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name only of the Pope, the former with his ecclesiastical titles: thus a Bull, Pius Episcoa Brief would be superscribed Pius PP. IX. pus servus servorum Dei. « Semi-bulls » are those issued in the period between the electing and consecrating of a Pope; and the Bull becomes a << Constitution, » when addressed to all Prelates for condemning heretic propositions ec. Of this description was the famous « In Coena Domini,»> whose publication in their states almost all Princes, and even some Prelates opposed: originally drawn up in the XIV, much added to in the XV century, afterwards applied to the condemnation of Protestants, it received the latest additions, from Urban VIII, in 1627 and in purport was directed generally to condemn and anathematize heretics, brigands, pirates, oppressors of the Church, persecutors of ecclesiastics, abettors of the Saracens against Christians, outragers of pilgrims, usurpers of territory belonging to the Holy See. With awful formalities this Bull was published every Holy Thursday from the loggia of St. Peter's, after which the Pontiff threw down a yellow wax torch into the piazza below, till that usage, prescribed by Pius V, was abolished by Clement XIV, in 1770. (Cantù, ibid. Alzog)

« Motu-proprii,» first introduced by Innocent III, are without the seal, either leaden or wax, and now usually of political import. The formula, «< under the Seal of the Fisherman, was first used by Clement IV, 1265, in a Brief addressed tn his nephew. In Bulls the customary formula, after the names, is « salutem et Apostolicam Benedictionem,» or « in Domino salutem. » Bulls of the XII century, as those of Eugenius III, (1147) to the Prior of Huntingdon, and Alexander III, (1163) to the Prior of Horsham (given by Dugdale) begin: « Eugenius (Alexander) Catholicae Ecclesiae Episcopus.» Sometimes Episcopus Urbis Romae was the modest title alone used; that of Servus servorum Dei, adopted by St. Gregory, has been retained ever since. Only from the time of Gregory VII has the title « Papa, » formerly given to other Bishops, been exclusively applied to the Roman Pontiff, according to that Pope's requirement for restricting it. The election of a layman to the Papacy (of rare occurrence) was solemnly condemned, A. D. 769, by a Roman Council, which farther` prescribed that the elect should have passed through various grades, and become either Cardinal Priest or Deacon. In Muratori, Antiq. I!al, Diss. 61, we find a full account of the primitive Cardinalate, before

its concentratiou in the present powerful body of Papal Electors, whilst (as for many centuries) that rank was still shared by the chief clergy of most leading dioceses (that of London among others), not renounced till so recently, in that of Ravenna, as the year 1568, when the Canons first laid aside their hitherto permitted title of « Cardinal. » As to the wealth of the Popes, even in primitive times, the most curious testimony is from a Pagan historian, Ammianus Marcellinus, who, speaking of the year 367, describes them as seen abroad in chariots, becomingly vested, and sitting at banquets more sumptuous than those of kings. (Id, the Pontificate, adepti, futuri sunt ita securi ut ditentur oblationibus matronarum, procedantque vehiculis insidentes, circumspecte vestiti, epulas ourantes profusas, adeo at eorum convivia regales superant mensas.) From the XI century (chiefly under Gregory VII) this wealth was considerably increased by the voluntary subjection of several kingdoms or provinces, in obliging themselves to a yearly tribute, paid indeed by some states from earlier ages. Such was the oft disputed « Peter-pence,» in England, which Muratori refers to a date not higher than 890, though Baronius, Pagi, Polidoro Virgilio and others agree in placing its origin at about the year 740, through act of the Saxon King, Ina. A circular of William the Conqueror commands, under severe penalties, ut denarii Sancti Petri solvantur a mei vassallis.

The statement, at page 60, of a Pope having died within 24 hours after his election should be corrected, the writer from whom it is taken not being supported, and perhaps led into error by the real circumstances under which Adrian V died at Viterbo, in 1276, without being either consecrated or crowned, thirty eight days after he had been elected at Rome.

The estimates of the Roman Government for 1860, as just announced, are for revenue 14, 447, 950, for expenses 15, 055, 547 scudi; but the Legations being here contemplated as still belonging to the States, whilst those provinces are actually disunited, there remains to be made deduction of 1, 800, 000 for the revenues yielded by them; and thus a total deficit of 2, 500, 000 scudi, with 200, 000 scudi of interest for the public debt.

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Sacred Art, Artists, and the Church

Monumental Mosaics; the Pope and the Emperor.



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