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Second Part. S. M.

Mercy in the midst of judgment.

Y soul, repeat his praise,

Whose mercies are so great;

anger is so slow to rise,

ready to abate.

1 will not always chide:
1 when his strokes are felt,
kes are fewer than our crimes,
1 lighter than our guilt.

h as the heav'ns are rais'd
ove the ground we tread;
e riches of his grace
highest thoughts exceed.
pow'r subdues our sins:
his forgiving love,
e east is from the west,
all our guilt remove.
pity of the Lord,
hose that fear his name,
s tender parents feel :
nows our feeble frame.
nows we are but dust,
er'd with ev'ry breath;
like a rising wind,
send us swift to death.

lays are as the grass,
ke the morning flow'r :
p blast sweep o'er the field,
hers in an hour.

hy compassions, Lord,


And children's children ever find
Thy words of promise sure.


PSALM 103. Third Part. S. M.
Bless the Lord his angels, and all his works.

THE Lord the sov'reign King,
Hath fix'd his throne on high :

O'er all the heav'nly world he rules,
And all beneath the sky,

2 Ye angels, great in might,
And swift to do his will;

Bless ye the Lord, whose voice ye hear,
Whose pleasure ye fulfil.

3 Let the bright hosts who wait
The orders of their King,
And guard his churches when they pray,
Join in the praise they sing.
4 While all his wondrous works
Thro' his vast kingdom show
Their Maker's glory; thou, my soul,
Shalt sing his praises too.


PSALM 104. First Part. L. M. The glory of God in creation and providence:

MY soul, thy great Creator praise;

When cloth'd in his celestial rays),
He in full majesty appears,
And, like a robe, his glory wears.

2 The heav'ns are for his curtains spread,
Th' unfathom'd deep he makes his bed:
Clouds are his chariots, when he flies
On winged storms across the skies.
3 Angels, whom his own breath inspires,
His ministers, are flaming fires;
And swift, as thought, their armies moye
To bear his vengeance, or his love.



orld's foundations by his hand is'd, and shall for ever stand: ds the ocean in his chain,

should drown the earth again. earth was cover'd with the flood, high above the mountains stood, nder'd; and the ocean fled, d to its appointed bed.

elling billows know their bounds, their channels walk their rounds; nce convey'd by secret veins, pring from hills, and drench the plains. the chrystal fountains flow, eer the vallies as they go; eifers there their thirst allay, the stream wild asses bray. easant trees which shade the brink, and linnet light to drink; ngs the lark and linnet raise, de our silence in his praise.

M 10%. Second Part. L. M.

from his cloudy cistern, pours the parch'd earth enriching show'rs; e, the garden, and the field, nd joyful blessings yield.

s the grassy food arise,

s the cattle large supplies;
bs for man, of various pow'r,
sh nature, or to cure.

ole fruit the vines produce!
yields a shining juice :
s are cheer'd with gen'rous wine;
ard joy our faces shine.




ships divide their wat'ry way,
ocks of scaly monsters play ;
lwells the huge Leviathan,
ams and sports in spite of man.
L. M.

LM 104. Fourth Part.

Tare thy works, Almighty Lord! 1 nature rests upon thy word: whole race of creatures stands, their portion from thy hands. ach receives his diff'rent food, erful looks pronounce it good: nd bears, and whales and worms and praise in diff'rent forms. n thy face is hid they mourn, ng, to their dust return; n and beast their souls resign : ath, and spirit, all are thine. can'st breathe on dust again, he world with beasts and men : of thy creating breath he wastes of time and death.

s, the wonders of thy might, ur'd with thine own delight : al are thy glorious ways! u art dreadful in thy praise. stands trembling at thy stroke, y touch the mountains smoke; le souls may see thy face, heir wants to sov'reign grace. - hopes and wishes meet, my meditations sweet : es shall my breath employ, bire in endless joy.

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