PSALM 35. Second Part. C. M. BEHOLD the love, the gen'rous love Then they are sick, his soul complains, nd fasting mortified his soul, ney groan'd and curs'd him on their bed; Yet still he pleads and mourns : d double blessings on his head The righteous God returns. glorious type of heav'nly grace! Thus Christ the Lord appears; nile sinners curse, the Saviour prays, And pities them with tears. the true David, Israel's king, PSALM 36. First Part. S. M. W HEN man grows bold in sin, nath no faith of God within, Till his dark crimes, at once reveal'd, 3 His heart is false and foul, He sets his heart, his hand and head, 5 But there's a dreadful God, 1 O LORD, thy mercy, my sure hope, The highest orb of heav'n transcends; Thy sacred truth's unmeasur'd scope hy shelt'ring wings their refuge make; nd saints to thy protection trust. ich guests shall to thy courts be led, o banquet on thy love's repast; nd drink, as from a fountain head, f joys that shall forever last. With thee the springs of life remain; hy presence is eternal day : ! let thy grace thy saints sustain : upright hearts thy truth display. PSALM 37. First Part. C. M. The rewards of the righteous and the wicked. WHY should I vex my soul and fret To see the wicked rise ? envy sinners waxing great, By violence and lies ? flow'ry grass, cut down at noon, en let me make the Lord my trust, hand, which guides my doubtful feet, hall my desires fulfil. e innocence shalt thou display; meek at last the earth possess, is ready tongue declares to men, he law and gospel of the Lord Then sinners fall, the righteous stand PSALM 37. Third Part. C. М. Y God, the steps of pious men Are order'd by thy will : no' they should fall, they rise again, Le Lord delights to see their ways, it on the Lord, ye sons of men, Jor fear when tyrants frown : shall confess their pride was vain, Vhen justice casts them down. e haughty sinner have I seen, preading his arms abroad. 1 lo! he vanish'd from the ground, Destroy'd by hands unseen : |