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suff'ring grace?

And whence this madness that insults

Th' Almighty to his face?

2 Is it because his patience waits,
And pitying bowels move,
You multiply transgressions more,
And scorn his offer'd love?

3 Dost thou not know, self-blinded man,
His goodness is design'd
To wake repentance in thy soul,
And melt thy harden'd mind?

4 And wilt thou rather choose to meet
Th' Almighty as thy foe;
And treasure up his wrath in store
Against the day of wo?

5 Soon shall that fatal day approach,
That must thy sentence seal,
And righteous judgments, now unknown,
In awful pomp reveal.

6 While they who full of holy deeds,

To glory seek to rise, Continuing patient to the end,

Shall gain th' immortal prize.

HYMN 27. С. М.

Exhortation to repentance.

1 REPENT, the voice celestial cries,

Nor longer dare delay;
The wretch that scorns the mandate dies,
And meets a fiery day.

2 No more the sov'reign eye of God
O'erlooks the crimes of men;
His heralds are despatch'd abroad
To warn the world of sin.

3 Together in his presence bow,
And all your guilt confess;
Accept the offer'd Saviour now,
Nor trifle with his grace.

4 Bow, ere the awful trumpet sound,
And call you to his bar :
For mercy knows th' appointed bound,
And turns to vengeance there.

5 Amazing love, that yet will call,
And yet prolong our days!
Our hearts, subdued by goodness, fall,


And weep, and love, and praise.
HYMN 28. P. M. 7.
To-day, the season of mercy.

HASTEN, sinner, to be wise;

Stay not for the morrow's sun :

Wisdom, if you still despise,
Harder is it to be won.

2 Hasten, mercy to implore;
Stay not for the morrow's sun;
Lest thy season should be o'er,
Ere this ev'ning's stage be run.
3 Hasten sinner, to return;
Stay not for the morrow's sun;
Lest thylampshouldcease to burn,
Ere salvation's work is done.

4 Hasten, sinner, to be blest;
Stay not for the morrow's sun :
Lest perdition thee arrest,


Ere the morrow is begun.

HYMN 29. L. M.

The striving of the spirit.
a voice within,

SAY, sinner, hath

Oft whisper'd to thy secret soul,-
Urg'd thee to leave the ways of sin,
And yield thy heart to God's control?

2 Hath something met thee in the path
Of worldliness and vanity,
And pointed to the coming wrath,
And warn'd thee from that wrath to flee ?

3 Sinner, it was a heav'nly voice,

It was the Spirit's gracious call,
It bade thee make the better choice,
And haste to seek in Christ thine all.

4 Spurn not the call to life and light;
Regard in time the warning kind;
That call thou may'st not always slight,
And yet the gate of mercy find.
5 God's Spirit will not always strive
With harden'd, self destro destroying man;
Ye, who persist his love to grieve,
May never hear his voice again.

6 Sinner- perhaps this very day,
Thy last accepted time may be;
Oh, should'st thou grieve him now away,
Then hope may never beam on thee.



HYMN 30. L. M.

Christ knocking at the heart of the sinner.
EHOLD a stranger at the door!
He gently knocks, has knock'd before;

Hath waited long-is waiting still ;
You treat no other friend so ill.

2 Oh, lovely attitude, he stands
With melting heart and loaded hands!
Oh, matchless kindness! and he shows
This matchless kindness to his foes!

3 But will he prove a friend indeed?
He will; the very friend you need;
The friend of sinners-yes 'tis He,
With garments dy'd on Calvary.

4 Rise, touch'd with gratitude divine,
Turn out his enemy and thine,
That soul-destroying monster sin,
And let the heav'nly stranger in.
5 Admit him, ere his anger burn,
His feet departed ne'er return;
Admit him, or the hour's at hand,
You'll at his door rejected stand.
HYMN 31. С. М.




The sinner's heart opened.
is this stranger at the door,
That would admission gain?

I know he oft has knock'd before,
Still he has come again.

2 I find him knocking at my heart,
Though I've defied his will;
He waits to act a gracious part,
And all his truth fulfil.

3 Too long, alas! I've entertain'd
A soul destroying guest,
Who took possession of my heart,
And all my powers oppress'd.
4 But art thou not the same that died
A sacrifice for sin ?

Then enter my polluted breast,
And make me pure within.

5 That grace that I've so long abus'd
I'd willingly receive;
Dear Saviour, teach me how to pray,
Lord, help me to believe!

6 My hungry soul would now partake
The banquet of thy love;


That sacred flesh and blood of thine,
Foretaste of joys above.


HYMN 32. С. М.

The value of the Soul.

HAT is the thing of greatest price
The whole creation round?-

That which was lost in Paradise,
That which in Christ is found :

2 The soul of man-Jehovah's breath-
That keeps two worlds at strife;
Hell moves beneath to work its death,
Heav'n stoops to give it life.
3 And is this treasure borne below,
In earthen vessels frail?

Can none its utmost value know,
Till flesh and spirit fail?

4 Then let us gather round the cross,
That knowledge to obtain;
Not by the soul's eternal loss,
But everlasting gain.


HYMN 33. L. M.

Weary souls invited to rest.

COME, weary souls, with sins distrest,

accept the promis'd rest;

The Saviour's gracious call obey,
And cast your gloomy fears away.

2 Oppress'd with guilt, a painful load,
Oh, come, and spread your woes abroad;
Divine compassion, mighty love,
Will all the painful load remove.

3 Here mercy's boundless ocean flows,
To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes;
Pardon and life, and endless peace;
How rich the gift, how free the grace !

4 Lord, we accept with thankful heart,
The hope thy gracious words impart;
We come with trembling, yet rejoice,
And bless the kind inviting voice.


HYMN 34. P. M. 8, 7, 4.
Sinners invited to Christ.

COME, ye weary, heavy laden,

Lost and by fall;

If you tarry till you're better,
You will never come at all;
Not the righteous-
Sinners Jesus came to call,

2 Let not conscience make you linger,
Nor of fitness fondly dream :

All the fitness he requireth,
Is to feel your need of him;
This he gives you-
'Tis the Spirit's rising beam.

3 Agonizing in the garden,
Lo! your Maker prostrate lies!
On the bloody tree behold him;
Hear him cry before he dies,
"It is finish'd:"
Sinners will not this suffice?

4 Lo! th' incarnate God ascended,
Pleads the merit of his blood;
Venture on him, venture wholly,
Let no other trust intrude:
None but Jesus

Can do helpless sinners good.
5 Saints and angels, join'd in concert,
Sing the praises of the Lamb;
While the blissful seats of heaven,
Sweetly echo with his name :


Sinners here may sing the same.
HYMN 35. L. M.

Wanderer invited to return.


O wanderer, return,
And seek an injur'd Father's face;
Those warm desires that in thee burn,
Were kindled by reclaiming grace.
2 Return, O wanderer, return,
And seek a Father's melting heart ;
His pitying eyes thy grief discern,
His hand shall heal thine inward smart.
3 Return, O wanderer, return,
Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live ;
Go to his bleeding feet, and learn
How freely Jesus can forgive.

4 Return, O wanderer, return,
And wipe away the falling tear;
'Tis God who says, "No longer mourn,"
"Tis mercy's voice invites thee near.
HYMN 36. С. М.


The fountain of Living Waters.

OH, what amazing words of grace

the gospel found!

Suited to ev'ry sinner's case,

Who knows the joyful sound.

2 Come, then, with all your wants and wounds,

Your ev'ry burden bring;

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