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I sported with death :


When, Satan's blind slave,

And can he have taught me to trust in his



And thus far have brought me, to put me to

5 Why should I complain

Of want or distress,

Temptation or pain ?

He told me no less :

The heirs of salvation, I know from his word,
Thro' much tribulation, must follow the Lord.

6 How bitter that cup

No heart can conceive,
Which he drank quite up,
That sinners might live!

His way was much rougher, and darker than


Did Jesus thus suffer, and shall I repine?

7 Since all, that I meet,

Shall work for my good;

The bitter is sweet,

The med'cine is food :

Tho' painful at present, 'twill cease before

And then, now pleasant the conneror's
HYMN 8. First Part. L. M.
The holy Trinity.

THERE is one God, and only one;

No rivals can his essence share :

He is Jehovah, he alone,

And with the Lord none can compare. 2 His works, thro' all this wondrous frame, Express the Maker's vast designs :

They bear the impress of his name;
In ev'ry part his wisdom shines.
3 If in his works such wonders rise,
How much more wonderful is he !
Whose nature's fill'd with mysteries;
His being One, his person Three.

4 What finite pow'r with ceaseless toil,
Can comprehend th' eternal Mind ?
Or, who th' almighty Three and One,
By searching to perfection find?
5 Angels and men in vain may raise
Harmonious, their adoring songs;
The lab'ring thoughts sink down opprest,
And praises die upon their tongues.
6 Yet would I lift my trembling voice,
Th' eternal Three in One to sing :
And mingling faith, while I rejoice,
My humble, grateful tribute bring.
7 All glory to th' eternal Three,
The sacred undivided One :
To Father, Son, and Spirit be
Co-equal praise, and honours done.


HYMN 8. Second Part. L. M.
The triune God, the God of our salvation.
ONG ere the sun began his days,
Or moon shot forth her silver rays,
Salvation's scheme was fixt, 'twas done
In cov'nant by the Three in One.
2 The Father spake, the Son replied,
The Spirit with them both complied :
Grace mov'd the cause for saving man,
And wisdom drew the noble plan.

3 The Father chose his only Son
To die for sins, that man had done;

Immanuel to the choice agreed,
And thus secur'd a num'rous seed.

4 He sends his Spirit from above
To call the objects of his love;
Not one shall perish nor be lost :
He bought them dear; his blood they cost.

5 What high displays of sov'reign grace!
What love to save a ruin'd race!
My soul, adore his lovely name,
By whom thy free salvation came.


HYMN 8. Third Part. C. M.
A song of praise to the Holy Trinity.

TET them neglect thy glory, Lord,
Who never knew thy grace;
But our loud songs shall still record
The wonders of thy praise.
2 We raise our shouts, O God, to thee,
And send them to thy throne;
All glory to th' united Three,
The undivided One.

3 'Twas he, (and we'll adore his name)
That form'd us by a word;
'Tis he, restores our ruin'd frame;
Salvation to the Lord!

4 Hosanna! let the earth and skies
Repeat the joyful sound;
Rocks, hills and vales reflect the voice
In one eternal round.

HYMN 9. First Part. L. M.

God the Father, the almighty Creator.


we praise,

and own

Thee our Creator, King alone; All things were made to honour thee, O Father of eternity!

2 To thee all angels loudly cry,
The heav'ns and all the pow'rs on high,
Cherubs and seraphims proclaim,
And cry, thrice holy to thy name.
3 Lord God of hosts, thy presence bright
Fills heav'n and earth with beautious light;
'Th' apostles' happy company,
And ancient prophets all praise thee.
4 The crowned martyrs' noble host,
The holy church in ev'ry coast,
Their Maker, for their Father own,
Now reconcil'd in Christ his Son.

HYMN 9. Second Part. C. M.

1 ORD, when our raptur'd thought surveys

Creation's beauties o'er,

All nature joins to teach thy praise,
And bid our souls adore.

2 Where'er we turn our gazing eyes,
Thy radiant footsteps shine;
Ten thousand pleasing wonders rise,
And speak their source divine.

3 The living tribes of countless forms,
In earth, and sea, and air,
The meanest flies, the smallest worms,
Almighty pow'r declare.

4 Thy wisdom, pow'r, and goodness, Lord,
In all thy works appear :
And, O! let man thy praise record,
Man, thy distinguish'd care.

5 From thee the breath of life he drew;
That breath thy pow'r maintains :

Thy tender mercy, ever new,
His brittle frame sustains.

6 Yet nobler favours claim his praise,
Of reason's light possess'd;
By revelation's brightest rays,
Still more divinely blest.



HYMN 9. Third Part. C. M.

God our preserver.

ET others boast how strong they be,
Nor death nor danger fear;
While we confess, O Lord! to thee,
What feeble things we are.
2 Fresh as the grass our bodies stand,
And flourish bright and gay;
A blasting wind sweeps o'er the land,
And fades the grass away.
3 Our life contains a thousand springs,
And dies if one be gone;
Strange! that a harp of thousand strings
Should keep in tune so long.

4 But 'tis our God, supports our frame,
The God, that form'd us first :
Salvation to th' almighty Name
That rear'd us from the dust.
5 While we have breath, or life, or tongues,
Our Maker we'll adore :
His Spirit moves our heaving lungs,
Or they would breathe no more.


HYMN 9. Fourth Part. L. M.
My times are in thine hand.

RESISTLESS Sov'reign of the skies,
Immensely great! immensely wise!

My times are all within thy hand;
And all events at thy command.
2 His great decree, who form'd the earth,
Hath fix'd my first and second birth:

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