| Matthew Poole - 1667 - 408 էջ
...will of God , that all miracles fhould not be crediced. This no man can doubt of, thac reads Deut. 13. If there arife among you A Prophet, or A dreamer of dreams , Andglveth thee afign, or A wonder, and thefign <>r wonder come to pafle , whereof hefpakf unto thee,... | |
| John Tillotson (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1703 - 474 էջ
...falfe Prophet, who comes to feduce the People to Idolatry, may work a true fign or wonder, Deut. 13. i, 2. If there arife Among you a prophet, or a dreamer...and the fign or the wonder come to pafs, whereof he fpake unto thee, faying. Let us go after other gods. And our blefTed Saviour exprefly fortells, Matth.... | |
| Thomas Chubb - 1732 - 882 էջ
...agreeably to this principle, Mofes gave it in charge to the people of Ifrael, Dtut* xiii. I. and fo on. If there arife among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and givetb thee ajign or a wonder, and the Jign or the 'wonder come to pafs, faying let us go after other... | |
| Thomas Chubb - 1740 - 194 էջ
...agreeably to this principle, Mofes gave it in charge to the people of Ifrael, Deut. xiii. i. and fo on. If there arife among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee ajign or a wonder, and the fign or the wonder come to pafs, faying let us go after ether gods, (which... | |
| John Tillotson - 1748 - 440 էջ
...cafes the fcripture forbids men to hearken to a Prophet, though he work a miracle. Deutxiii. i. 2. 3. If there arife among you a Prophet, or a ' dreamer of dreams, an d give th thee aftgn or a wonder, and. and the jign or the -wonder come topafs, whereof he fpake... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 588 էջ
...the Knowledge of Things to come. Some of the Claims are alfo inferred : I fhall add, cDeuf. xiii. 1, If there arife among you a 'Prophet, or a 'Dreamer of 'Dreams, and giveth thee a Sign or a Wonder -, and the Sign or the Wonder come to pafs whereof he fpake unto thee, faying, Let... | |
| John Dove - 1750 - 162 էջ
...Death, for a Tranfgreffor of the Terms, a Deferter, and a Rebel." as may be feen at large, Deut. xiii. If there arife among you a Prophet, or a Dreamer of Dreams, ' and giveth a Sign or a Wonder, and the Sign ot* the Wonder come to pafs, whereof he (pake Unto; you faying, Let... | |
| John Tillotson - 1757 - 496 էջ
...falfe prophet, who comes to feduce the people to idolatry, may work a true fign or wonder, Deut. xiii. i, 2. " If there arife among you a prophet, or a dreamer ** of dreams, and giveth thee a figa or a wonder ; " and the fign or the wonder come to pafs, whereof " he fpake unto thee, faying,... | |
| John Free - 1758 - 68 էջ
...Doctrine is made the Teft of his Mifiion in Oppofition to the Power of working Miracles, (Dtut. xiii.) If there arife among you a Prophet or a Dreamer of Dreams, and gi-vetb thee a Sign or a Wonder: And the Sign or the Wonder come to pafs, whereof he fpake unto thee... | |
| Thomas Newton (bp. of Bristol.) - 1766 - 510 էջ
...reverence, no regard is to be paid to them, according to the command of Mofes, (Deut. XIII. J, &c) If there arife among you a prophet^ or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth tbcs thee ajign or a wonder, And the Jign or the won* • dvr come to pafs, wJjereoJ he fpake unto... | |
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