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t thou for ever art our Lord,
And pow'rful is thy hand;
when the heathens felt thy sword,
And perish'd from thy land.

A will prepare our hearts to pray,
And bow his ear to hear;
marks whate'er his children say,
And puts the world in fear.

ud tyrants shall no more oppress,
To more despise the just;
I mighty sinners shall confess
They are but earth and dust.
PSALM 11. L. M.

od loves the righteous and abhors the wicked.
Y refuge is the God of love:
- Why do my foes insult and cry?
y like a tim'rous trembling dove,
distant woods or mountains fly."

overnment be all destroy'd, at firm foundation of our peace) violence make justice void, ere shall the righteous seek redress ? Lord in heav'n hath fix'd his throne, eye surveys the world below; nim all mortal things are known, eye-lids search our spirits through. e afflicts his saints so far, prove their love, and try their grace; t must the bold transgressors fear? very soul abhors their ways. mpious wretches he shall rain pests of brimstone, fire and death; as he kindled on the plain Sodom, with his angry breath.


6 The righteous Lord loves righteous souls,
Whose thoughts and actions are sincere ;
And with a gracious eye beholds
The men that his own image bear.

PSALM 12. First Part. L. M.
Safety and hope in evil times.

1 ALMIGHTY God, appear and save,

vanity prevail;

The godly perish in the grave,
The just depart, the faithful fail.

2 The whole discourse, when neighbours meet
Is fill'd with trifles loose and vain ;
Their lips are flatt'ry and deceit,
And their proud language is profane.
3 But lips that with deceit abound
Shall not maintain their triumph long;
The God of vengeance will confound
The flatt'ring and blaspheming tongue.

4 " Yet shall our words be free," they cry;
"Our tongues shall be control'd by none :
" Where is the Lord will ask us why?
"Or say, our lips are not our own."

5 The Lord, who sees the poor oppress'd,
And hears th' oppressor's haughty strain,
Will rise to give his children rest,
Nor shall they trust his word in vain.

6 Thy word, O Lord, tho' often try'd,
Void of deceit shall still appear ;
Not silver, sev'n times purifi'd
From dross and mixture, shines so clear.

7 Thy grace shall in the darkest hour
Defend the holy soul from harm :
Tho', when the vilest men have pow'r..
On ev'ry side will sinners swarm.


PSALM 12. Second Part. C. M. Lord will judge the wicked, and save his people. ORD, when iniquities abound, And blasphemy grows bold, en faith is hardly to be found, and love is waxing cold : ot thy chariot hast'ning on? last thou not giv'n the sign?

we not trust and live upon - promise so divine ?

ow," saith the Lord, "Now will I rise, And make oppressors flee;

will appear to their surprise,

And set my servants free."

word, like silver sev'n times try'd,

hro' ages shall endure :
men that in thy truth confide

mall find the promise sure.

PSALM 13. L. M.

Pleading with God under desertion.

OW long, O Lord, shall I complain,
Like one that seeks his God in vain ?
thou thy face for ever hide?
I still pray and be deni'd?

I for ever be forgot, ne whom thou regardest not? shall my soul thine absence mourn ? still despair of thy return ?

long shall my poor troubl'd breast
ith these anxious thoughts opprest,
satan, my malicious foe,
ce to see me sunk so low?

Lord, and grant me quick relief,


or can they bear diviner fruit,
Till grace refine the ground.
PSALM 14. Second Part. C. М.
The folly of persecutors.

RE sinners now so senseless grown,
That they the saints devour ?
d never worship at thy throne,
Nor fear thine awful pow'r?
eat God, appear to their surprise,
Reveal thy dreadful name;

them no more thy wrath despise, Nor turn our hope to shame.

st thou not dwell among the just? And yet our foes deride,

at we should make thy name our trust : Great God, confound their pride.

that the joyful day were come

To finish our distress !

en God shall bring his children home, Our songs shall never cease.

PSALM 15. L. M.

character of a Saint; or the qualifications of a Christian.

HO shall ascend thy heav'nly place, Great God, and dwell before thy face? e man that minds religion now, 1 lives and walks by faith below :

ose hands are pure, whose heart is clean; ose lips still speak the thing they mean; slanders dwell upon his tongue; hates to do his neighbour wrong. ce will he trust an ill report, vent it to his neighbour's hurt ;

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