8 While haughty sinners die accurst, Their glory buried with their dust, I, to my God, my heav'nly king, Immortal hallelujahs sing.
PSALM 105. First Part. C. M. God's care of the Patriarchs.
GIVE thanks to God, invoke his name, And tell the world his grace; Sound thro' the earth his deeds of fame, That all may seek his face.
2 His cov'nant, which he kept in mind
For num'rous ages past, To num'rous ages yet behind, In equal force shall last.
3 He sware to Abraham and his seed, And made the blessing sure: Gentiles the ancient promise read, And find his truth endure.
4 "Thy seed shall make the nations blest," Said the Almighty voice;
" And Canaan's land, shall be their rest, "The type of heav'nly joys."
5 How large the grant! how rich the grace! To give them Canaan's land, When they were strangers in the place, A little, feeble band.
6 Like pilgrims, thro' the countries round Securely they remov'd; And haughty kings, that on them frown'd, Severely he reprov'd.
7 "Touch mine anointed, and my arm " Shall soon revenge the wrong: "The man, that does my prophets harm, "Shall know their God is strong."
8 Then let the world forbear its rage, Nor put the Church in fear : Israel must live thro' ev'ry age, And be th' Almighty's care.
PSALM 105. Second Part. C. M.
The plagues of Egypt.
WHEN Pharaoh dar'd to vex the saints,
And thus provok'd their God;
Moses was sent at their complaints, Arm'd with his dreadful rod.
2 He call'd for darkness; darkness came, Like an o'erwhelming flood; He made each lake, and ev'ry stream, A lake, a stream of blood.
3 He gave the sign, and noisome flies Thro' the whole country spread; And frogs, in croaking armies, rise About the monarch's bed.
4 Thro' fields and towns, and palaces, The ten fold vengeance flew : Locusts in swarms devour'd their trees, And hail their cattle slew.
5 Then, by an angel's midnight stroke, The flow'r of Egypt died; The strength of ev'ry house was broke, Their glory and their pride. 6 Now let the world forbear its rage, Nor put the Church in fear : Israel must live thro' ev'ry age, And be th' Almighty's care.
PSALM 105. Third Part. C. M. Israel led through the wilderness to Canaan. HUS were the tribes from bondage freed, And left the hated ground;
Egyptian spoils supplied their need, Nor was one feeble found.
2 The Lord himself chose out their way, And mark'd their journies right; Gave them a leading cloud by day, A fiery guide by night.
3 They thirst: and waters from the rock In rich abundance flow;
And foll'wing still the course they took, Ran all the desert through.
4 O wondrous stream! O blessed type Of everflowing grace!
So Christ our rock maintains our life, Thro' all the wilderness.
5 Thus guarded by th' Almighty's hand, The chosen tribes possest Canaan, the rich, the promis'd land; And there enjoy'd their rest.
6 Then let the world forbear its rage, The Church renounce her fear : Israel must live thro' ev'ry age, And be th' Almighty's care.
PSALM 106. First Part. L. M. Communion with saints.
God the great, the ever blest, Let songs of honour be addrest:
His mercy firm for ever stands ; Give him the thanks his love demands.
2 Who knows the wonders of thy ways? Who shall fulfil thy boundless praise ? Blest are the souls that fear thee still. And pay their duty to thy will. 3 Remember what thy mercy did For Jacob's race, thy chosen seed;
ith the same salvation bless eanest suppliant of thy grace. I see thy tribes rejoice, 1 their triumphs with my voice! my glory, Lord, to be
to thy saints, and near to thee. ALM 106. Second Part. S. M.
The unchangeable love of God.
OD of eternal love, How fickle are our ways! ow oft did Israel prove constancy of grace!
saw thy wonders wrought, then thy praise they sung; hy works of pow'r forgot, murmur'd with their tongue. they believ'd his word, e rocks with rivers flow; their lusts provok'd the Lord, ne reduc'd them low.
hen they mourn'd their faults, arken'd to their groans; is own cov'nant to his thoughts, call'd them still his sons.
names were in his book; v'd them from their foes : stis'd, but ne'er forsook eople that he chose. srael bless the Lord, lov'd their ancient race; cians join the solemn word, to all their praise.
PSALM 107. First Part. L. М. Israel led to Canaan, and Christians to heaven.
GIVE thanks to God; he reigns above; Kind are his thoughts, his name is love His mercy ages past have known, And ages long to come shall own. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord The wonders of his grace record; Israel, the nation whom he chose, And rescued from their mighty foes. 3 In their distress to God they cried, God was their Saviour and their guide; He led their march far wand'ring round : 'Twas the right path to Canaan's ground.
4 Thus when our first release we gain From sin's old yoke and Satan's chain, We have this desert world to pass, A dang'rous and a tiresome place.
5 He feeds and clothes us all the way, He guides our footsteps lest we stray; He guards us with a pow'rful hand, And brings us to the heav'nly land. 6 O let the saints with joy record The truth and goodness of the Lord! How great his works! how kind his ways! Let ev'ry tongue pronounce his praise.
PSALM 107. Second Part. Correction for sin, and release by prayer. ROM age to age exalt his name; God and his grace are still the same
He fills the hungry soul with food, And feeds the poor with ev'ry good..
2 But if their hearts rebel and rise Against the God, that rules the skies;
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