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Euclid, a great wit, according to Dryden's definition, 158.
Eudoxus and Leontine, story of, 286. Exchange their children, 287.
Disclose the secrets of their birth and marry them, 289.
Europe, all its languages spoken on the Royal Exchange, 173.
Eugenius, a man whose good-nature is regulated by prudence, 371.
Eve, an example to all her daughters, 209.
Everlasting club, account of it, 179, 180.

When instituted, ib.

Quantity of liquors and tobacco consumed by it, 181. Four general
meetings in the year, ib.

Evremont, St. Monsr. his apology for Romish superstitions, 440.
Excellency, a title given to ambassadors, 448.

Exchange, a constant resort of the Spectator, 6.

Exercise, necessary to our well being, 263. Its benefits illustrated in
an eastern allegory, 406.

Exercise of the fan, taught, 238.

Existence, the love of, a proof of the immortality of the soul, 255.
Expedition of Alexander the Great, scheme of an opera on it, 77.
Expences oftener proportioned to our expectations than possessions,


Experiment, a barbarous one, to exemplify parental love in animals,

Eyes of a mistress compared to burning-glasses made of ice, 156.


Fable of the boys and frogs, its application, 61. Of the countryman
and the weather, 65. Of the mole and the spectacles, 292. The
marriage of Pleasure and Pain, 386.

Fables, their antiquity, 353. Favourite compositions in all ages, ib.
The Iliad and the Odyssey, so styled by some critics, 384. Choice
of Hercules, an ancient one, ib.

Face, a good one, a letter of recommendation, 451.

Fair sex, why they prefer coxcombs to men of sense, 306.
Fairy Queen of Spencer, a series of fables, 384.

False humour, its genealogy, 86.

False wit, when revived, 152. Consists in the congruity of words,
letters, &c. 155. Its region allegorically described, 161.

Falsehood, the goddess, her territory, 161. Invaded by Truth and
Wit, 163. Vanishes before the presence of Truth, 164.
Falstaff, describes himself as a butt for other men's wit, 120.

Fame, generally coveted, 182.

Families, great ones, their ill-directed education of their sons, 250.
Family, the proper sphere for women to shine in, 194.

Fan, an academy for training young women in its exercise, 238.

Fantasque, a species of artist, described as a Venetian scaramouch, 196.
Fashion, its slow progress in the country, 271, 309.

Fashionable world, a reformation in, 269.

Fat men, a club of, 28.

Faustina, the younger, her levity, 306.

Fear of death, often mortal, 64.

Feasts, the gluttony of our modern ones, 407.
Female world, utility of the Spectator to it, 34.
Females, their virtues of a domestic turn, 194.

Ferment, political, long in cooling, like a comet, 235.

Feuds, of English and Scotch noblemen, occasioned the ballad of
Chevy Chase, 175. Of the Round-heads and Cavaliers, exemplified,

Finding a hare, a technical phrase, 249, note.

Finishing stroke, a Vindication of the Patriarchal Scheme, recom-
mended to the perusal of the ladies, 215.

Fire, its qualities compared to those of love, 157. Always kept in, at
the everlasting club, 181.

Fishmonger, the Spectator's host, advertises him in the Daily Courant,


Florella inquires for books written against prudes, 216.

Florio, the son of Eudoxus, educated by Leontine, 287. His passion
for Leonilla, 288. The secret of their birth disclosed, and their

happy union, 289.

Flutter of the fan, its various kinds, 239.

Fontanges, old fashioned head-dresses, 228.

Fools, why subjects of laughter, 117, 118, 119.

Fopperies, French, importation of them ought to be prohibited, 109.
Foppery, an indication of vice, 47.

Forest of cedars, women's head-dresses compared to one, 229.
Foreigners, imposed on by the artifices of female libertines, 424.
Forgiveness, why an indispensible duty, 381.

Fortune, the most shining quality in the eye of the world, 447.
Fortune-telling adventure of Sir Roger and the Spectator, 312.
Fourberia della scena, stage tricks, so called by the Italians, 103.
Fox, a class of females compared to that animal, 433.
Fox and seven stars, a sign, 70.

Fox-hunting, a remedy for unrequited love, 264.

France, distracted by factions for and against the League, 296.
French, absurdities in their opera, 76. Drums, trumpets, &c. banished
from the stage, 103. Have refined too much on Horace's rule re-
specting the stage, 107. Levity of the nation, censured, 111. Their
language adapted to their character, 321. Industriously propagated,
345. Instance, in a letter from an officer in the English army, 347.
Terms therein introduced, now grown familiar, 348.
Frenchman, a competitor at a grinning-match, 368.
Freeport, Sir Andrew, account of him, 10. His hints to the Spectator
respecting the city, 81. Answered by the arguments of the clergy-
man, 83. His commercial metaphors, 172. Inclined to the monied
interest in opposition to Sir Roger, 299. His moderation in politics,

Friendship, its fruits, 166. Illustrated in the Wisdom of the son of
Sirach, 167. The greatest blessing in life, 221. Qualifications of a
good friend, 168.

Friezeland hen, compared to an old-fashioned lady, 309.

Frugality in words, observable in the English language, 321.

Fulvia, a character, 45.

Future state, a prospect of it, the secret comfort of a virtuous soul,

Gaming, the folly of it, 220.


Gaper, a common sign in Amsterdam, 117.
Genealogy, of an illegitimate family, 418.

Genius, a character too indiscriminately given, 327. In what it con-
sists, 328. The first class, 329. The second not inferior to the first,
330. Sometimes wasted on trifles, 330.

Gentleman, the name given to the Spectator at his lodgings, 37.
Germans, their language characteristic of their national humour, 321.
Giles Gorgon, a cobler, the winner at a grinning-match, 369.
Ghost-scene, in Hamlet, a master-piece in its kind, 104.
Ghost-stories, their pernicious effect on young persons, 37.
Ghosts, the belief in, common to all nations, 253.

Giving and forgiving, two different things, 400.

Glaphyra, daughter of king Archelaus, her dream, 254.

Glass, to be read bottle, in Sir W. Temple's rule for drinking, 425.
Gluttony, how to be prevented, 408.

Goat, a perfumer's sign, 71.

God, the soul of brutes, 276.

Golden dreams, of Homer, compared with those of Nicholas Hart,

Golden fleece, an improper subject for a Roman poet, 175.

Good-breeding, revolutions in, 269, 270. Often an affectation of
good-nature, 353.

Good-fellow, Robin, his correction of Sir W. Temple's rule for drink-
ing, 425.

Good-luck, notions respecting, 402.

Good-nature, more agreeable in conversation than wit, 353. To be
improved, but not produced by education, 353. Examples in the
character of Cyrus, ib. and Cæsar, 354. Considered as a moral vir-
tue, 370. Rules for its exercise, 371. Exemplified, ib.
Good-natured men, not always men of the most wit, 354.
Good-sense, the father of wit, 85.

Gosling, George, his letter on a lucky number in the lottery, 404.
Gospel gossips, described, 116.

Goths, in poetry, 158.

Governments, when prone to luxury, 126.

Grave-digging, reflections on, 67.

Gravitation in bodies, how accounted for, 276.

Gravity, the gift of men, 304.

Grecian law, prohibiting neutrality in political divisions, 49.

Great book, a great evil, 290.

Greek, an opera proposed in that language, 79.

Greek mottos, in the Spectator, pleasing to the ladies, 452.

Grief, easier to be diverted than conquered, 336.

Grimace, the Spectator's meaning of the word, explained, 170, note.
Grinning-match, advertised, 366. Account of one, 368.

Grounding the fan, directions for, 238.

Grub-street pens, employed in recording the dreams of a miraculous
sleeper, 390.

Guelfs and Ghibelines, distracted Italy by their factions, 296.
Gustavus Adolphus, his chronogram on a medal, 147.

Gypsies, adventure with a troop of them, 312. Spectator's and Sir
Roger's fortune told, ib. Sir Roger's pocket picked, 313. Story of
a child stolen by one, 314.


Hag, Otway's description of one, 226.

Halifax, the marquis of, his advice to his daughter on jealousy, 356.
Hamlet, his address to the ghost, quoted, 104.

Handling the fan, directions for, 238.

Handkerchief, a principal machine, in tragedy, for moving pity,


Happiness, true, its retired nature, 44. Rules for attaining it, less
necessary than those for supporting affliction, 335.
Hard words, how to be used by ladies, 112.

Hardness of heart, in parents to their children, inexcusable, 380.
Argument against it, 381. Exemplified in a letter, 398.
Hart, Nicholas, a periodical sleeper, 388. His journal, ib.
Hatching, more curious than any chemical operation, 275.
Hate: why a man ought not to hate even his enemies, 294.
Haunted house, how exorcised, 253.

Head, the noblest part of the human figure, 229.

Head-dress of a lady, the most variable thing in nature, 227. Its
extravagance in the fourteenth century, 228. With what success
attacked by a monk in that
age, ib.

Health, the true mode of preserving, 64.

Heart of a lover, compared to Etna, 157.

Hector, his admonition to his wife, 133.

Heirs and elder brothers, frequently spoiled in their education, 285.
Hemistic, at the close of a tragic speech, its happy effect, 93.

Hen, her sagacity and care of her young, 274. An ideot in other
respects, 275. Instance of one followed by a brood of ducks, 276.
Hendel, Mynheer, called the Orpheus of the stage, 19.
Henpeck, Josiah, his letter, comparing his wife to a cat, 438.
Hero, in modern tragedy, the ordinary method of making one, 101.
Herod and Mariamne's story from Josephus, 363.

Herodotus, his account of the opinion of the Persians on parricide,

Heroic poem, rule for its foundation, 175.

History, imaginary, of the reign of Anne the First, 235. Honourable
mention of the Spectator, 236.

Hive, northern, of Goths and Vandals, 55.

Hobbes, Mr. his observation on laughter, 117.

Holiness, a title given to the Pope, 448.

Holy officiousness, how recommended to us, 441.


Homer, with what view he planned his epic poem, 175. More sub-
lime than Virgil, but less so than the sacred writers, 328.
extravagant similitudes, 328.

Honest mind, what its greatest satisfaction, 281.
Honeycomb, Will, account of him, 12. His caution to the Spectator
not to be severe on persons of quality, 81. Answered by the argu-
ments of the clergyman, 83. Takes the Spectator to visit a travelled
lady in bed, 110. Rallies Mrs. Truelove on her party zeal, 136. His
knowledge of mankind, and notion of the learning of a gentleman,
241. His letter to the Spectator at Sir Roger's, 317.

Honour, of men and women, in what consisting, 230. When to be
cherished and when exploded, 233. A title given to peers, 448.
Honours, in this world, under no regulation, 448.

Hoop-petticoat, made to keep the men at a distance, 302. Accessary
to concealments, 303. Compared to an Egyptian temple, 303.
Horse-races, at Coleshill, 367.

Hopewell, Sam. his letter on his long courtship, 207.
Horace, a remark of his on tragedy from Aristotle, 94. A rule of his,
against the exhibition of unnatural murders on the stage, 107. A
passage in, parallel to one in the Children in the Wood, 201.
His most humourous character, exhibiting unevenness of temper,
333. His admirable description of jealousy, 361.

Horatii and Curiatii, a play of Corneille, a scene in it, criticised,

Horrors of imagination, in children, to be guarded against, 38.
Hospital of Bridewell, how to be encouraged, 25.

Hours of a wise man and those of a fool, how lengthened, 226.

Hudibras, ridicule in, on echo in poetry, 144. Admired for its dog-
gerel rhymes, 149.

Human body, considered as an engine for the soul, 262.

Human life, described by the emblem of a bridge, 324. Its cares and
passions, represented as birds of prey, &c. 325.

Human nature, the same in all reasonable creatures, 173.

Hum-drum club, 29.

Humour, a dangerous talent in an ill-natured man, 58. In writing,
a difficult acquirement, 84. Defined allegorically, 85. Distinction
of false and true, 87.

Humourists, false ones, described, 87.

Husbands, their recommendations of books for the perusal of ladies,

Hydaspes, his combat with the lion, how managed, 40.

Hypocrites, political, how to be extirpated, 297.


Iambics, in the Greek tongue, most proper for tragedy, 92. Of Si-
monides, for what remarkable, 432.

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