Nor let thy fury grow so hot, Against poor feeble worms.
7 O! hear when dust and ashes speak, And pity all our pain ; O! save us, for thy mercy's sake, And send us health again !
HYMN 110. С. М.
Thanksgiving for Victory.
O thee, who reign'st supreme above, And reign'st supreme below, Thou God of wisdom, pow'r, and love, We our successes owe.
2 The thund'ring horse, the martial band Without thine aid were vain ; And vict'ry flies at thy command To crown the bright campaign. 3 Thy mighty arm, unseen, was nigh, When we our foes assail'd;
'Tis thou hast rais'd our honours high, And o'er their hosts prevail'd.
4 Their mounds, their camps, their lofty tow'rs
Into our hands are giv'n;
Not from desert nor strength of ours, But thro' the grace of heav'n.
5 The Lord of hosts, our helper lives; His name be ever blest:
"Tis his own arm the vict'ry gives: He grants his people rest.
HYMN 111. L. M.
Thanksgiving for national Peace.
of the earth and skies,
word of thine almighty breath
Can sink the world, or bid it rise : Thy smile is life, thy frown is death.
3 When angry nations rush to arms, And rage, and noise, and tumult reign; And war resounds its dire alarms, And slaughter spreads the hostile plains; 3 Thy Sov'reign eye looks calmly down, And marks their course, and bounds their Thy word the angry nations own, [pow'r: And noise and war are heard no more.
4 Then peace returns with balmy wing, Sweet peace! with her what blessings fled ! Glad plenty laughs, the vallies sing, Reviving commerce lifts her head.
3 Thou good, and wise, and righteous Lord, All move subservient to thy will; And peace and war await thy word, And thy sublime decrees fulfil.
6 To thee we pay our grateful songs, Thy kind protection still implore ; O may our hearts, and lives, and tongues, Confess thy goodness and adore ! HYMN 112. С. М.
Thanksgiving for health after Pestilence.
OV'REIGN of life, we own thy hand In this late chast'ning stroke; And, since we've smarted by thy rod, Thy presence we invoke.
2 To thee in our distress we cried, And thou hast bow'd thine ear; The pestilence thou hast remov'd, And brought deliv'rance near. 3 Unfold, ye gates of righteousness; That, with the pious throng, We may record our solemn vows, And tune our grateful song.
4 Praise to the Lord, who staid the sword And said, " it is enough;" Praise to the Lord, who makes his saints Triumphant e'en in death.
5 Our God, in thine appointed hour Those heav'nly gates display, Where pain, and sickness, fear and death For ever flee away.
6 There, while the nations of the bless'd, With raptures bow around, Our anthems to deliv'ring grace, In sweeter strains shall sound. HYMN 113. С. М.
Complaint and hope in Siokness.
TORD, I am pain'd; but I resign My body to thy will : 'Tis grace, 'tis wisdom all divine, Appoints the pains I feel.
2 Dark are thy ways of providence, While they, who love thee, groan: Thy reasons lie conceal'd from sense, Mysterious and unknown.
3 Yet nature may have leave to speak, And plead before her God, Lest the o'erburden'd heart should break Beneath thy heavy rod.
4 These mournful groans and flowing tears, Give my poor spirit ease: While ev'ry groan my Father hears, And ev'ry tear he sees.
5 Is not some smiling hour at hand With health upon its wings? Give it, O God, thy swift command, With all the joys it brings.
HYMN 114. С. М.
Praise for recovery from Sickness. Y God, thy service well demands The remnant of my days; Why was this fleeting breath renew'd, But to renew thy praise ?
2 Thine arms of everlasting love Did this weak frame sustain; When life was hov'ring o'er the grave, And nature sunk with pain.
3 Calmly I bow'd my fainting head On thy dear faithful breast; Pleas'd to obey my Father's call To his eternal rest.
4 Into thy hands, my Saviour-God, Did I my soul resign: In firm dependence on that truth, Which made salvation mine.
5 Back from the borders of the grave, At thy command I come : Nor will I urge a speedier flight, To my celestial home.
6 Where thou determin'st mine abode, There would I choose to be; For in thy presence death is life, And earth is heav'n with thee. HYMN 115. S. M.
1 THY bounties, gracious Lord, With gratitude we own: We bless thy providential grace,
Which show'rs its blessings down. 2 With joy the people bring Their off 'rings round thy throne;
With thankful souls behold we pay A tribute of thy own. 3 Accept this humble mite
Great Sov'reign Lord of all ; Nor let our num'rous mingling sins, The fragrant ointment spoil.
4 Let a Redeemer's blood Diffuse its virtues wide; Hallow and cleanse our ev'ry gift, And all our follies hide.
5 O may this sacrifice To thee the Lord ascend, An odour of a sweet perfume, Presented by his hand.
6 Well pleas'd our God shall view The products of his grace;
And in a plentiful reward
Fulfil his promises.
HYMN 116. L. M.
1 THE gold and silver are the Lord's, And ev'ry blessing earth affords ;
All come from his propitious hand, And must return at his command. 2 The blessings which I now enjoy, I must for Christ and souls employ; For if I use them as my own, My Lord will soon call in his loan.
3 When I to him in want apply, He never does my suit deny; And shall I then refuse to give, Since I so much from him receive ? 4 Shall Jesus leave the realms of day, And clothe himself in humble clay?
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