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whole scheme, thy thoughts had laid, copied by thine art.

earth, and sea, and fire, and wind, me thy wondrous skill;

eview myself, and find

ner wonders still.

wful glories round me shine, esh proclaims thy praise;

thy works of nature join

miracles of grace.

Third Part. C. M.

s of God innumerable. An evening Psalm.

O, when I count thy mercies o'er, ey strike me with surprise;

he sands that spread the shore ual numbers rise.

with fear and wonder stands, roduct of thy skill; rly blessings from thy hands noughts of love reveal.

my heart by night I keep; ind, how dear to me! the hour that ends my sleep nd my thoughts with thee.

M 139. Fourth Part. L. M.

od, what inward grief I feel, en impious men transgress thy will! to hear their lips profane, tremendous name in vain.

my soul detest and hate of malice and deceit ?

ps thy lows and thee


e Lord, who hates the proud,
Il scorch the sland'rous tongue;
at the wicked from the earth,

I well requite their wrong.

u wilt sustain the poor,

bid th' afflicted sing; ee, shall thy children dwell, ir Father, and their King.

PSALM 141. L. M.

rly reproof. A morning or evening Psalm.
God, accept my early vows,
Like morning incense in thy house;
t my nightly worship rise
as the ev'ning sacrifice.

o'er my lips, and guard them, Lord,
ev'ry rash and heedless word;
my feet incline to tread

ilty path, where sinners lead.
the righteous, when I stray,
nd reprove my wand'ring way!
rentle words, like ointment shed,
ever bruise but cheer my head.
I behold them prest with grief,
to heav'n for their relief;
my warm petitions prove
uch I prize their faithful love.
PSALM 142. С. М.

God is the hope of the helpless.
God I made my sorrows known,
om God I sought relief;
complaints before his throne
r'd out all my grief.

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