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noughts in musing silence trace
ncient wonders of thy grace.
ce I derive a glimpse of hope
ear my sinking spirits up;
ch my hands to God again,
hirst, like parched lands, for rain.
nee I thirst, I pray, I mourn;
will thy smiling face return?
all my joys on earth remove?
God forever hide his love?

od, thy long delay, to save,
ink thy pris'ner to the grave;
eart grows faint, and dim mine eye;
haste to help before I die.

ight is witness to my tears,
ssing pains, distressing fears :
ght I hear thy morning voice,
vould my wearied pow'rs rejoice!
e I trust, to thee I sigh,
aise my grieved soul on high;
ee sit waiting all the day,
ear the tiresome hours away.
off my fetters, Lord, and show
a is the path, my feet should go;
es and foes beset the road,
o hide me near my God.
me to do thy holy will,
ad me to thy heav'nly hill;
e Good Spirit of thy love
ct me to thy courts above.
shall my soul no more complain;
mpter then shall rage in vain :

esh that was my for before.


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the country, where the sheep,
and corn, have large increase;
men securely work, or sleep,
ns of plunder break their peace.
the nation thus endow'd:
re divinely blest are those,
om the all sufficient God,
with all his grace bestows.
ALM 145. First Part. L. M.

The greatness of God. God, my King, thy various praise mall fill the remnant of my days; ce employ my humble tongue, th and glory raise the song. gs of ev'ry hour shall bear ankful tribute to thine ear; ry setting sun shall see rks of duty done for thee. th and justice I'll proclaim; anty flows an endless stream; rcy swift; thine anger slow; dful to the stubborn foe. rks with sov'reign glory shine, ak thy majesty divine : nin her courts proclaim nd and honour of thy name. ant times and nations raise g succession of thy praise; born ages make my song and labour of their tongue. can speak thy wondrous deeds? qa: atness all our thoughts exceeds: ds: 1 unsearchable thy ways;

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ad just are all his ways, all his words are truth.

ws the pain his servants feel;

ears his children cry;

ir best wishes to fulfil,

race is ever nigh.

cy never shall remove
men of heart sincere :
s the souls, whose humble love
n'd with holy fear.

born foes, his sword shall slay,
Pierce their hearts with pain;
e, that serve the Lord, shall say,
y sought his aid in vain."
shall dwell upon his praise,
pread his fame abroad :
ne sons of Adam raise
onours of their God.

LM 146. First Part. L. M.
se to God for his goodness and truth.
SE ye the Lord: my heart shall join
work so pleasant, so divine;
le the flesh is my abode,
n my soul ascends to God.
all employ my noblest pow'rs,
mortality endures;

of praise shall ne'er be past,
e, and thought, and being last.
uld I make a man my trust?
must die and turn to dust;
ath departs, their pomp and pow'
ghts all vanish in an hour.

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man whose hopes rely

Downwogpow's wogpow

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