CONTENTS. PAGE. CHAPTER I.-Leave England.-Banks of Newfound- land. New York.-Slavery.-Population of America. -Climate.-Boston.--Salem.--Puritans.--Education. -Penobscot Bay.-Indians.-Eastport, Passama- CHAPTER II.-Indians.-Belleisle Straits.-Mirimachi destroyed by Fire.-Bay of Annapolis, Nova Scotia. -Indians.-Fur Trade.-Adelah.—Missionaries.— Negro Village.-American Colonization Society.- Return to New Brunswick.-Frederick Town.- Population of New Brunswick.-Climate.-Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.-Baptism.- CHAPTER III.-New Settlements. -Sabbath.-Leave New Brunswick.-Albany Anniversary, 4th July.- The Great Western Canal.-Lake Erie.-Niagara Falls.--Brock's Monument.-Mohawk Indians.- Captain Brandt.-Mohawk Church.-Wesleyan viii CONTENTS. PAGE. CHAPTER X.-Mississaugah Indians, their Location. Sabbath spent among them.-Pleasing Effects of their Conversion to Christianity.-Indian Preacher's Address. Their bold figurative Language.-Logan. -York, Upper Canda.-Auburn Prison.-Utica.- Trenton Falls.-Hudson River.-Boarding Houses. DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. THE MAP TO FACE THE TITLE PAGE. CLIMATE.-BOSTON.-SALEM.- PURITAN'S EDUCATION. -PENOBSCOT BAY. INDIANS. EASTPORT PASSAMA INDIANS.- BAY OF FUNDY. QUODDY. On my return from Hudson's Bay, after an absence of nearly three years and a half, employed in laying the foundation of the North West American Mission, I was requested by the New England Company, incorporated in the reign of Charles the Second, 1662, to undertake a mission to the Indians of New Brunswick and the adjoining British Province of Nova Scotia. At the same time instructions were given me, to visit the several stations of Indians in the aforesaid provinces, and also the Mohawks on the Grand River, Upper Canada, previous to my return to England. Р 210 BANKS OF NEWFOUNDLAND. I left London under this engagement, June the 2nd, in the York Packet, bound to New York, United States. In beating down channel, the wind was contrary, and continued to blow fresh ahead till we anchored off the Isle of Wight. A favourable breeze then springing up, we set sail; and as the British shores receded from my view, I was driven by the winds in a direction from all that I held most dear upon earth. It was a moment of trial, but it taught me more deeply the value of faith, as a divine principle. This bore me on amidst the hurried feelings of our common nature, believing that I was embarked on a mission to the heathen for some substantial good, and that missionary labours, though attended with imperfection, were yet a link in the chain of human agency, by which the knowledge of the Christian religion was to be spread throughout a fallen world. We passed the Lizard on the 10th, and reached the Banks of Newfoundland the 27th. In approaching these shoals, so valuable for the cod-fishery, we experienced the prevailing weather; cold rain, thunder storms, and a foggy atmosphere. In taking this northerly direction, it was the intention of the Captain to have avoided the Gulf Stream, but we fell within its influence on the morning of July the 1st. This current is a very remarkable one, running in a north-easterly direction along the coasts of America, from the Gulf of Mexico, and Cape Florida. Its width is from forty to fifty miles, widening towards the north, as it proceeds in a semicircular course, touching the southern part of Newfoundland. The water of this phenomenon is frequently found from ten to fifteen degrees warmer than the air, and sometimes considerably more. The velocity of the current near its source, is about four knots an hour, but varies, as affected by the wind. The Hon. Mr. Rush, returning from his embassy to Americą, with his family, were on board the Packet. They were friendly to missions, and every benevolent exertion to disseminate scriptural and enlightened knowledge throughout the world. His excellency was pleased to give me letters of introduction to some distinguished families, with a view to my obtaining some useful information on the state of the Indians, in my route through the eastern part of the United States, to the British Provinces. On the morning of July the 10th, we heard the cheering exclamation from the sailors of, land! land and disembarked the following day, at New York. My stay in the city was but for a |