PSALM 52. Second Part. L. M. e will I view thy glory, Lord, join with saints who sing thy praise. PSALM 53. First Part. L. M. - The heav'ns and earth this truth confess; this, the atheist fool denies, dares his impious thoughts express. Lord, from his celestial tow'r, 'd down, the sons of men to view; ee if any own'd his pow'r, ✓ truth and justice knew. Il he saw were gone aside, n their hearts, were atheists grown : ose that against me rise e aliens from the skies : They hate thy church and kingdom, Lord! ey mock thy fearful name : ey glory in their shame, Jor heed the wonders of thy word. O thou king divine, chosen friends are thine, The men, that still my soul sustain : t thou my foes subdue, I form their hearts anew, nd snatch them from eternal pain. ap'd from ev'ry woe, grant me, here below, o praise thy name with those I love : , when beyond the skies, souls unbodied rise ; nite us in the realms above. PSALM 55. First Part. C. M. · rage is level'd at my life ; soul with guilt they load ; fill my thoughts with inward strife, shake my hope in God. inward pain my heart-strings sound, roan with ev'ry breath : or and fear beset me round, ong the shades of death. 582437 vere I like a feather'd dove; on would I stretch my wings: 3 And fly, and make a long remove 6 Vain hopes, and vain inventions all, 1 PSALM 55. Second Part. S. M TET sinners take their course, And choose the road to death; But in the worship of my God I seek his blessing ev'ry noon, 4 Because they dwell at ease, 1 ground on which their safety stands, PSALM 56. First Part. C. M. THOU whose justice reigns on high, And makes th' oppressor cease ; nold! how envious sinners try To vex and break my peace. e sons of violence and lies oin to devour me, Lord; as my hourly dangers rise, My refuge is thy word. God, most holy, just, and true, have repos'd my trust; will I fear what flesh can do, The offspring of the dust. y wrest my words to mischief still, harge me with unknown faults: chief doth all their counsels fill, nd malice all their thoughts. I they escape without thy frown? Cust their devices stand? cast the haughty sinner down, nd let him know thy hand ! PSALM 56. Second Part. C. м. God's care of his people. OD counts the sorrows of his saints, Their groans affect his ears : 1 hast a book for my complaints, bottle for my tears. n to thy throne I raise my cry, e wicked fear and flee; wift is pray'r to reach the sky, near is God to me. |