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Brethren whose cheerful hearts unite
In bonds of piety.

2 When streams of love from Christ, the spring, Descend to ev'ry soul,

And heav'nly peace with balmy wing,
Shades and bedews the whole :

3 'Tis like the oil divinely sweet,
On Aaron's rev'rend head;
The trickling drops perfum'd his feet,
And o'er his garments spread.
4. 'Tis pleasant as the morning dews
That fall on Zion's hill;
Where God his mildest glory shows,
And makes his grace distil.


up your hands by morning light,
nd raise your souls on high;
your admiring thoughts by night
ove the starry sky.

God of Zion cheers our hearts,
ith rays of quick'ning grace;
God that spread the heav'ns abroad,
1 rules the swelling seas.

SALM 135. First Part.

The church is God's house and care.

AISE ye the Lord, exalt his name,
Jhile in his earthly courts ye wait,
nts that to his house belong,
nd attending at his gate.

ye the Lord, the Lord is good;
ise his name is sweet employ :
ne chose of old, and still
urch is his peculiar joy.

ord himself will judge his saints;
ts his servants as his friends :
hen he hears their sore complaints,
s the sorrows, that he sends.
ev'ry age the Lord declares
ne, and breaks th' oppressor's rod;
es his suff'ring servants rest,
I be known th' Almighty God.
e the Lord, who taste his love;
and priests exalt his name :
his saints he ever dwells;
rch is his Jerusalem.

LM 135. Second Part. L. M. ation, Providence, and Redemption. AT is the Lord, exalted high,

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eathen gods should ne'er be nam'd
mere our Jehovah's known.

In trust the living God,
ve him with faith and fear;
kes thy courts his blest abode,
claims his honours there.

SALM 136. First Part. P. M.
Lers of Creation, Providence, and Redemption.
IVE thanks to God most high,
The universal Lord;
sov'reign King of kings;
be his grace ador'd.
ow'r and grace are still the same ;
Let his name have endless praise."

mighty is his hand!
wonders hath he done!
rm'd the earth and seas,
pread the heav'ns alone.
mercy, Lord, shall still endure;
ver sure abides thy word."
isdom fram'd the sun,
own the day with light;
noon and twinkling stars,
eer the darksome night.
w'r and grace are still the same ;
t his name have endless praise."

Lote the first born sons,
ow'r of Egypt, dead;
nence his chosen tribes
oy and glory led.
ercy, Lord, shall still endure;
er sure abides thy word."
w'r and lifted rod

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