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upon ourselves. It is in vain we attempt to correct the public mind, while we need so much correction ourselves. In vain we attempt to relieve the public eye from the motes that obstruct its vision, while such beams are in our own eye. But we must labor, we must sacrifice, and we may be called upon to suffer, if we wish a discerning public to bestow the crown we claim. I repeat, then, that every institution of learning, whether small or great, performs but a part of its duty, if it aims not at controlling, to a greater or less degree, the public. sentiment, and adding to that common stock of dignity and importance from which we must all draw our portion. Mankind will ever give an unbidden respect to the influential and truly deserving, though they are prone to withhold it from those who are forever contending about their rights. When we can as a body, exhibit to the world our great men, and can make our influence felt and acknowledged in society from the highest to the lowest, then, and not till then, shall we be respected and entitled to be called a profession.

There is yet another means by which a model school, or any number of model schools might be useful; namely, in the preparation of teachers. I trust I shall not be wanting in deference to older heads and more experienced men, in venturing to differ from them in regard to schools for teachers. Want of time will compel me to omit many things I desired to say on this subject. I shall endeavor to epitomize my views into the smallest compass possible.

Two principal objects are to be aimed at in the preparation of teachers; one is, to have them furnished with a liberal education themselves; the other is, to have them taught the best modes of teaching both theoretically and practically. To provide for the first, our many colleges are sufficient; for I see no good reasons why the preparatory education of a teacher should be inferior to the ordinary college course; nor, indeed, is there any need of its being essentially different, unless it be determined that a teacher's education should be of a higher character than our colleges afford. I confess I cannot see the necessity of establishing colleges for the express purpose of educating young teachers in the same studies now embraced in the ordinary course. If it be, as some pretend, that to educate teachers with young men preparing for other professions, would create a distinction unfavorable to the former, it may be replied, that the same disrepute would attach to the colle

ges themselves, were they disunited. But the truth is, the distinction so much feared arises from the erroneous supposition, that young men preparing for the business of teaching, will necessarily be charity scholars; a supposition most unwisely entertained, since it not only admits this to be a degradation, but throws the whole of that degradation upon the business which it is desired to elevate. But this admission is altogether gratuitous, and however honorable it may be to obtain an education by private or public gratuity, the profession we aim at establishing will never compare advantageously with others, while its ranks are to be supplied by the hand of charity. But this is not the case; of those now filling the most honorable stations as teachers, no greater proportion have been educated gratuitously than is found in any of the established professions; and if ever our calling rises to the eminence we desire, it will not be by compelling young men, in return for a charity education, to be teachers in the State where they received it; but by offering inducements equal to those in other fields of intellectual labor. I venture to assert that there are at this time more college bred men than can find employment at respectable salaries. The difficulty is not to find men, but means; and all that is necessary is, to take young men already prepared by a thorough college course, and let them enter, as students of teaching, in well established model schools, where they could acquire the theoretical principles of education, and practice under the direction and instruction of more eminent and experienced teachers. After serving there a certain time, let these schools be empowered to give them a diploma, bestowing upon them the degree of Master of Instruction, or whatever might be thought a suitable title.

I hasten to a conclusion. I have endeavored in the foregoing remarks, to exhibit my views as regards the management of schools, both in their external and internal relations, in order to make them deserving of the title of model schools. We have also seen that the influences they are calculated to exert, are of three kinds, the education of their own immediate pupils, their influence over public sentiment, and their influence in the facilities afforded to young teachers. Allow me, in conclusion, to make the following remarks:


1. The natural faculty of imitation possessed by all men, renders the exhibition of good models the most successful mode of forming character. If I wish to form the character of an

individual or a community, I cannot do better than to present to them good models of the character I wish them to assume. It is on this principle that the lives of good men and the history of great deeds stand pre-eminent as means of moral influence. "Example," says the maxim," is better than precept;" and to apply this to our subject, were it possible now to establish even one school on such a foundation as to preclude the consideration of expense, it would do more to elevate the character of every thing connected with education, than hundreds of essays on the subject. It may seem to some, that my supposed condition of unlimited expense is impracticable, but the day is coming when it will not so be thought. When parents shall be persuaded, that "instruction is better than silver, and knowledge than choice gold," and shall find a higher duty in providing moral and intellectual treasures for their heirs, than in storing up for them the means of sensual gratification and the ruin of the soul, these edifices and endowments for the purposes of education will grow up as indigenous plants, the natural product of a highly cultivated and suitable soil.

2. I would also remark, that the very supposition of model schools, presupposes many errors in the present state of things, to be corrected; and in speaking of their correction we must necessarily exhibit, to some extent, the faults themselves, and thus be brought into collision with the opinions and practices of others. In the views which your indulgence has permitted me to present, I have avoided, as far as possible, all strictures upon the errors of other teachers. It is not always necessary to point out the errors we wish to correct, especially when those errors involve individual character. It is enough to present as a model, that which is right; its opposite must necessarily be wrong. The views of men, on any subject, will more readily harmonize, when they are willing to maintain their own opinions fearlessly and firmly, but tolerantly ;rather than to spend their efforts in warring with their neighbors' notions, and thus exciting their prepossessions against the truths they wish them to believe.

3d. Finally, if the influences of schools and teachers are really as great as we suppose them, truly, gentlemen, we hold responsible stations, and it is our duty to labor rather than to complain. Teachers of youth, if ye are truly lovers of God and lovers of your race; if your hearts give energy to the works of your hands; ye are lights that cannot be hid. God,

in the accomplishment of his mighty purposes, will enlighten and regenerate the world; and he has placed you in the foremost ranks of that army, that is to overturn prejudices, to sweep ignorance, and sin, and slavery from the earth, and establish the reign of millenial righteousness. And whether men will give you honor or not, cease not, cease not to labor for their good. You will not be the first men whose labors have been unappreciated in their own age and country. However men may overlook your personal claims, or the claims of the truths you preach, there is One who knoweth the purposes of every heart, and the merits of every cause; who will bring every good work into judgment as well as every evil work, and who will bless every effort that has for its object the good of man, or the glory of his holy name.

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