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Careless sinner,

What will then become of thee?

4 Horrors past imagination,
Will surprise your trembling heart,
When you hear your condemnation,
"Hence, accursed wretch, depart!
"Thou with Satan

" And his angels, have thy part !" 5 But to those who have confessed,

Lov'd and serv'd the Lord, below; He will say, "Come near, ye blessed, " See the kingdom I bestow : " You for ever

" Shall my love and glory know." 6 Under sorrows and reproaches, May this thought our courage raise ! Swiftly God's great day approaches, Sighs shall then be chang'd to praise: May we triumph When the world is in a blaze.

HYMN 19. Fifth Part. P. M.
Lo, he cometh.

1TO! he cometh! countless trumpets
Blow to raise the sleeping dead;
Midst ten thousand saints and angels
See their great exalted head.

Hallelujah, Welcome, welcome, Son of God. 2 Now his merit, by the harpers,

Thro' th' eternal deep resounds ;
Now resplendent shine his nail-prints,
Ev'ry eye shall see his wounds :

They, who pierc'd him,
Shall at his appearance wail.

3 Full of joyful expectation,

Saints, behold the Judge appear ! Truth and justice go before him, Now the joyful sentence hear:

Hallelujah, Welcome, welcome, Judge divine. 4 "Come, ye blessed of my father, " Enter into life and joy; "Banish all your fears and sorrows, " Endless praise be your employ :" Hallelujah,

Welcome, welcome to the skies.

5 Now at once they rise to glory,
Jesus brings them as their king;
There, with all the hosts of heav'n,
They eternal anthems sing:



Boundless glory to the Lamb.

HYMN 20. First Part. L. M.

God the Holy Ghost.


we confess

And sing the wonders of thy grace
Thy pow'r conveys our blessings down
From God the Father and the Son.

2 Enlighten'd by thine heav'nly ray,
Our shades and darkness turn to day;
We learn the meaning of thy word,
And find salvation in the Lord.

3 Thy pow'r and glory work within,
And break the chains of reigning sin;
Our wild imperious lusts subdue,
And form our wretched hearts anew.
4 The troubled conscience know thy voice,
Thy cheering words awake our joys;

Thy words allay the stormy wind,
And calm the surges of the mind.

HYMN 20. Second Part. L. М.
The influences of the Holy Spirit experienced.

1 DEAR Lord, and shall thy Spirit rest

In such a wretched heart as mine?

Unworthy dwelling! glorious Guest!
Favour astonishing, divine !

2 When sin prevails, and gloomy fear,
And hope almost expires in night,
Lord, can thy Spirit then be here,
Great spring of comfort, life and light ?
3 Sure the blest Comforter is nigh;
'Tis he sustains my fainting heart;
Else would my hopes for ever die,
And ev'ry cheering ray depart.

4 When some kind promise glads my soul, Do I not find his healing voice The tempest of my fears control, And bid my drooping pow'rs rejoice ? 5 Whene'er to call the Saviour mine, With ardent wish my heart aspires; Can it be less than pow'r divine, Which animates these strong desires ? 6 What less than thine almighty word Can raise my heart from earth and dust; And bid me cleave to thee, my Lord, My life, my treasure, and my trust? 7 And when my cheerful hope can say, " I love my God, and taste his grace;" Lord, is it not thy blissful ray, Which brings this dawn of sacred peace ?

8 Let thy kind Spirit in my heart, For ever dwell, O God of love;


And light and heav'nly peace impart,
Sweet earnest of the joys above.

HYMN 20. Third Part. C. М.
Breathing after the Holy Spirit.

COME, Holy Spirit, heav'nly dove,
thy quick'ning pow'rs,

Kindle a flame of sacred love

In these cold hearts of ours.

2 Look, how we grovel here below,
Fond of these trifling toys :
Our souls can neither fly nor go,
To reach eternal joys.

3 In vain we tune our formal songs,
In vain we strive to rise,
Hosannas languish on our tongues,
And our devotion dies.

4 Dear Lord! and shall we ever live
At this poor, dying rate ?
Our love so faint, so cold to thee,
And thine to us so great?
5 Come, holy Spirit, heav'nly dove,
With all thy quick'ning pow'rs,
Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love,
And that shall kindle ours.


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for the blessed Jesus reigns,
Thro' distant lands his triumphs spread;

And sinners, freed from endless pains,
Own him their Saviour and their head.

2 He calls his chosen from afar,
They all at Zion's gate arrive;
Those who were dead in sin before,
By sov'reign grace are made alive.

3 Gentiles and Jews his laws obey,
Nations remote their off'rings bring,
And, unconstrain'd their homage pay
To their exalted God and king.

4 O may his holy Church increase,
His word and Spirit still prevail ;
While angels celebrate his praise,
And saints his growing glories hail !

5 Loud hallelujahs to the Lamb,
From all below and all above;
In lofty songs exalt his name,
In songs, as lasting as his love.

HYMN 21. Second Part. L. М.
Election sovereign and free.

1 BEHOLD! the potter moulds the clay,

His vessel forms himself to please :

Such is our God, and such are we,
The subjects of his just decrees.

2 Doth not the workman's pow'r extend
O'er all the mass; which part to choose,
And mould it for a nobler end;
And which to leave for viler use?
3 May not the sov'reign Lord on high
Dispense his favours as he will;
Choose some to life, while others die;
And yet be just and glorious still?
4 What, if to make his terror known,
He lets his patience long endure,
Suff'ring vile rebels to go on,
And seal their own destruction sure?
5 What, if he mean to show his grace,
And his electing love employ
To mark out some of mortal race,
And form them fit for heav'nly joy?

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