THE HESPERIDES." BY ALFRED TENNYSON. T "Hesperus and his daughters three, HE North-wind fallen, in the new-starrèd night The hoary promontory of Soloë SONG. I. The golden apple, the golden apple, the hallowed fruit, • The Laureate of England (whose latest portrait fronts our title page) has seen fit to ignore many of his earlier productions, some of which he thought well enough of once. The one entitled "Hesperides" is too gen. Singing airily, Standing about the charmed root. Round about all is mute, As the snow-field on the mountain-peaks, As the sand-field at the mountain-foot. Crocodiles in briny creeks Sleep and stir not: all is mute. If ye sing not, if ye make false measure, Worth eternal want of rest. Laugh not loudly: watch the treasure In a corner wisdom whispers. Five and three (Let it not be preached abroad) make an awful mystery. For the blossom unto threefold music bloweth; Evermore it is born anew; And the sap to threefold music floweth, From the root Drawn in the dark, Up to the fruit, Creeping under the fragrant bark, Liquid gold, honey-sweet, through and through. Keen-eyed sisters, singing airily, Looking warily Every way, Guard the apple night and day, Lest one from the east come and take it away. II. Father Hesper, Father Hesper, watch, watch, ever and aye, Looking under silver hair with a silver eye. uine a poem to be left out of his "complete edition," and we print it here because we think it worthy of the bard of "Locksley Hall" and "The Lady of Shalott." Father, twinkle not thy steadfast sight; Kingdoms lapse, and climates change, and races die; Honor comes with mystery; Hoarded wisdom brings delight. Number, tell them over and number How many the mystic fruit-tree holds, Lest the red-combed dragon slumber Rolled together in purple folds. Look to him, father, lest he wink, and the golden apple be stolen away, For his ancient heart is drunk with overwatchings night and day, Round about the hallowed fruit-tree curled : Sing away, sing aloud evermore in the wind, without stop, Lest his scalèd eyelid drop, For he is older than the world. If he waken, we waken, Rapidly levelling eager eyes. If he sleep, we sleep, Five links, a golden chain, are we, III. Father Hesper, Father Hesper, watch, watch, night and day, Lest the old wound of the world be healèd, The glory unsealèd, The golden apple stolen away, And the ancient secret revealèd. Look from west to east along: Father, old Himala weakens, Caucasus is bold and strong. Wandering waters unto wandering waters call; Let them clash together, foam and fall. Out of watchings, out of wiles, Comes the bliss of secret smiles. All things are not told to all. Half-round the mantling night is drawn, Hesper hateth Phosphor, evening hateth morn. IV. Every flower and every fruit the redolent breath Arching the billow in his sleep; For the western sun and the western star, Holy and bright, round and full, bright and blest, Watch it warily day and night; All good things are in the west. Is shut out by the round of the tall hill-brow; The world is wasted with fire and sword, |