E to our God immortal praise; Cercy and truth are all his ways: the Lord of lords renown, ing of kings with glory crown. It the earth, he spread the sky, 'd the starry lights on high : the sun with morning light, the moon direct the night. vs he freed from Pharaoh's hand, ought them to the promis'd land : the Gentiles dead in sin, his pity work within.
his Son with pow'r to save uilt, and darkness, and the grave : ers of grace to God belong, this mercies in your song."
ais vain world he guides our feet, ds us to his heav'nly seat : ercies ever shall endure,
this vain world shall be no more." LM137. First Part. L. M. The sorrows of Israel in captivity. abel's stream the captives sate, 1 wept for Zion's hapless fate : their harps on willows hung, es requir'd a sacred song.
anting voice, and scornful eye, s a song of heav'n," they cry: foes deride our God, and King, an we tune our harps or sing?" >>> <<<?» «
's woes our hearts forget,
se to mourn for Israel's fate,
"Let useful skill our hands forsake ; "Our hearts with hopeless sorrow break."
4 "Thou, ruin'd Salem, to our eyes "Each day, in sad remembrance rise ! " Should we e'er cease to feel thy wrongs, "Lost be our joys, and mute our tongues."
5 "Remember, Lord, proud Edom's sons, "Who cried, exulting at our groans, "While Salem trembled at her base, "Rase them: her deep foundations rase."
6 While thus they sung, the mourners view'd Their foes by Cyrus' arm subdu'd, And saw his glory rise, who spread Their streets, and fields, with hosts of dead.
7 Pleas'd, they foresaw, the blest decree, That set their tribes from bondage free; Renew'd the temple, and restor'd The sacred worship of the Lord.
-od, who bade his mercy flow, th withdraws his blessing now. essing from thy truth's withdrawn ; ck'ning, saving influ'nce gone : n'd, unwaken'd, sinners hear, e their awful danger near. sunseen, in scanty show'rs, irit sheds his healing pow'rs : rsty ground is parch'd beneath, is barrenness, and death.
thy name be ever blest, our hope shall safely rest : - Saviour soon shall see to set his Israel free.
ith vengeance arm'd, shall come his foes, and seal their doom; stic Bable wheim in dust, p, her idols, pow'r and trust. all thy saints exult, and sing chless glories of their King; before his altar bend,
ce from realm to realm extend. CM 137. Third Part. S. M.
Love to the church.
VE thy kingdom, Lord, e house of thine abode ; our blest Redeemer sav'd his own precious blood. chy Church, O God! Ils before thee stand, apple of thine eye, aven on thy hand.
The omniscience
HOU, Lorc My rising up
secret though malong before
Jet unutter'd wo
in thy circling ev'ry side I find t
asleep, at ho surrounded stil
could I so perfic think of once de
y works and names below thy pow'r and glory show. I cried when troubles rose; me, and subdu'd my foes; y rising fears control, gth diffus'd thro' all my soul. of heav'n maintains his state, a the proud, and scorns the great; his throne descends, to see of humble poverty.
ousand snares I stand, d guarded by thy hand: s my fainting soul revive, ny dying faith alive.
complete what grace begins, om sorrows and from sins: that wisdom undertakes, rcy ne'er forsakes.
First Part. L. M. Escience and omnipresence of God.
Lord, by strictest search hast ing up and lying down: [known houghts are known to thee, before conceiv'd by me.
my bed and path surveys, haunts and private ways; 'st what 'tis my lips would vent; tter'd words' intent.
circling pow'r I stand; le I find thy hand: ep, at home, abroad, nded still with God. so perfidious be, once deserting thee!
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