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PSALM 52. Second Part. L. M.
The experience of the Lord's people in his house.
WORD in season, spoke with pow'r,
- I've often heard within these walls;
t none surpassing, what this hour
ends the precious gospel calls.
hen Christ unveils his lovely face,
d grace for grace is largely giv'n;
glory shines, which makes this place
e house of God, the gate of heav'n.
e, in thy courts, let me be seen,
wing in faith, and hope, and love;
e olive fair, and fresh, and green,
rip'ning for the world above.

e will I view thy glory, Lord,
I songs for all thy goodness raise :
e will I wait to hear thy word,

join with saints who sing thy praise.

PSALM 53. First Part. L. M.

- The heav'ns and earth this truth confess;

this, the atheist fool denies,

dares his impious thoughts express.

Lord, from his celestial tow'r,

'd down, the sons of men to view;

ee if any own'd his pow'r,

✓ truth and justice knew.

Il he saw were gone aside,

n their hearts, were atheists grown :
took religion for their guide,
one did God his sov'reign own.


ose that against me rise

e aliens from the skies :

They hate thy church and kingdom, Lord!

ey mock thy fearful name :

ey glory in their shame,

Jor heed the wonders of thy word.

O thou king divine,

chosen friends are thine,

The men, that still my soul sustain :

t thou my foes subdue,

I form their hearts anew,

nd snatch them from eternal pain.

ap'd from ev'ry woe,

grant me, here below,

o praise thy name with those I love :

, when beyond the skies,

souls unbodied rise ;

nite us in the realms above.

PSALM 55. First Part. C. M.
Support for the afflicted and tempted soul.
GOD, my refuge, hear my cries,
Behold my flowing tears :
arth and hell my hurt devise,
d triumph in my fears.

· rage is level'd at my life ;

soul with guilt they load ; fill my thoughts with inward strife, shake my hope in God.

inward pain my heart-strings sound, roan with ev'ry breath : or and fear beset me round,

ong the shades of death. 582437

vere I like a feather'd dove; on would I stretch my wings:



And fly, and make a long remove
From all these restless things.
5 Let me to some wild desert go,
And find a peaceful home;
Where storms of malice never blow,
Temptations never come.

6 Vain hopes, and vain inventions all,
To 'scape the rage of hell !
The mighty God on whom I call,
Can save me here as well.


PSALM 55. Second Part. S. M
Daily devotions.

TET sinners take their course,

And choose the road to death;

But in the worship of my God
I'll spend my daily breath.
2 My thoughts address his throne,
When morning brings the light:

I seek his blessing ev'ry noon,
And pay my vows at night.
3 Thou wilt regard my cries,
O my eternal God!
While sinners perish in surprise,
Beneath thine angry rod.

4 Because they dwell at ease,
And no sad changes feel ;
They neither fear nor trust thy name,
Nor learn to do thy will.
5 But I with all my cares,
Will lean upon the Lord:
I'll cast my burdens on his arm,
And rest upon his word.
6 His arm shall well sustain
The children of his love;



ground on which their safety stands,
No earthly pow'r can move.

PSALM 56. First Part. C. M.
Deliverance from oppression.

THOU whose justice reigns on high, And makes th' oppressor cease ; nold! how envious sinners try To vex and break my peace. e sons of violence and lies oin to devour me, Lord; as my hourly dangers rise, My refuge is thy word. God, most holy, just, and true, have repos'd my trust; will I fear what flesh can do, The offspring of the dust. y wrest my words to mischief still, harge me with unknown faults: chief doth all their counsels fill, nd malice all their thoughts. I they escape without thy frown? Cust their devices stand? cast the haughty sinner down, nd let him know thy hand ! PSALM 56. Second Part. C. м. God's care of his people.

OD counts the sorrows of his saints, Their groans affect his ears : 1 hast a book for my complaints, bottle for my tears.

n to thy throne I raise my cry, e wicked fear and flee;

wift is pray'r to reach the sky, near is God to me.

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