloth'd in his celestial rays), 2 The heav'ns are for his curtains spread, t orld's foundations by his hand is'd, and shall for ever stand: ds the ocean in his chain, should drown the earth again. earth was cover'd with the flood, high above the mountains stood, nder'd; and the ocean fled, d to its appointed bed. elling billows know their bounds, their channels walk their rounds; nce convey'd by secret veins, pring from hills, and drench the plains. the chrystal fountains flow, eer the vallies as they go; eifers there their thirst allay, the stream wild asses bray. easant trees which shade the brink, and linnet light to drink; ngs the lark and linnet raise, de our silence in his praise. M 10%. Second Part. L. M. from his cloudy cistern, pours the parch'd earth enriching show'rs; e, the garden, and the field, nd joyful blessings yield. s the grassy food arise, s the cattle large supplies; ole fruit the vines produce! ships divide their wat'ry way, LM 104. Fourth Part. Tare thy works, Almighty Lord! 1 nature rests upon thy word: whole race of creatures stands, their portion from thy hands. ach receives his diff'rent food, erful looks pronounce it good: nd bears, and whales and worms and praise in diff'rent forms. n thy face is hid they mourn, ng, to their dust return; n and beast their souls resign : ath, and spirit, all are thine. can'st breathe on dust again, he world with beasts and men : of thy creating breath he wastes of time and death. s, the wonders of thy might, ur'd with thine own delight : al are thy glorious ways! u art dreadful in thy praise. stands trembling at thy stroke, y touch the mountains smoke; le souls may see thy face, heir wants to sov'reign grace. - hopes and wishes meet, my meditations sweet : es shall my breath employ, bire in endless joy. |