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Economic geography, see Geography, economic

Ecuador, education, 533

Education, constitutional provisions, 25, 554; consular reports, 149, 245, 331, 364, 404;
current topics, 106, 197, 303, 388, 437, 473, 488, 519; discussions (Walker) 135; for-
eign countries, 213, 260; miscellaneous questions, 150, 226, 286, 356, 420, 749; national
aid, 565, 597, 727; new history, 247; opinions, 34; Quincy method, 347; topics con-
cerning the several States, 109, 146, 287; United States, foreign influence, 178
Education, a national interest, 22-23

Education and art, see Art and education

Education and crime, 241, 643, 710

See also Criminology

Education and labor, see Labor and education

Education and patho-social studies, 81

Education and state, 27

Education bill of 1906 for England and Wales as it past the House of commons (Smith)

Education of French and Prussian conscripts, 528

Educational conventions and anniversaries, see Conventions

Educational directories, see Directories, educational

Educational exhibitions, see Exhibitions

Educational extension in the United States (Adams) 267

Educational land grants, see Land grants for educational purposes

Educational land policy of the United States, 24

Educational matters of interest in various states, 109, 146, 287

Educational meetings, 33

Educational movement in the South (Rose) 398

Educational museums, see Museums, educational

Educational pathology or self-government in schools, 307

Educational periodicals, see Periodicals, educational

Educational progress of the year 1901-02 (Harper) 357

Educational societies, see Societies, educational

Educational towns in France (Ferry) 704

Educational training for railroad service, 232, 309

Educational values (Harris) 78

Educational writers, 316, 353, 396, 445

See also Educators

Educators, 419

See also Educational writers

Effects of student life upon the eyesight (Calhoun) 584

Egypt, education, 550

Elementary education, 706; London, 559; statistics, 712, foreign, 120

Elimination of pupils from school (Thorndike) 673

Eliot, C. W., Expenditure for popular education justified by its results, 420

Good urban school organization, 420

Elliott, E. C., State school systems, 669

Ellis, G. W., Education in Liberia, 484

Emory-Henry college, 614

Engineering colleges, entrance requirements, 137

See also Agricultural and mechanical colleges; Technical education

England, higher education, 450; school law, 667; secondary education, 264; summer
schools, 167; teaching, 247; civics, 129

See also Great Britain

English rural schools (Hulbert) 574

English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English vocabularies, 627

Eskimo language, 145, 627

Eskimos, Alaska, 627; Siberia, 627

Europe, agriculture, 103; commercial education, 93, 128; education, 84, 127, 171, 219,
276, 305; industrial education, 173, 701

Examinations, public schools, 635; teachers', 196, 591.

Exhibitions, educational, Chicago, World's Columbian exposition, 72, 74

Louisville, Ky., Southern exposition, 723

Nashville, Tenn., Centennial exposition, 140

New Orleans, World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition, 601, 724, 731
Paris exposition (Philbrick) 566; sociology, 289

Philadelphia, Centennial exposition, 548, 552, 569, 681, 697

St. Louis, Louisiana purchase exposition, 413, 451, 452, 458, 459

Santiago, Chile, International exposition, 682

Vienna, International exposition, 538

Expenditure for popular education justified by its results (Eliot) 420
Experimental study of children (MacDonald) 183

Eyesight, effects of study, 584

Fay, E. W., History of education in Louisiana, 650

Federal and state aid to higher education (Addis) 142; (Blackmar) 626
Ferry, Jules, Educational towns in France, 704

Ficker, Dr. A., Educational statistics, 528

Fifty years of freedom in Belgium, 707

Finland, education, 557

First common schools of New England (Bush) 143

Fisher, Laura, Kindergarten, 406

Fletcher, A. C., Indian education and civilization, 732

Flint, Weston, Statistics of public libraries in the United States and Canada, 646
Florida, education, 621

Foreign students in German universities, 247

Forestry schools, 489, 580

France, J. M., Reports on the systems of public instruction in Greece, 533

France, agricultural education, 101, 482; commercial education, 93; crime, 707; educa

tion, 124, 180, 235, 322, 358, 403, 481, 512, 582, 704; illiteracy, 707; maternal schools, 589; summer schools, 167; teaching, civics, 129; technical education, 590

Franklin, Benjamin, and the University of Pennsylvania (Thorpe) 639

Franklin's influence in American education (Thorpe) 345

Free high schools for rural pupils (Corbett) 274

Free school systems, 274, 616, 677

French, F. G., Education in Denmark, 125 ·

Education in Norway, 126

Fundamental to accessory in the development of the nervous system and of movements, 310

Future of the colored race, 240

Gade, Gerhard, Report on the system of public instruction in Norway, 529

Garfield, J. A., Education, a national interest, 23

Gay, G. E., Public schools of the United States, 451

Technical schools, art schools, etc., 452

Universities and colleges of foreign countries, 459
Universities and colleges of the United States, 458

Gayley, C. M., Account of the proceedings of the International congress for reproduction of manuscripts, Liege, 1905, 485

Geddes, Patrick, International association for the advancement of science, arts, and education, 308

Geography, economic, 238; teaching, 148

Georgia, education, 453, 617

German instruction in American schools (Viereck) 314

German language, teaching, United States, 314

German views of American education, 668

Germany, auxiliary schools, 672; commercial education, 93, 483; crime, 446; education, 416; industrial education, 102; secondary education, 546; teachers, training, 558; universities, foreign students, 247; pensions and insurance, 442

Gibbs, J. W., 421

Gilman, D. C., Report on the national schools of science, 37

Girls, education, 28, 715, 716

See also Women, education

Good urban school organization (Eliot) 420

Goodnough, W. S., Aesthetic element in manual training, 106

Goodwin, W. W., Report of the director of the American school of classical studies at Athens for the year 1882-83, 725

Goodyear, W. H., Some principles of decorative art, 106

Gordy, J. P., Rise and growth of the normal-school idea in the United States, 636

Gove, Aaron, Public school systems of the United States, 397

Trail of the city superintendent, 270

Graded schools, see Public schools

Grading, see Promotions Public schools

Grammar and vocabulary of the Hlingit language of southeastern Alaska (Kelly and Willard) 447

Great Britain, education, 123, 168, 216, 280, 318, 368, 393, 449, 511; university extension, 233

See also England

Greece, education, 130, 533, 720; language, 284

Greek language, 45

Greenwood, J. M., Notes on the history of American text-books on arithmetic, 181, 230 Greer, J. N., History of education in Minnesota, 661

Growth of children, see Children, growth

Growth of Toronto children (Boas) 151

Gymnastics, see Physical training

Hailmann, W. N., German views of American education, 668

Hall, E. W., History of higher education in Maine, 666

Hampden-Sydney college, 614

Hampton institute, 443

Harper, W. R., Educational progress of the year 1901-2, 357

Ideals of educational work, 106

Harris, W. T., commissioner of education, 3-18, 58-507

Address at dedication of the McKinley manual training school, Washington, D. C., 420
Art education the true industrial education, 455

Bird's-eye view of the St. Louis public school system in 1880, 234

Definition of civilization, 455

Educational values, 78

Intellectual value of tool work, 455

Reports of the Mosely educational commission, 478

Study of art and literature in schools, 227

Hartwell, E. M., On physical training, 177, 407

Physical training in American colleges and universities, 608

Haskins, C. H., History of higher education in Pennsylvania, 663

Hatscheck, Julius, Regulations relating to pensions and insurance in all German uni-
versities, 442

Hawaii, education, 436

Hays, W. M., Agricultural education in high schools, 420

Heikel, Felix, Reports on the systems of public instruction in Finland, 557

High schools, public, justification, 273; Sweden, for girls, 715

See also Secondary education

Higher education, 249, 292, 611; Colorado, 664: England, 450; federal aid, 142, 321, 626;
Indiana, 629; Iowa, 645; Italy, 360; Kansas, 657; Kentucky, 655; Maine, 666; Massa-
chusetts, 634; Michigan, 632; Missouri, 651; New York, 658; Ohio, 633; Pennsylvania,
663; Rhode Island, 648; South Carolina, 616; state aid, 142, 626; statistics, 115, 153,
712; Tennessee, 644; United States, 99, 201; Wisconsin, 622

See also Colleges and universities; Professional education

Hilder, F. F., Education in Mexico and Central America, 91

Education in the Argentine Republic, Uruguay, and Brazil, 184

Hill, F. A., 421

Hinsdale, B. A., Notes on the history of foreign influence upon education in the United
States, 178

Western literary institute and college of professional teachers, 228

Hinsdale, M. L., Legislative history of the public school system of Ohio, 306
Western literary institute and college of professional teachers, 228

History, study, 612

History of secondary instruction in Germany (Jacobson) 546

Hlingit language, Alaska, 447

Holden, E. S., United States naval academy at Annapolis, 229

Honorary degrees as conferred in American colleges (Smith) 742

Hopkins grammar school, New Haven, Conn., 283

Hough, F. B., Historical sketch of Union college, 688

Historical sketches of the universities and colleges of the United States, 717
Planting trees in school grounds, 722, 728

Hough, Franklin, Constitutional provisions in regard to education in the several states
of the American Union, 554

Hough, Theodore, Swedish gymnastics, 239

Hulbert, H. W., English rural schools, 574

Hull, W. I., History of higher education in Pennsylvania, 663

Hygiene, 172

See also School hygiene

Iceland, education, 97

Ideals of educational work (Harper) 106

Illiteracy, 361; statistics, 528; France, 707; United States, 387, 597

Imitation, study, 134

Inception, organization and management of training schools for nurses, 585

Indexes, American journal of education, 23, 745; Bureau of education, publications, 61,

India, education, 175

Indian school at Carlisle Barracks (Warren) 700

Indiana, higher education, 629

Indians, 695, 732; education, 741

Industrial art, see Art, industrial

Industrial education, 85, 98, 160, 206, 253, 297, 668, 336, 428, 467, 502, 553, 588, 734, 735,
736; Argentine Republic, 475; Austria, 102; Europe, 173, 701; Germany, 102; The
South, 618; Switzerland, 102; United States, 409, 578, 718

Industrial exhibitions, see Exhibitions

Inhibition, 311

Inspection, see Medical inspection of schools

Instruction in forestry, 489

Insurance, colleges and universities, Germany, 442

Intellectual value of tool work (Harris) 455

International association for the advancement of science, arts, and education (Geddes)

International conference on education, Philadelphia, 697

International congress for reproduction of manuscripts, Liège, 485

International congress of educators, 731

International congress on technical education (Brooks) 174

International educational congress, Brussels, 699; Havre, 729

International exhibitions, see Exhibitions

International geographical congress, 3d, Venice, 707

International prison congress, 92, 595, 630

Iowa, higher education, 645

Ireland, education, 123, 168, 216, 280, 318, 368, 393, 449, 511

Italy, education, 231, 360, 514, 720; higher education, 360; kindergartens, 537; technical
education, 533

Ives, H. C., Art education an important factor in industrial development, 487

Jackson, Sheldon, Education and reindeer in Alaska. 290, 520

Education in Alaska, 60, 63, 67, 70, 75, 79, 86, 110, 152, 199, 244, 329, 434, 472,
490, 738, 746

Introduction of reindeer into Alaska, 200, 330, 435, 491, 743, 751

Jackson, W. R., Present status of the certification of teachers in the United States, 400
Jacobson, Herman, German and other foreign universities, 532

History of secondary instruction in Germany, 546

James, E. J., Commercial education in Europe, 93

Japan, education, 221, 549, 607, statistics, 533

Jarvis, Dr. Edward, Value of common school education to common labor, 567

Jastrow, J., Higher education for business men in the United States and Germany, 483
Jefferson, Thomas, 614

Jewell, J. R., Agricultural education, 671

Johnston, W. P., Work for a new South, criticism, 243

Jones, A. J., Continuation school in the United States, 670

Jones, C. E., Education in Georgia, 617

Joynes, E. S., Letter as to establishment of a normal schoo! in Virginia, 312

Justification of the public high school (Morgan) 273

Juvenile criminality in Germany (Loening) 446

Kansas, higher education, 657

Kelly, J. W., English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English vocabularies, 627

Eskimo vocabularies, 145

Ethnographical memoranda concerning the Arctic Eskimos in Alaska and Siberia,

Kelly, W. A., Grammar and vocabulary of the Hlingit language of southeastern Alaska,

Kentucky, higher education, 655

Kindergartens, 211, 406, 537; Belgium, 537; Italy, 537; St. Louis, 138; statistics, 257,
302, 386

Knight, G. W., History of higher education in Ohio, 633

Kovalevsky, E., Education in Russia, 371

Krohn, W. O., Minor mental abnormalities in children as occasioned by certain erroneous
school methods, 225

Labor and education, 535, 567

Land grants for educational purposes, 21, 24, 26, 677

Land-grant colleges, 344, 392; courses of study, 132; industrial education, 736; technical
education, 736

Lane, J. J., History of education in Texas, 665

Language question in Greece (Quinn) 284

Latin language, 44

Laveleye, E. de, Progress of education in Russia, 550

Law schools, see Professional education

Learned professions and social control (Addis) 144

Learned societies, see Societies, educational

Legal provisions respecting the examination and licensing of teachers, 591

Legal rights of children (Wilcox) 572

Legislative career of Justin S. Morrill (Atherton) 285

Leipzig university, 557

Leland, C. G., Industrial art in schools, 588

Length of teachers' service, 460

LeRossignol, J. E., History of higher education in Colorado, 664

Letter to editors and publishers of newspapers, 33

Lewis, A. F., History of higher education in Kentucky, 655

Lewis, R. E., State education in Japan, 221

Liberia, education, 484

Libraries, 279, 408, 689, 690; relation to public schools, 179, 275; United States and
Canada, 646

See also College libraries Library science; School libraries

Library aids, 708

Library buildings, 577

Library catalogues, 748

Library legislation, 90

Library science, 73, 689, 690, 708

See also Cataloguing

Licenses, teachers', see Teaching, certificates

Liège, International congress for reproduction of manuscripts, 485

Limitations to artistic manual training (Richards) 106

Lindsay, S. M., Inauguration of the American school system in Porto Rico, 492

Liquor question, see Temperance instruction

Literature, study, 227

Loening, Edgar, Juvenile criminality in Germany, 446

London, education, 394: elementary education, 559; Royal normal college for the blind,
224; School board, 394

Lopez, E. A., Old and new methods of teaching, 475

Louisiana, education, 650

Louisville, Ky., Southern exposition, education, 723

Lyte, E. O., State normal schools of the United States, 412

MacDonald, Arthur, Abnormal man, 643

Experimental study of children, including anthropometrical and psycho-physical
measurements of Washington school children, 183

McKinley manual training school, Washington, D. C., dedication, 420

McLaughlin, A. C., History of higher education in Michigan, 632

Maennel, B., Auxiliary schools of Germany, 672

Maine, colleges and universities, commencements, 541; higher education, 666

Malta, education, 707

Mann, Horace, 94

Manual of the common native trees of the northern United States, 694

Manual training, 98, 160, 206, 253, 297, 336, 409, 428, 455, 467, 502, 624, 734, 737, 752;
relation to art education, 106

Manuscripts, 485

Marble, A. P., Sanitary conditions for schoolhouses, 631

March, F. A., Spelling reform, 576, 647

Study of Anglo-Saxon, 43

Martin, Artemas, Notes on the history of American text-books on arithmetic, 230

Martin, W. A. P., Report on the system of public instruction in China, 556

Maryland, education, 399, 649

Massachusetts, colleges and universities, commencements, 541; higher education, 634
Masson, Octavie, Kindergarten in Belgium, 537

Maternal schools in France, 589

Mathematics, history, 628; teaching, 628

Mayes, Edward, History of education in Mississippi, 654

Mayo, A. D., Building for the children in the South, 726

Development of the common school in the western states from 1830 to 1865, 223
Education in southwestern Virginia, 66

Final establishment of the American common school system in North Carolina,
South Carolina and Georgia, 453

Final establishment of the American common school system in West Virginia,
Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware, 399

Henry Barnard, 136

Industrial education in the South, 618

Organization and development of the American common school in the Atlantic and
central states of the South, 1830 to 1860, 269-

Organization and reconstruction of state systems of common-school education in the
north Atlantic states from 1830 to 1865, 176

Services of Doctor Curry in connection with the Peabody fund, 401
Southern women in the recent educational movement in the South, 638

William Preston Johnston's work for a new South, 243

Work on certain northern churches in the education of the freedmen, 1861-1900, 348
Mead, E. D., Old South work, 278

Means for spreading hygienic knowledge among the people (Burgerstein) 172

Measure of a teacher's efficiency (Seaver) 475

Mechanical colleges, see Agricultural and mechanical colleges; see Technical education
Medical education, 165, 679, 696, 705, 709

See also Professional education

Medical inspection of schools, 191; foreign, 354

Mental fatigue in school, 100

Meriwether, Colyer, History of higher education in South Carolina, 616

Merriam, L. S., Higher education in Tennessee, 644

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