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GHTY ruler of the skies 22 Fools in their hearts believe, &c. 28

God, appear and save 26 Far as thy name is known


-s now so senseless grown 29 From foes that round us rise


gracious God

wrath remember love

32 Father, I sing thy wondrous grace 119
72 For ever shall my song record


he hart for cooling, &c.

78 From age to age exalt his name


season spoke with pow'r

97 From all that dwell below, &c.


e foes of Zion fools

[blocks in formation]

93 Father, I bless thy gentle hand
138 Firm and unmov'd are they
139 For ever blessed be the Lord




[blocks in formation]
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Hear me, O God, nor hide thy face 171 Lord, 'tis a pleasant thing, &c.
Happy is he that fears the Lord 193 Let Zion in her sons rejoice
How shall the young secure, &c. 204 Lord, thou hast heard thy, &c. 199
How did my heart rejoice to hear 220 Lord, I esteem thy judgments, &c. 205
Had not the Lord, may Israel say 221 Let all the heathen writers join 206
Happy the city, where their sons

Lord, I have made thy word, &c. 207

Lo! what an entertaining sight 229

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[blocks in formation]



my refuge, hear my cries 99 The wonders, Lord, thy love, &c. 77 whose justice reigns, &c. whose hand the, &c.

[blocks in formation]

me, Lord, in time, &c. aits in Zion, Lord, &c.

the Lord, exalt, &c.

e the Lord: &c.

e the Lord: 'tis, &c.

e the Lord: all, &c.


101 The King of saints how fair, &c. 84 120 The Lord, the Judge, before, &c. 90 133 Thus saith the Lord, the, &c.

154 The Lord, the judge, his, &c.

160 The God of glory sends his, &c.

170 There is a God, all nature cries

174 'Tis by thy strength, the, &c.



205 'Twas for thy sake, eternal God_118 209 The mem'ry of Christ's, &c. 125

212 To thee, most high and holy God 129
220 To God I cried with, &c.
224 The heathen know thy glory, &c. 164
226 The Lord is come; the, &c.
The Almighty reigns, &c.
30 To our Almighty Maker, God

110 The Lord, Jehovah, reigns
231 The Lord, the sov'reign King



249 Thus were the tribes from, &c. 251 To God the great, the ever blest 182 258 Thy works of glory, mighty Lord 186 Thus the eternal Father spake 190 ye righteous, in the Lord 61 The Lord appears my helper now -198 er, Lord, our, &c. 152 This is the day the Lord, &c. 200 155 To thee, before the dawning, &c. 202 215 Thou art my portion, O my God 203

God of love, return er all my sorrows, Lord


O Lord, from ev'ry foe

heard my Father say y, Lord, O Lord, forgive ye nations to the Lord

our land, Jehovah, &c.

e's a righteous God

he Lord aloud

is forever nigh

on the bed of grief

, O God of light, &c.

the work, my God, &c. e Lord Jehovah's name e Lord, ye distant, &c. e Lord most high

mmortal praise belong

a living stone

and Saviour of my soul

the mem'ry of thy grace


is ever blest /

al Son with power, &c

I love, O Lord, &c.

Almighty arm we owe the Lord our God, &c.

ns declare thy glory, &c.

Lous earth is all the, &c. of glory is my light

the changing scenes, &c. forever guards the just

solv'd before the Lord

- the measure of my days

Thy mercies fill the earth, &c. 207 32 The least, the feeblest of the, &c. 216 54 Thou God of love, thou ever blest 217 93 To Zion's hill I lift my eyes 218 113 The Lord in Zion plac'd his, &c. 229 114 Thou, Lord, by strictest, &c.


125 To God I made my sorrows, &c. 243



[blocks in formation]

147 Up from my youth may Israel say 225



158 Vast are thy works, &c.

161 Vain man, on foolish pleasures, &c. 185



169 Why did the heathen madly, &c. 14
192 With my whole heart I'll, &c.
201 When the Great Judge, &c.

215 Why doth the Lord stand off, &c. 24

248 Why do the men of malice rage ibid

Who shall ascend thy, &c.

13 When God is nigh, my faith, &c. 31 14 We love thee, Lord, and we adore 36 34 Writhing in pain, our Saviour, &c. 47 37 Where shall the man be found

[blocks in formation]

King, enthron'd above 388 Join all the glorious names

■stupendous theme

Durce of ev'ry joy

tis a precious grace

mercies, in thy word

faithful Abra'm, hear 376 Jesus, once for sinners slain
the day of God returns 418 Jesus, my Lord, how rich, &c.

mercies send thy grace 435 Jesus, our soul's delightful choice 446

lives, thy constant care 410 Let party-names no more

mer of mankind

the name of Jesus, &c.
lad sound! the, &c.

the voice from, &c.

hall death, the, &c.

are the souls above

and awful is the place

sink with such a prop

ev'rend is the name

ove, my chief delight

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