THE Provincial Wesleyan thinks that Methodism needs just now a powerful theologian, another Watson. It says: "Methodism needs another great theologial systematist to repeat he splendid service performed by Richard Wat-on in his institutes. Watson was a kingly man, and Meh odism owes him a vast debt of gratitude. His equal in his high in elitcual endowmen s has not yet appeared in the Meth dist household.. Since Watson, biblical criticism and natural science have made'immense progress, and the spirio of free inquiry, daring and au oli fai th lous, has taken up new positions ron new bases. In non-Metmany eminent defenders of the ning to the new field of con Methodist communions able contending for the ruh as it But yet clear-sighted Methodist ow bright with joy could they her Richard Watson, fittingly ead to foot, pressing onward to τ." OR, A VIEW OF THE EVIDENCES, DOCTRINES, MORALS, AND INSTITUTIONS OF CHRISTIANITY. BY RICHARD WATSON. = THEOLOGIÆ autem objectum est ipse Deus.-Habent alle oπιτς κρίθητίο in quibus humana mens considerandis tempus, otium, et diligentiam adhibeat. Hæc una circa Ens entium et ARMINIUS. Stereotype Edition. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME. NEW-YORK, PUBLISHED BY J. EMORY AND E. WAUGH, FOR THE METHODIST NO. 14 CROSBY-STREET, J. Coliord, Printer. 1831 |