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[References are to serial numbers.]

Abnormal children, see Children, abnormalities

Abnormal man (MacDonald) 643

Adams, H. B., Chautauqua, 85

College of William and Mary, 611

Educational extension in the United States, 267

Study of history in American colleges and universities, 612

Summer schools in England, Scotland, France, and Switzerland, 167

Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia, 614

University extension in Great Britain, 233

Addis, Wellford, Advancement and improvement of agriculture in Europe, 103
Agricultural and mechanical colleges, 154, 202

Bertillon system for suppressing crime, 105

Colleges of agriculture and the mechanic arts, 104

Curriculum of the land-grant colleges, 132

Digest of the laws regulating the administration, character and finances of the public
school systems of the states of the Union, 77

Federal and state aid to higher education, 142

Learned professions and social control, 144

Some recent contributions of biology, sociology and metallurgy to the curriculum of
colleges, endowed by the federal government for the benefit of agriculture and
the mechanic arts, 139

Admission to college on certificate of secondary schools, 355
Advancement and improvement of agriculture in Europe, 103

Aesthetic element in manual training (Goodnough) 106

Africa, see British South African colonies; Egypt; Liberia

Agricultural and mechanical colleges, 37, 104, 154, 202, 251, 294, 333, 344, 377, 392, 424,
462, 498, 526; courses of study, 132, 139; establishment, 26; land grants, 26; Phila-
delphia International exhibition, 681

Agricultural education, 194, 671; Belgium, 482; France, 101, 482; Prussia, 101; United
States, 489

See also Agricultural and mechanical colleges

Agricultural education in high schools, 420

Agriculture, Europe, 103

Aims and methods of the teaching of physics (Wead) 603

Alabama, education, 25

Alaska (Dawson) 620

Alaska, education, 60, 63, 67, 70, 75, 79, 86, 110, 152, 199, 244, 290, 329, 434, 472, 490,
520, 738, 744, 746; Eskimos, 627; Hlingit language, 447; reindeer, 200, 290, 330, 435,
454, 491, 520, 743, 751, 753

Alcohol physiology and superintendence (Atwater) 270

Alcoholism, 271

See also Temperance instruction

Alderman, E. A., Eulogium of Dr. J. L. M. Curry, 401
Obligations and opportunities of scholarship, 270

Allen, W. F., Higher education in Wisconsin, 622

American bar association, Report on legal education, 65

American journal of education, documentary history, 23; index, 23, 745

American library association, Catalogue of a library of 5,000 volumes, 748

American school of classical studies at Athens, 725

American students in foreign universities, 85

Anatomy, museums, 730

Andrews, C. C., Report on the system of public instruction in Sweden, 529
Anglo-Saxon language, 43

Anniversaries, educational, 686

Arbor day, 599, 728

See also Trees

Architecture, school, see School architecture

Are the Indians dying out? 695

Argentine Republic, education, 184, 533; industrial education, 475

Arithmetic, text-books, 181, 230

Arkansas, education, 656

Aronstein, Dr. Ph., Development of English secondary schools for boys, 264

Art, industrial, 564, 588, 733, 734, 735, 736; study, 227

Art and education, 545

Art and industry, 455, 487, 733, 734, 735, 736

Art decorations in schoolrooms (Weeks) 107

Art education, 106, 452, 455, 487, 733, 734, 735, 736; relation to manual training, 106
Art education an important factor in industrial development (Ives) 487

Art education the true industrial education (Harris) 455

Artistic manual training, see Manual training

Arts, advancement, 308

Association of Catholic colleges, 317

Atherton, G. W., Legislative career of Justin S. Morrill, 285

Athletics, see Olympic games of 1896

Atkinson, F. W., Present educational movement in the Philippine Islands, 327

Attendance, see School attendance

Atwater, W. O., Alcohol physiology and superintendence, 270

Australasia, education, 217

Australia, education, 170, 440

Austria, commercial education, 93; industrial education, 102

Auxiliary schools, Germany, 672

Bacelli bill for the reform of higher education in Italy (Oldrini) 360

Baldwin, S. E., Readjustment of the collegiate to the professional course, 272

Barnard, Henry, 136, 365; commissioner of education, 21-34; American Journal of
education, documentary history, 23

Belgium, agricultural education, 482; education, 218, 550; freedom, 707; kindergarten,

Benefactors, educational, 419

Bennett, C. A., Relation of manual training and art education, 106

Bertillon system for suppressing crime (Addis) 105

Bible in the public schools and state universities, 193

Bible study in American colleges, 192

Bibliographies, A. L. A. library catalogue, 748; Bureau of education, publications, 61, 510;
Confederate text-books, 236; criminology, 643; educational periodicals, 237, 281, 324,
372, 414, 456, 521; publications by members of certain college faculties and learned
societies, 542

Bingham, Robert, Address on the educational status and needs of the new South, 600
Biology, 139; teaching, 637

Bird's-eye view of the St. Louis public school system in 1880 (Harris) 234

Blackmar, F. W., Higher education in Kansas, 657

History of federal and state aid to higher education in the United States, 626
Blind, education, 224

Blodgett, J. H., Legal provisions of the various states relating to teachers' examinations
and certificates, 196

Sunday schools, 131

Boas, Franz, Growth of Toronto children, 151

Statistics of growth, 441

Boise, J. R., Pronunciation of Greek in this country, 45

Bolivia, education, 539

Bonn university, 587

Boykin, J. C., Class intervals in city public schools, 750
Laws relating to city school boards, 89

Statistics of city school systems, 205

Tennessee centennial and international exposition, 140

Typical institutions offering manual and industrial training, 98

Boys, education, 264

Brazil, education, 184

British India, education, 263, 516, 540

British royal commissioners on technical instruction, 606

British South African colonies, education, 352

British West Indies, education, 536

Brooks, C. P., International congress on technical education, 174

Report on the European textile schools, 173

Brown, E. E., Commissioner of education, 19-20, 508-527

Secondary education, 402

Bufalini prize, 719

Building for the children in the South (Mayo) 726

Buisson, Ferdinand, American education as described by the French commission to the
International exhibition of 1876, 569

Education of the will, 359

Bülow, Baroness Marenholtz, Philosophy and methods of the kindergarten, 537

Bureau of education, 685, 739; annual report, 1867-68, index, 33; annual reports, plan
of publication, 23; circulars, 22-23, 528-666; circulars, plan, 22; establishment, 22,
23, 740; exhibit, Louisiana purchase exposition, 413; history, 721; needs, 562; publi-
cations, 33, 510; publications, 1867-1890, index, 61; report on legal education, 65;
schedule of statistics, 22; work, 721

Burgerstein, Leo, Means for spreading hygienic knowledge among the people, 172
Medical inspection of schools abroad, 354

Bush, G. G., First common schools of New England, 143
History of education in Florida, 621

History of education in New Hampshire, 652

History of education in Vermont, 659

History of higher education in Massachusetts, 634

Business education, see Commercial education

Butler, N. M., Status of education at the close of the century, 270

What knowledge is of most worth? 106

Cajori, Florian, Teaching and history of mathematics in the United States, 628
Caldwell, H. W., Education in Nebraska, 662

Calhoun, A. W., Effects of student life upon the eyesight, 584

Campbell, Dr. F. J., 224

Campbell, J. P., Biological teaching in the colleges of the United States, 637
Canada, education, 169, 242, 351, 440

Carlisle Indian school, 700

Carnegie institution of Washington, D. C., 321

Cataloguing, 689, 691, 692, 693

See also Library science

Catholic colleges, 317

Catholic parochial schools of the United States (Sheedy) 411

Causes of deafness among school children (Sexton) 583

Central America, education, 91

Certificates, teachers', see Teaching, certificates

Chadbourne, P. A., Waste of labor in the work of education, 551

Changes in the age of college graduation (Thomas) 383

Charity schools, 553

Chautauqua (Adams) 85

Chemistry, teaching, 575

Chicago, World's Columbian exposition, education, 72, 74; World's library congress, 73
Child study, 183, 315; Chicago, 370

Children, abnormalities, 225; care, 702; deafness, 583; growth, 151, 183; statistics, 441;
legal rights, 572; restlessness, see Inhibition; study, 151, 183

Chile, education, 533

Chilian educational congress and exhibit, 417

Chilian international exposition, Santiago, education, 682

China, education, 489, 556, 703

Choate, Joseph, Education in America, 420

Church and education, 348

City school systems, 291, 332, 420, 604; St. Louis, 234; statistics, 112, 158, 205, 248, 375,
422, 461, 496, 524

See also Public schools

Civics, 711; teaching, England, 129, France, 129, Switzerland, 129

Civilization, definition, 455

Clark, S. M., Public libraries in the United States of America, 689

Clark, T. M., Rural school architecture, 573

Clark, W. G., History of education in Alabama, 625

Clarke, F. W., Report on the teaching of chemistry and physics in the United States, 575
Clarke, I. E., Art and industry, 733, 734, 735, 736

Drawing in public schools, 545

Class intervals in city public schools (Boykin) 750
Classical education, 725

Coeducation, 85, 326, 410, 592

See also Women, education

College libraries, 570

College woman (Pace) 475

College-bred negro, 346

Colleges and universities, 423, 462, 497, 525; age of graduation, 383; Bible study, 192,
193; biology, teaching, 637; commencements, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, 541, south-
ern states, western states, 543; degrees, 742; entrance requirements, 133, 355; faculty
publications, 542; foreign, 108, 147, 198, 246, 328, 362, 405, 459, 474, 515, 532, Ameri-
can students, 85; Germany, 532, foreign students, 247, insurance, 442, pensions, 442;
graduates, vital statistics, 534; history, study, 612; length of course, 366; Philadel
phia international exhibition, 681; professional training, 272; Prussia, women students,
247; physical education, 608; statistics, United States, 676; students, distribution, 534;
United States, 395, 458, 717

See also Degree-conferring institutions; Higher education; name of institution

Colorado, higher education, 664

Colored race, see Negroes; Southern states

Commencements, college, see Colleges and universities, commencements

Commercial education, 298, 323, 337, 379, 429, 468, 503; Austria, 93; Europe, 93, 128;
France, 93; Germany, 93, 483; Switzerland, 363; United States, 117, 159, 207, 483

Commissioner of education, Annual reports, 21-527; Annual statements, 1-20

Commons, J. R., History of higher education in Ohio, 633

Comparé, Gabriel, Higher and secondary education in the United States, 99

Compulsory education, 85, 531

Confederate text-books (Weeks) 236

Connecticut, colleges and universities, commencements, 541; education, 641

Conscripts, French and Prussian, 328

Constitutional provisions respecting education, 25, 554

Construction of library buildings (Poole) 577

Consular reports on education, 149, 195, 245, 288, 331, 364, 404

Continuation schools, 85, 670

Conventions, educational, 308, 417, 686, 697, 699, 729, 731

Cook county normal school, 347

Cooking schools, 568

Corbett, H. R., Free high schools for rural pupils, 274

Corning, J. L., Reports on the systems of public instruction in Württemberg, 557
Correlation of studies, 95

Correspondence schools, 369

Courses of study in medical schools, 165

Crime, France, 707; Germany, 446

Criminology, 105, 643

See also Education and crime

Cuba, education, 182, 436, 517

Current topics, 197, 303, 388, 437, 473, 488, 519

Curry, J. L. M., Education in the southern states, 401

National aid to education, 597

Curry, J. L. M., and his services to education in the South 401

Curtis, H. S., Vacation schools, playgrounds and settlements, 391
Cutter, C. A., 421

Rules for a dictionary catalogue, 689, 691, 692, 693

Dabney, C. W., Public school problem in the South, 319

Davis, N. S., Contributions to the history of medical education and medical institutions
in the United States of America, 696

Dawson, N. H. R., Commissioner of education, 1-2, 55-57

Alaska, 620

Deaf and dumb, education, 583

Deafness among school children (Sexton) 583

Defective classes, schools, 301, 340, 433, 471, 507; statistics, 119, 161, 209, 256

Degree-conferring institutions, supervision, 189

See also Colleges and universities

Degrees, honorary, colleges and universities, 742

Delaware, education, 399, 642

Denmark, education, 125, 557

Dental education in the United States, 185

DeRiemer, W. E., Education in India, 175

Development of English secondary schools for boys (Aronstein) 264

Dewey, Melvil, Papers prepared for the World's library congress, 73
Diplomas, sale, 698

Directories, educational, 96, 141, 186, 282, 325, 373, 415, 457, 494, 522
Discipline, school, see School discipline

Diseases, schoolroom, see School hygiene

District of Columbia, public schools, 33, 675

Dodge, W. E., 421

Drawing, industrial, see Art, industrial

Drawing in the public schools (Clarke) 545, 733

Dresslar, F. B., tr. Auxiliary schools of Germany, by B. Maennel, 672

Dreyfus-Brisac, Edmond, University of Bonn, 587

Eaton, J. S., Educational training for railway service, 232

Eaton, John, commissioner of education, 35-54

Address on museums illustrative of education, 581

Address on national aid to education, 565

Address on the needs of the Bureau of education, 562

Education in Porto Rico, 266

Notes on education at the Columbian exposition, 74

Royal normal college for the blind. London, 224

Sketches of educational benefactors and lives devoted to education, 419

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