An investigation into the Lincoln genealogy was made by Samuel Shackford, and published in the New England Historic Genealogical Register, Boston, 1887. There are in the Boston Public Library more than two thousand copies of American and English newspapers containing accounts of the assassination with editorial comments. Full accounts of the trial of the conspirators were published by Peterson & Bros., Philadelphia, 1865, and by Barclay & Co., Philadelphia, 1865. Benjamin Pitman's account was published by Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., Cincinnati, 1865. The obsequies in New York were described by D. T. Valentine in a book of 254 pages, published by E. Jones & Co., New York, 1866. For lists of works concerning Lincoln, besides the bibliography by Hart, one may consult the Boston Public Library Catalogue, and Monthly Reference Lists of Providence Public Library, vol. i. p. 21 (1881). Portraits of Lincoln serve as frontispieces to most of the volumes devoted to him, and there are several which can be had separately. The most considerable are the large steel engraving by Marshall, published by Bradley & Co., Philadelphia, and large photogravures published by A. W. Elson & Co. of Boston and W. H. Gilbo of New York. Gustav Kruell has made two striking engravings on wood. The most valuable photographs from life are those published by George B. Ayres of Philadelphia and M. P. Rice of Washington, which were taken in 1860 and 1864 respectively. There is a good plaster bust to be obtained of P. P. Caproni & Bro., Boston. Photographs of the Statue of Lincoln by St. Gaudens in Chicago can also be procured. PROGRAMMES. [These programmes are merely in the way of suggestion. Teachers may find it more convenient to combine numbers from different programmes into a new one.] No. I. 1. Essay Describing the scenes which take place at the inauguration of the President. 2. Recitation: Lincoln's second Inaugural. 3. Song: America. 4. A list of the Presidents of the United States, with the age of each upon inauguration. 5. Anecdotes: Descriptive of Lincoln in connection with his cabinet. 6. Reading: That portion of Lowell's Commemoration Ode descriptive of Lincoln. No. II. 1. Description of the interior of Independence Hall, Philadelphia. 2. Account of the signing of the Declaration of Inde pendence. 3. Declamation: Lincoln's speech in Independence Hall. 4. Recitation: The Battle Hymn of the Republic. 5. Comparison of Washington and Lincoln. 6. Opinions by distinguished men of Lincoln's character and power given in brief by several pupils. 7. Recitation: 0 Captain, my Captain. No. III. 1. Essay Descriptive of the battle of Gettysburg. 2. Declamation: Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg. 3. Estimates of the speech by eminent men. 4. Anecdotes about Lincoln, chosen by six pupils. 5. Account of the eagle, Old Abe. 6. Reading: Selections from Emerson's address. No. IV. 1. Historical essay on the rise of the conflict with slavery. 2. Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation. 3. Recitation of Whittier's The Jubilee Singers. 4. Reading of Lincoln's letter to Horace Greeley. 5. Essay on the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, giving a history of its passage. 6. Recitation of Bryant's Threnody. No. V. THE MAN. 1. Essay: Lincoln's Parentage and Childhood, drawn from Chapter I. of Holland's Life of Lincoln. 2. Essay Lincoln's Early Life and Marriage, selected from Ward H. Lamon's Life of Lincoln. 3. Essay Lincoln's Manhood, as drawn from Lamon's Life, to his election to the Presidency. 4. Reading: From Lincoln's Speech on accepting nomination to the U. S. Senate, Springfield, Ill., June 17, 1858. Found in Raymond's Life of Lincoln, p. 52 et seq. 5. Essay Descriptive of Lincoln's Famous Debate with S. A. Douglas, drawn from Chapter II. Raymond's Life of Lincoln. 6. Reading: Selections from Lincoln's Speech in Cooper Institute, New York, February 27, 1860. In Ray mond's Life, p. 85. 7. Reading: Selections from R. W. Emerson's Lecture on Abraham Lincoln. 8. Reading: Estimate of Lincoln's Character, Chapter XIII. Charles G. Leland's Life of Lincoln in the New Plutarch Series. No. VI. THE PRESIDENT. 1. Reading: From first Inaugural, March 4, 1861. 2. Essay: A Sketch of Mr. Lincoln's Presidential Life, drawn from any standard Life. 3. Reading: Descriptive of Lincoln's Tastes, from Six Months at the White House, Section XVI. ter. 4. Reading: Herndon's Analysis of Lincoln's CharacSix Months at the White House, Section LXXIX. 5. Essay: Lincoln's Home Life as drawn from Six Months at the White House. 6. Reading: Anecdotes about Lincoln. The last forty pages of Raymond's Life are devoted to Anecdotes and Reminiscences. 7. Declamation: Exordium to Edward Everett's Address at Gettysburg. 8. Recitation: Selections from Bayard Taylor's Gettysburg Ode. 9. Declamation: Lincoln's Address at Gettysburg. 10. Reading: Selections from Lincoln's second Inaugural. No. VII. THE EMANCIPATOR. 1. An Essay descriptive of the progress of the War to the Autumn of 1862. 2. Reading from Holland's Life of Lincoln, descriptive of the President's preparation and presentation of the Proclamation of Emancipation, reduced from pp. 390–395. 3. Reading: The Proclamation itself. 4. Reading: From Whittier, The Proclamation. 5. Singing: America. 6. Readings selected from R. W. Emerson's The Eman cipation Proclamation. 7. Reading: The Emancipation Proclamation, W. S. Robinson, "Warrington," from Pen Portraits. 8. Reading: The Death of Slavery, Bryant. 9. Reading: The Proclamation, as culled from the first part of Chapter XII. of Frederick Douglass' Life and Times. 10. Reading: Laus Deo, John G. Whittier. 11. Singing: Hymn, after the Emancipation Proclama tion, Dr. O. W. Holmes. No. VIII. THE MARTYR. 1. Essay Descriptive of the Assassination. 2. Recitation: Death of Lincoln, Bryant. 3. Reading: From Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. Noah Brooks, Harper's Monthly, vol. xxxi., p. 222, July, 1865. 4. Recitation: Abraham Lincoln, Alice Cary. 5. Reading: Easy Chair, Harper's Monthly, Vol. xxxi. p. 126, June, 1865. 6. Declamation: From Abraham Lincoln; an Horatian Ode, R. H. Stoddard. 7. Reading: Mr. Lowell's Essay. 8. Recitation: Our Good President, Phoebe Cary. 9. Recitation: Second Review of the Grand Army, Bret Harte. 10. Reading: From Commemoration Ode, J. R. Lowell. 11. Song: For the Services in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, Dr. O. W. Holmes. |