| Ben Jonson - 1616 - 418 էջ
...mentioned it as an honour to Shakespeare, that in his writing (Whatsoever he penned) he never blotted a line. My answer hath been, Would he had blotted a thousand.' We are not criticising these judgments now — simply using them to indicate Jonson's attitude toward... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1788 - 316 էջ
...remember the players have often mentioned it " as an honour to Shakspcre, that in writing (what" soever he penned) he never blotted out a line. My " answer...posterity this, but for their ignorance, " who chose that circumstance to commend their friend " by, wherein he most faulted : and to justify mine " own... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1803 - 494 էջ
...: " I remember the players have often mentioned " it as an honour to Shakspeare, that in writing " (whatsoever he penned) he never blotted out a " line....speech. " I had not told posterity this, but for their igno" ranee, who chose that circumstance to commend " their friend by, wherein he most faulted: and... | |
 | 1856 - 634 էջ
...remember the players have often ' mentioned it as an honour to Shakspeare, that in his writings, ' whatsoever he penned, he never blotted out a line. My ' answer hath been, " Would he had blotted out a thousand ! " ' Rogers always laid a strong emphasis on the concluding sentence. He one morning... | |
 | British essayists - 1803 - 300 էջ
...Jonson says, ' that the players often mentioned it as an honour to Shakspeare, that in his writing (whatsoever he penned) he never blotted out a line. My answer hath been ( adds he) Would he had blotted out a thousand ! which they thought a malevolent speech. I had not... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1805 - 322 էջ
...the players have often mentioned it " as an honour to Shakespeare, that in writing— what " soever. he penned — he never blotted out a line. " My answer hath been, Would lie had blotted a thou" sand! which they thought a malevolent speech. " I had not told posterity this,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1806 - 394 էջ
...remember the players have often mentioned it " as an honour to Shakspeare, that in writing (what" soever he penned) he never blotted out a line. My " answer hath been, JVoultl he had blotted a thousand ! " which they thought a malevolent speech. I had " not told posterity... | |
 | William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 578 էջ
...in writing (whatsoever he penned) lie never blotted out a line. My answer " hath been, Would he hud blotted a thousand! which they thought a malevolent...posterity this, but for their ignorance, who chose that " circumstance to commend their friend by, wherein he most faulted : and to jus" tify mine own... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1807 - 424 էջ
...(whatsoever he penned) he never blotted out a line. My answer hath been (adds he) Would he bad blotted out a thousand ! which they thought a malevolent speech....posterity this but for their ignorance, who chose that circumstance to commend their friend by, wherein he most faulted; and to justify mine own candour,... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1807 - 424 էջ
...Ben Jonson says,' that the players of tea mentioned it as an honourto Shakspearc, that in his writing (whatsoever he penned) he never blotted out a line. My answer hath been (adds he) Would he had blotted out a thousand ! which they thought a malevolent speech. I had not told... | |
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