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21. II (pi) is usually like the English p; but after μ (m), it is like b; e. g. Europos is pronounced em'-bo-ros.

22. P p (rho) is similar to the German r.

23. Eos (sigma) is like the English s.

24. T (tau) is usually like the English t; after v (n), however, it is sounded like d; e. g. ivròs is pronounced en-dos'.

25. rv (consonant) when before a vowel, or the liquids l, m, n, r, is like our v; e. g. avɛpów is pronounced åv-à-rü ́-o, aîñòs, åv-los', aïprov, åv'-re-on in other cases it is likeƒ; e. g. Aɛvxadía (Leucadia) is pronounced lef-ka-Tнe'-å.

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OBS. Recently it has become the practice to give to all, or nearly all, the islands, towns, &c., of modern Greece, their ancient names, and it is probable that, at no distant period, such modern corruptions as Theaki for Ithaca, Scio for Chios, may be regarded as obsolete. But, as the modern names are employed in nearly all our books on geography, and in the writings of the English travellers and poets, it has been thought proper in a work like the present, which is intended for popular use, to assign to them their accustomed place.



1. A, unaccented, is like o in not; with an accent (á), it has the sound of a in far, and is always long; thus, Aba Uj-vár, the name of a town, is pronounced Ŏb-ŏh oo-e våår.

2. E, unaccented, is like e in met; with an accent (é),* it has a sound intermediate between e in met and i in pit, but more prolonged. 3. I, and y when a vowel, are similar to e in me, or i in fig.

4. O, without an accent, is the same as in English; when accented (ó), it has a longer and deeper sound.

5. U, without an accent is like oo in English, with the accent (ú,)* its sound is fuller and deeper.

The peculiarity of these sounds cannot be indicated by English letters; in giving the pronunciation of Hungarian names, we have merely distinguished them as being long.

6. Oe or ö, and ü, are the same as in German.

7. The consonants b, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, p, t, v, z, are like the English. 8. C is not used without being joined with some other consonant cs is sounded like ch in English; cz like ts.

9. G, except when followed by j or y, is always hard, as in the Eng lish word get. Gh sounds like a simple g.

10. J is usually like e in English; uj is pronounced oo-e. Dj and gj are equivalent to dy and gy, and tj to ty. (See 16, 17, and 20, of this Section.)

11. R is like the German; in other words, is to be trilled more strongly than the English.

12. S is like the English sh.

13. Sz is like s sharp, or ss.

14. Ts is equivalent to cs, or ch in English.

15. Tz is like cz, or ts in English.

16. Y, in Hungarian, is nearly always a consonant. When it follows d, g, l, n, and t, it seems to be blended with these letters, so as to form but one consonant sound.

17. Dy and gy are alike. Magyar is pronounced mod-yor.

18. Ly is like I in Spanish, or lli in the English word million. Vásárhely is pronounced in three syllables-våå-shåår-heĩ.

19. Ny is like the Spanish ñ, or ni in minion. Mártony is pronounced in two syllables-måår-ton.

20. Ty approximates the sound of our ch, bearing the same relation to t, that dy does to d.

21. Zs sounds like the French j, or zh in English.

OBS. The Hungarian language cannot be said to have any accent, in the sense in which we employ this term: the syllables of words, however, are distinguished from each other by quantity As quantity in Latin and Greek is converted into accent by the usage of English pronunciation, so, in giving Hungarian names which are ordinarily used in geographical works, we have placed the accent according to the quantity; e. g. Csongrád, chon-grååd'; but when the name is not in common use, but is merely given in a parenthesis, the quantity only of the vowel has been indicated, as this mode of marking the pronunciation is more strictly accurate; e. g. HUNGARY (Hung. Magyar Ország, mod-yŎR OR-sååg).



1. A, in Italian, is like the English a in far, though its sound varies somewhat in different situations.*

2. E has two sounds: (1.) close, as a in fate; (2.) open, like e in


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3. I is like e in me, or i in fig.

4. O has two sounds; (1.) close, as in note; (2.) open, similar to o in not, but rather broader.

5. U is like oo in English.

6. Ai and au, in Italian, are proper diphthongs. (See XX., 13, Obs.) Accordingly, CAIRO is to be pronounced ki'-ro, and Ausa, ou ́-så, &c.

7. The consonants b, d, f, l, m, n, p, q, s, t, and v, are similar to the English.

OBS. K, w, x, and y, are not used by the Italians, except in spelling foreign names.

8. C and cc, before a, o, and u, are sounded like k; before e, i, and y, like ch or tsh.

OBS. Cc should be pronounced more strongly than a single c. This remark will apply to all double letters, in Italian, as well as in most other languages.

9. As c, when immediately before a, o, or u, is never pronounced like ch, in order to express this sound in such cases, the vowel i is inserted; thus, cia, cio, ciu, are pronounced cha, cho, choo. (See table at the end of this Section.)

10. Ch is employed to express the sound of k before e and i.

11. G, before a, o, and u, is hard, as in the English word get; before e, i, and y, it sounds like the English j; gia, gio, giu, are pronounced jå, jo, joo. (See table at the end of this Section.)

* Of all the European tongues, the Italian has, probably, been brought to the greatest degree of perfection. There are, however, a number of niceties in this Language, which, however interesting to a thorough linguist, cannot properly be noticed in a work like the present. The difficulty of giving a brief, and, at the same time, a satisfactory exposition of the principles of Italian pronunciation, is increased by the existence of different dialects in different parts of Italy. It has been deemed sufficient, in this synopsis, merely to explain those principles of pronunciation which appear to be recognized by the Italians generally.

12. Gh is used to express the sound of hard g, before e, and i.

13. Gli has the sound of the liquid l (1), or of lli in million; thus, BOGLIO is pronounced bole'-yo.

14. Gn has the same sound as in French; or, in other words, is like the Spanish ñ; e. g. BOLOGNA is pronounced bo-lone'-yå.

15. H is never sounded in Italian.

16. J, at the beginning of a syllable, is like the English y (consonant); at the end of a word, it is equivalent to ii (Italian).

17. R resembles the French, but is trilled somewhat more strongly. (See XIX., 24).

18. Sc, before e, and i, is like the English sh; e. g. Scro is pronounced Shee'-o.

19. Z commonly has the sound of dz in English; zz is pronounced like ts.

The following table will, perhaps, enable the reader more readily to understand the mode in which c and ch, g and gh are employed by the Italians.

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OBS. It may be observed, that, in consequence of the position of Italy, and its former extensive and intimate commercial relations with the Levant, a great number of the geographical names of Greece, Syria, and Egypt, as well as many of those along the southern shore of the Mediterranean, are written in the Italian mode, and should be pronounced according to the principles of this language; e. g. Corfu, TRIPOLIZZA, SCIO, JAFFA, CAIRO, &c.



As a written language, the Norwegian may be said to be identical with the Danish, since not only the grammar, but, with very few excep

tions, the words of both, are precisely the same. In pronunciation, however, the Norwegians differ widely from the Danes, while these again differ considerably among themselves. Under Section XVII., we have given the elements of Danish pronunciation, as the language is spoken by the educated classes in Copenhagen. The principal points of difference between this and the Norwegian, appear to be the following: (1.) d, in the latter tongue, always has its proper sound, while in Danish it is often pronounced like the English th; (2.) g, at the end of a word, in Norwegian, is to be sounded distinctly as g hard in English; (3.) o, ending a syllable, is pronounced like our oo; (4.) e, at the end of a word, always retains its distinct sound; thus, ODENSE would be pronounced oo'-den-sch, and not o'-den-seh, as in Danish.


1. A sounds as a in the English word far.

2. E, without an accent, like e in met; with an accent (é), like a in fate.

3. I as in marine.

4. O, unaccented, as in note; with an accent, like oo, as in good, or ōō.

5. U is like oo in moon.

6. Y resembles e in me, but is more guttural, being similar to i in pin.

7. The consonants b, d, f, g (always hard), h, k, l, m, n, p, s (always sharp), t, and z, are essentially the same as in English.

8. C is like the German c, or ts in English; cz is equivalent to our ch; ch is like the German ch.

9. J is like the German, being equivalent to y (consonant).

10. R is like the German.

11. W is similar to the German, resembling our v.

12. N, with an accent over it (n), sounds like the Spanish ñ.

13. S, marked in a similar manner (s) has a sound blending that of

s and y (consonant). S'c' has a sound which cannot be given in Englist, its nearest approximation in our language is sts.

14. Sz is equivalent to sh in English.

15. Z, with a point over it, is like the French j, or zh in English.

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