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PSALM 109. С. М.

Love to enemics, from the example of Christ.
OD of my mercy and my praise,
Thy glory is my song;
Tho' sinners speak against thy grace
With a blaspheming tongue.
2 When in the form of mortal man
Thy Son on earth was found;
With cruel slanders false and vain,
They compass'd him around.
3 Their mis'ries his compassion move,
Their peace he still pursu'd;
They render hatred for his love,
And evil for his good.

4 Their malice rag'd without a cause;
Yet with his dying breath,
He pray'd for murd'rers on his cross;
And blest his foes in death.

5 Lord, shall thy bright example shine
In vain before my eyes?
Give me a soul a-kin to thine,
To love mine enemies.

6 The Lord shall on my side engage;
And in my Saviour's name,
I shall defeat their pride and rage,
Who slander and condemn.

PSALM 110. First Part. L. М.
The success of the gospel.

THUS the eternal Father spake

To Christ the Son; "Ascend and sit "At my right hand, till I shall make "Thy foes submissive at thy feet. 2 "From Zion shall thy word proceed ; "Thy word, the sceptre in thy hand,


I make the hearts of rebels bleed,
1 bow their wills to thy command.
t day shall show thy pow'r is great;
en saints shail flock with willing minds,
sinners crowd thy temple-gate,
ere holiness in beauty shines."
sed pow'r! O glorious day!
a large vict'ry shall ensue!
onverts, who thy grace obey,
d the drops of morning dew.

ALM 110. Second Part. C. M.
Christ's kingdom and priesthood.
JS, our Lord, ascend thy throne,
d near thy Father sit:
shall thy pow'r be known,
make thy foes submit.

wonders shall thy gospel do !
converts shall surpass
m'rous drops of morning dew,
own thy sov'reign grace.

h pronounc'd a firm decree,
changes what he swore :
al shall thy priesthood be,
en Aaron is no more.

nisedec, that wondrous priest,
at king of high degree;
noly man, whom Abraham blest,
s but a type of thee."

r Priest, forever lives, ead for us above;

r King forever gives
lessings of his love.
11 exalt his glorious head,
ofty throne maintain;


And strike the pow'rs and princes dead,
Who dare oppose his reign.

PSALM 110. Third Part. L. M.
The council of peace.

JESUS the Priest ascends the throne;

While counsels of eternal peace

Between the Father and the Son,
Proceed with honour and success.

2 Thro' the whole earth his reign shall spread,
And crush the pow'rs that dare rebel :
Then shall he judge the rising dead,
And send the guilty world to hell.

3 Tho' while he treads his glorious way,
He drinks the cup of tears and blood;
The suff'rings of that dreadful day
Shall but advance him near to God.

PSALM 111. First Part. C. М.
The wisdom of God in his works.


of immortal praise belong

To my almighty God:
He hath my heart, and he my tongue,
To spread his name abroad.

2 How great the works, his hand hath wrought
How glorious in our sight!
And men in ev'ry age have sought
His wonders with delight.

3 How most exact is nature's frame !
How wise th' Eternal mind!
His counsels never change the scheme,
That his first thoughts design'd.
4 When he redeem'd his chosen sons,
He fix'd his cov'nant sure :
The orders, that his lips pronounce
To endless years endure,


e and time, and earth and skies,
heav'nly skill proclaim :
shall we do to make us wise,
learn to read thy name?

r thy pow'r, to trust thy grace,
ur divinest skill;

e's the wisest of our race,

best obeys thy will.

ALM 111.

CAT is the Lord, his works of might

emand our noblest songs :

assembled saints unite

r harmony of tongues.
s the mercy of the Lord,
ives his children food;
er mindful of his word,
nakes his promise good.
1, the great Redeemer, came
eal his cov'nant sure :
d rev'rend is his name;
vays are just and pure.

at would grow divinely wise,
with his fear begin :
est proof of knowledge lies
ing ev'ry sin.

PSALM 112. L. M.
blessings of the pious and charitable,
PY is he that fears the Lord,
d follows his commands;
ds the poor, without reward,
ves with lib'ral hands.

dwells within his breast the sons of need;


So God shall answer his request
With blessings on his seed.
3 No evil tidings shall surprise
His well establish'd mind :
His soul to God, his refuge, flies,
And leaves his fears behind.

4 In times of general distress

Some beams of light shall shine,
To show the world his righteousness,
And give him peace divine.

5 His works of piety and love
Remain before the Lord :
Honour on earth, and joys above,
Shall be his sure reward.

PSALM 113. L. M.

The sovereignty and goodness of God.

1 VE servants of th' Almighty King,
In ev'ry age his praises sing :
Where'er the sun shall rise or set,
The nations shall his praise repeat.
2 Above the earth, beyond the sky,
Stands his high throne of majesty :
Nor time, nor place, his pow'r restrain,
Nor bound his universal reign.

3 Which of the sons of Adam dare,
Or angels with their God compare?
His glories how divinely bright,
Who dwells in uncreated light!

4. Behold his love! he stoops to view What saints above, and angels do; And condescends yet more to know The mean affairs of men below.

5 From dust and cottages obscure, His grace exalts the humble poor;


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