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Seu catus auditur senior, seu prodigus hæres,
Seu procus, aut posita casside miles adest,
Sive decennali fœcundus lite patronus

Detonat inculto barbara verba foro;
Sæpe vafer gnato succurrit servus amanti,
Et nasum rigidi fallit ubique patris ;
Sæpe novos illic virgo mirata calores

Quid sit amor nescit, dum quoque nescit, amat. Sive cruentatum furiosa Tragoedia sceptrum

Quassat, et effusis crinibus ora rotat;

Et dolet, et specto, juvat et spectasse dolendo, Interdum et lacrymis dulcis amaror inest: puer infelix indelibata reliquit


Gaudia, et abrupto flendus amore cadit ;




31. Sive decennali fœcundus lite See Note on Il Pens. v. 98.

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Ovid calls his Medea " Scriptum regale." Trist. ii. 553.

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Seu ferus e tenebris iterat Styga criminis ultor,

Conscia funereo pectora torre movens ; Seu moret Pelopeia domus, seu nobilis Ili,

Aut luit incestos aula Creontis avos.

Sed neque sub tecto semper nec in urbe latemus,
Irrita nec nobis tempora veris eunt.
Nos quoque lucus habet vicina consitus ulmo,
Atque suburbani nobilis umbra loci.

Ibid. v. 49.

-Desuper intonat ulmo.

the first instance, Romeo was
not torn from joys untasted:
although puer and abrupto amore
are much in point. The allusions In Par. L. b. v.
are loose, or resulting from
memory, or not intended to
tally minutely.

44. Conscia funereo pectora torre movens ;] Mr. Steevens suggests, that the allusion is to Ate in the old play of Locrine, where she enters with a torch in her hand, and where the motto to the Scene is, In pœna sectatur et umbra.

48. Irrita nec nobis tempora veris eunt.] Ovid, Fast. ii. 150.

-Primi tempora veris eunt.

49. Nos quoque lucus habet vicina consitus ulmo,] The gods

had their favourite trees. So have the poets. Milton's is the elm. In L'Allegro, v. 57.

Some time walking not unseen

215. -They led the vine To wed her elm.



The country about Colnebrook impressed Milton with a predilection for this tree. See the next note.

50. Atque suburbani nobilis umbra loci.] Some country house of Milton's father very near London is here intended, of which we have now no notices. A letter to Alexander Gill is dated "E nostro Suburbano "Decem. 4, 1634." Prose Works, vol. ii. 567. In the Apology for he says to his opponent, Smectymnuus, published 1642, "that

"suburb wherein I dwell shall "be in my account a more "honourable place than his University." Prose Works, i.

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By hedge-row elms on hillocks green. 109. His father had purchased

In Arcades, v. 89.

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the estate at Colnebrook before 1632. In a letter to Deodate, from London, dated 1637, he says, "Dicam jam nunc serio quid cogitem, in Hospitium "Juridicorum aliquod immigrare, sicubi amœna et umbrosa "ambulatio est, &c. Ubi nunc sum, ut nosti, obscure et angustè "sum." Prose Works, vol. ii.

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Sæpius hic, blandas spirantia sidera flammas,
Virgineos videas præteriisse choros.
Ah quoties dignæ stupui miracula formæ,
Quæ possit senium vel reparare Jovis !
Ah quoties vidi superantia lumina gemmas,

Atque faces, quotquot volvit uterque polus;
Collaque bis vivi Pelopis quæ brachia vincant,
Quæque fluit puro nectare tincta via;
Et decus eximium frontis, tremulosque capillos,
fallax retia tendit Amor;

Aurea quæ
Pellacesque genas, ad quas hyacinthina sordet
Purpura, et ipse tui floris, Adoni, rubor!
Cedite laudatæ toties Heroides olim,

Et quæcunque vagum cepit amica Jovem :
Cedite Achæmeniæ turrita fronte puellæ,

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Indue qua primum cepisti veste Pro-

Terence, Eunuch. iv. iii. 11.

Eunuchum quem dedisti mihi quas
turbas dedit.

See also Phormio, v. vii. 54.
Many more might be given.
Compare the very learned Bishop
Newcome's Preface to the Minor

Prophets, p. xxxiv. Lond. 1785.


63. Cedite laudatæ toties Heroides olim, &c.] Ovid, Art.

Buchanan, El. vi. p. 43. edit. ut Amator. i. 713.


-Superantia lumine flammas.

58. Quæque fluit puro nectare tincta via;] Here is a peculiar antique formula, as in the following instances. Virgil, Æn. i. 573.

Urbem quam statuo vestra est.

Jupiter ad veteres supplex Heroïdas ibat,

Corripuit magnum nulla puella


65. Cedite Achæmeniæ turrita fronte puellæ,] Achæmenia is a part of Persia, so called from Achæmenes the son of Egeus.

Et quot Susa colunt, Memnoniamque Ninon ;
Vos etiam Danaæ fasces submittite Nymphæ,
Et vos Iliacæ, Romuleæque nurus:
Nec Pompeianas Tarpeïa Musa columnas

Jactet, et Ausoniis plena theatra stolis.
Gloria Virginibus debetur prima Britannis,
Extera sat tibi sit fœmina posse sequi.
Tuque urbs Dardaniis, Londinum, structa colonis,

The women of this country wear
a high head-dress. See Sandys's
Travels. And the next note.

66. Et quot Susa colunt, Memnoniamque Ninon ;] Susa [Susarum], anciently a capital city of Susiana in Persia, conquered by Cyrus. Xerxes marched from this city, to enslave Greece, "From Susa, his Memnonian palace high." Par. L. x. 308. It is now called Souster. Propert. ii. xiii. i.

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Non tot Achæmeniis armantur Susa sagittis.

Ninos is a city of Assyria, built by Ninus: Memnon, a hero of the Iliad, had a palace there, and was the builder of Susa. Milton is alluding to oriental beauty. In the next couplet, he challenges the ladies of ancient Greece, Troy, and Rome.

69. Nec Pompeianas Tarpeia Musa, &c.] The poet has a retrospect to a long passage in Ovid, who is here called Tarpeia Musa, either because he had a house adjoining to the Capitol, or by way of distinction, that he was the Tarpeian, the genuine Roman muse. It is in Ovid's Art of Love, where he directs his votary Venus to frequent the portico of Pompey, or the Theatre, places at Rome, among


others, where the most beautiful women were assembled. B. i. 67.

Tu modo Pompeii lentus spatiare sub umbra, &c.

And v. 89.

Sed tu præcipue curvis venare theatris, &c.

See also, b. iii. 387. Propertius says that Cynthia had deserted this famous portico, or colonnade, of Pompey, ii. xxxii. 11.

Scilicet umbrosis sordet Pompeia


Porticus, aulæis nobilis Attalicis, &c.

Where says the old scholiast, "Romæ erat Porticus Pompeia, "soli arcendo accommodata, sub


qua æstivo potissimum tem"pore matronæ spatiabantur." See also iv. viii. 75. Other proofs occur in Catullus, Martial, and Statius. Pompey's theatre and portico were contiguous.

The words Ausoniis stolis imply literally the theatre filled "with "the ladies of Rome." But Stola properly points out a matron. See Note on Il Pens. v. 35. And Ovid, Epist. ex Pont. iii. iii. 52.

Scripsimus hæc istis, quarum nec
vitta pudicos

Contingit crines, nec stola longa
And compare Heinsius on Ovid,
Fast. vi. 645.

Turrigerum late conspicienda caput,
Tu nimium felix intra tua moenia claudis
Quicquid formosi pendulus orbis habet.
Non tibi tot cœlo scintillant astra sereno
Endymioneæ turba ministra deæ,

Quot tibi, conspicuæ formaque auroque, puellæ
Per medias radiant turba videnda vias.
Creditur huc geminis venisse invecta columbis
Alma pharetrigero milite cincta Venus,
Huic Cnidon, et riguas Simoentis flumine valles,
Huic Paphon, et roseam posthabitura Cypron.
Ast ego, dum pueri sinit indulgentia cæci,
Monia quam subito linquere fausta paro;
Et vitare procul malefidæ infamia Circes
Atria, divini Molyos usus ope,

Stat quoque juncosas Cami remeare paludes,
Atque iterum raucæ murmur adire Scholæ.
Interea fidi parvum cape munus amici,
Paucaque in alternos verba coacta modos.*

74. Turrigerum late conspicienda caput,] So in L'All. v. 117.

Tow'red cities please us then.

88. See notes on Comus, v. 636.

89.juncosas Cami remeare paludes,] The epithet juncosas is picturesque and appropriated, and exactly describes this river: hence in Lycidas, "his bonnet sedge," v. 104. Dr. J. Warton. And above, v. 11.

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rushy marshes of Cam. See v. 13, 14. And notes on Lycid. v.


92. The Roxana of Alabaster has been mentioned by Dr. Johnson as a Latin composition, equal to the Latin poetry of Milton: whoever but slightly examines it, will find it written in the style and manner of the turgid and unnatural Seneca. It was printed by the author himself at London, 1632. Yet it was written forty years before, 1592, and there had been a surreptitious edition. It is remarkable, that Mors, Death, is one of the persons of the Drama. Dr. J. Warton.

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