D PRACTICAL, ARRANGED AND NUMBERED TO THE SECTIONS OF THE CATECHISM. IN 1. First Part. C. М. only comfort in life and death. ANTIAL comfort will not grow re's barren soil; boast, till Christ we know, and toil. the Lord has planted grace, le his glories known; s of heav'nly joy and peace d, and there alone. Saviour seen by faith; impse within the veil; ne joys, which satisfy, elievers, mourn your lot; e law by Christ fulfill'd, ar his pard'ning voice, ge a slave into a child, ty into choice. hall I do," was once the word, I may worthier grow? all I render to the Lord ?" nquiry now. now great my mis'ry is, urn'd my helpless case; in Christ a righteousness, ise him for his grace. N 1. Chteousness, th' atoning blood us is the way to God; - then no longer stray, o Christ, the good old way.. ts and apostles too s path while here below; re will, without dismay, in Christ, the good old way. and love, and holy care, way, I'll persevere ; die, triumphant say, right, the good old way. 2. First Part. The Law. ith the first, the great command, Il thy inward pow'rs unite ay Maker and thy God, ost vigour and delight. thy neighbour, next in placesbisc e affections and esteem: |