PSALM 119. Trwelfth Part. C. M. Breathing after comfort and deliverance. Y God, consider my distress, Let mercy plead my cause : Tho' I have sinn'd against thy grace, I can't forget thy laws.
2 Forbid, forbid the sharp reproach, Which I so justly fear: Uphold my life, uphold my hopes, Nor let my shame appear. 3 Be thou a surety, Lord, for me, Nor let the proud oppress; But make thy waiting servant see The shinings of thy face. 4 Mine eyes with expectation fail : My heart within me cries, "When will the Lord his truth fulfil, " And make my comforts rise ?" 5 Look down upon my sorrows, Lord, And show thy grace the same ; As thou art ever wont t' afford To those, that love thy name. PSALM 119. Thirteenth Part. С. М. Holy fear and tenderness of conscience.
1 WITH my whole heart I've sought thy
Then let me never stray From thy commands, O God of grace; Nor tread the sinner's way.
2 Thy word I've hid within my heart To keep my conscience clean,
And be an everlasting guard From ev'ry rising sin.
3 I'm a companion of the saints, Who fear and love the Lorde
rrows rise, my nature faints, en men transgress thy word. sinners do thy gospel wrong, spirit stands in awe : al abhors a lying tongue; AD loves thy righteous law.
art with sacred rev'rence hears
threat'nings of thy word; h with holy trembling fears judgments of the Lord.
d, I long, I hope, I wait
thy salvation still;
chy whole law is my delight,
I obey thy will.
Fourteenth Part. C. M.
Et of afflictions, and support under them.
SIDER all my sorrows, Lord,
d thy deliv'rance send :
1 for thy salvation faints;
n will my troubles end?
ave found it good for me ear my Father's rod; ns make me learn thy law, Live upon my God.
the comfort I enjoy
new distress begins; my word, I run thy ways, nate my former sins.
thy word been my delight, a earthly joys had fled, 1, opprest with sorrow's weight, unk among the dead.
thy judgments, Lord, are right,
The sharpest suff'rings, I endure, Flow from thy faithful care.
6 Before I knew thy chast'ning rod, My feet were apt to stray; But now I learn to keep thy word, Nor wander from thy way.
PSALM 119. Fifteenth Part. C. M. Holy resolutions.
10 THAT thy statutes ev'ry hour
Might dwell upon my mind! Thence I derive a quick'ning pow'r, And daily peace I find.
2 To meditate thy precepts, Lord, Shall be my sweet employ; My soul shall ne'er forget thy word; Thy word is all my joy.
3 How would I run in thy commands, Should'st thou my heart discharge From sin, and Satan's hateful chains, And set my feet at large!
4 My lips with courage shall declare Thy statutes and thy name; I'll speak thy word, tho' kings should hear, Nor yield to sinful shame.
5 Let bands of persecutors rise To rob me of my right; Let pride and malice forge their lies, Thy law is my delight.
6 Depart from me, ye wicked race, Whose hands and hearts are ill : I love my God, I love his ways, And must obey his will.
Sixteenth Part. C. M.
Prayer for quickening grace. soul lies cleaving to the dust; Lord, give me life divine : ain desires and ev'ry lust, off these eyes of mine. the influ'nce of thy grace peed me in thy way; hould loiter in my race, arn my feet astray. ore afflictions press me down, 1 thy quick'ning pow'rs; rd, that I have rested on, cheer my heaviest hours. thy mercies sov'reign still, chou a faithful God? ou not grant me warmer zeal n the heav'nly road?
t my heart thy precepts love, ong to see thy face?
how slow my spirits move, but enliv'ning grace!
all I love thy gospel more, e'er forget thy word; have felt its quick'ning pow'r, aw me near the Lord.
1 119. Seventeenth Part. L. M.
ce shining in difficulties and trials.
EN pain and anguish seize me, LogEE-33611088-33
Il my support is from thy word :
dissolves with heaviness,
me with thy strength'ning grace.
And tempt my soul to snares and sin; Yet thy commands I ne'er decline.
3 They hate me, Lord, without a cause, They hate to see me love thy laws; But I will trust and fear thy name, Till pride and malice die with shame.
PSALM 119. Eighteenth Part. L. M. Sanctified afflictions.
FATHER, I bless thy gentle hand ;
How kind was thy chastising rod, That forc'd my conscience to a stand, And brought my wand'ring soul to God! 2 Foolish and vain I went astray, Ere I had felt thy scourges, Lord; I left my guide, and lost my way; But now I love and keep thy word.
3 'Tis good for me to wear the yoke, For pride is apt to rise and swell : 'Tis good to bear my Father's stroke, That I might learn his statutes well.
4 The law, that issues from thy mouth, Shall raise my cheerful passions more, Than all the treasures of the South, Or Western hills of golden ore.
5 Thy hands have made my mortal frame, Thy Spirit form'd my soul within : Teach me to know thy wondrous name, And guard me safe from death and sin.
6 Then all that love and fear the Lord, At my salvation shall rejoice : For I have hoped in thy word, And made thy grace my only choice.
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