Page images

.....Atchison, Kan.
..Omaha, Neb.

(f)..................... Huntsville, Ala.

Waggener, Balie P. (b)
Wakeley, E. (f)......................
Walker, Richard Wilde
Walker, Robert F. (f)..
Wall, T. B. (f)........
Wallace, William J. (aa).
Walz, William E. (e)
Wanty, George P. (a).....
Ward, Herbert H. (f)....
Warren, Everett (c)....................
Warren, Winslow (d)
Warriner, H. C. (c)...

........St. Louis, Mo.

Wichita, Kan.

Albany, N. Y.
.Bangor, Me.

...... Grand Rapids, Mich.
Wilmington, Del.
Scranton, Pa.

.Boston, Mass.

.Memphis, Tenn.

Warvelle, George W. (f).................................. Chicago, Ill.
Washburn, Jed L. (c)......... ...... Duluth, Minn.
Waterman, Charles W. (b)...........Denver, Col.
Watson, David T. (aa)........
Weakley, Samuel D. (c)..
Weatherly, James (c)..
Weaver, S. M. (c)................

.Pittsburg, Pa.
...Birmingham, Ala.
..Birmingham, Ala.
.Iowa Falls, Iowa.
.Omaha, Neb.

...New York, N. Y.

Webster, John L. (c)....

Wetmore, Edmund (aa)........

Wheeler, Everett P. (aa).....

Wheeler, S. S. (c)............

.New York, N. Y.

.Lima, Ohio.

Whitaker, Edward G. (c).............................. New York, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

Williams, E. P. (c)............
Williams, Ferdinand (c).
Williams, George H. (aa)..
Williams, James (*).....

Galesburg, Ill.

......... Cumberland, Md.

.... Portland, Ore.
...Oxford, England.

Williams, John Sharp (aa)............................ Yazoo, Miss.

Williams, P. L. (f).............

.Salt Lake City, Utah.

.Boonville, Mo.

Williams, Stevenson A. (b)........................Bel Air, Md.

Williams, W. M. (c)................

Willis, L. C. (c)

Willson, F. A. (f)..

Williston, Samuel (e)............................

Wilson, Nathaniel (b)...........

Wilson, Thomas (f)..........................

Winkler, Frederick C. (b).......
Winter, Ferdinand (f).................
Wise, W. H. (f)...

Shelbyville, Ky. Bangor, Me. Cambridge, Mass. Washington, D. C. St. Paul, Minn. ....Milwaukee, Wis.

Wolverton, Charles E. (a).............................

Wood, Benson (c)................

Wood, Horatio D. (f).......

Woodard, Frederick A. (c)...........

Woods, C. A. (a)...............

Woods, William W. (b)..

Woodson, A. M. (c)...................
Woolworth, James M. (aa)................
Worthington, A. S. (aa)....................
Wright, Craig L. (f)..

Wright, Luke (aa)....

Wrigley, W. C. (c)...

Young, George B. (c)..

Young, Henry E. (f)...

.Indianapolis, Ind.

Shreveport, La.

Salem, Ore.

.Effingham, Ill.

.St. Louis, Mo.

Wilson, N. C.

Marion, S. C.

Wallace, Ida.

.St. Joseph, Mo.

Omaha, Neb.

.Washington, D. C.

.Sioux City, Iowa.

.Manila, P. I.

Raton, N. M.

.St. Paul, Minn.
..Charleston, S. C.

Zeisler, Sigmund (c)................. ..........Chicago, Ill.




September 26, 1904, 5 P. M.

The Section was called to order in Recital Hall, Exposition Grounds, St. Louis, Missouri, on Monday, September 26, 1904, at 5 P. M., by the Chairman, James Barr Ames, Dean of the Harvard Law School, of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Chairman:

It is customary as the first business of the meeting to have a committee appointed to nominate officers for the ensuing year. The Chair awaits the pleasure of the meeting.

Henry H. Ingersoll, of Tennessee:

I move the appointment by the Chair of a committee of three for that purpose.

The motion was seconded and adopted, and the Chair appointed as such Committee on Nominations, Henry H. Ingersoll, of Tennessee, George M. Sharp, of Maryland, and James B. Scott, of New York.

The Chairman:

In compliance with the usual custom, the duty devolves upon the Chairman of the Section at this time to deliver an annual address.

(The Chairman then read the address, which follows these Minutes.)

The Chairman:

We shall now listen to an address by Professor George W. Kirchwey, of Columbia Law School. Unfortunately Professor Kirchwey is unable to be present in person, as he has telegraphed me that it was impossible for him to come; but he has sent his paper and it will now be read by Professor Scott.

James B. Scott, of New York:

Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, In the absence of Professor Kirchwey, who was himself to present this paper, I have the pleasure as well as the honor to act as his understudy, and without further comment shall read his lines. The entitled "The Education of the American Lawyer." (The paper follows these Minutes.)

George M. Sharp, of Maryland:

paper is

Mr. Chairman, in your address there was a reference made to a suggestion from our Secretary which I think a very admirable one, and I rise to ask that he will put it in the form of a resolution, so that I may move its adoption.

The Chairman:

The Chair will ask the Secretary to take heed to Judge Sharp's suggestion.

Henry H. Ingersoll, of Tennessee:

The Committee on Nominations is ready to report whenever it is in order.

The Chairman:

It is in order now.

Henry H. Ingersoll:

The Committee on Nominations respectfully report, recommending the election of the following officers of the Section for the ensuing year:

For Chairman: Lawrence Maxwell, Jr., of Ohio.

For Secretary: Charles M. Hepburn, of Ohio.

E. W. Huffcut, of New York:

I move that the report be adopted and that the Chairman of the Section be requested to cast one ballot for the election of the gentlemen who have been nominated.

The motion was seconded and adopted and the officers nominated were declared duly elected.

The Chairman:

Discussion of the addresses that have been made is now in


Joseph H. Beale, Jr., of Massachusetts:

I am sorry that the meeting of this Section has been fixed at so late an hour as almost absolutely to preclude any discussion, and I feel inclined to propose a resolution for the benefit of the officers of the American Bar Association, to this effect: That in the opinion of this Section the discussion of papers presented is essential to the success of the meeting, and the officers of the American Bar Association are requested in the future not to fix a time for the session of the Section of Legal Education which will prevent the possibility of such discussion. Henry H. Ingersoll :

I take great pleasure in seconding that resolution. The assignment of only one hour during the annual meeting of the American Bar Association to the proceedings of this Section puts us decidedly into the background.

The resolution was adopted.

George M. Sharp, of Maryland:

I desire to offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That it is the opinion of the Section of Legal Education that the officials of this Section shall from year to year prepare and furnish for publication in the annual report. of the American Bar Association a report exhibiting as exactly as may be the state of legal education in the United States with respect to each of the following topics, and such other topics as they may think best or may be referred to them by the action of this Section or the Committee of Legal Education: 1. The number of professors and other law instructors in each law school.

2. The number of law teachers in each school who give the whole of their time to the work of the school.

3. The percentage of law students,

(a) giving the whole of their time to the school;
(b) combining office and school work.

4. The entrance requirements demanded of candidates for a law degree, and whether students are allowed, while pursuing the course for a law degree, to make up deficiencies in such requirements.

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