noughts in musing silence trace od, thy long delay, to save, ight is witness to my tears, esh that was my for before. IIIIIIIIIIIII the country, where the sheep, The greatness of God. God, my King, thy various praise mall fill the remnant of my days; ce employ my humble tongue, th and glory raise the song. gs of ev'ry hour shall bear ankful tribute to thine ear; ry setting sun shall see rks of duty done for thee. th and justice I'll proclaim; anty flows an endless stream; rcy swift; thine anger slow; dful to the stubborn foe. rks with sov'reign glory shine, ak thy majesty divine : nin her courts proclaim nd and honour of thy name. ant times and nations raise g succession of thy praise; born ages make my song and labour of their tongue. can speak thy wondrous deeds? qa: atness all our thoughts exceeds: ds: 1 unsearchable thy ways; ad just are all his ways, all his words are truth. ws the pain his servants feel; ears his children cry; ir best wishes to fulfil, race is ever nigh. cy never shall remove born foes, his sword shall slay, LM 146. First Part. L. M. of praise shall ne'er be past, man whose hopes rely Downwogpow's wogpow |