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arrested. He finally found a refuge in Bavaria, but was compelled to bear a feigned name, and to live in almost perfect seclusion. It was not until after a banishment of six years he

She was placed in a chamber without a chimney, warmed by a German stove, the stifling heat and vapour from which were unbearable. That nothing might be wanting to render her situation exquisitely painful, her win-was permitted to return to his dow opened into the yard of the native land. But to the happifemale felons, and she had to ness afforded by this boon there endure the misery of constantly was a heavy drawback. The hearing the clamours and the wife who had saved him, the brutal and obscene discourse of wife from whom he had been so the refuse of the capital. No long separated, saw him restored one except a female turnkey was without manifesting the slightest allowed to come near her; no emotion; she knew him not, for letters were admitted, and none her reason was gone. She had were allowed to be sent by her. been in this state almost ever Her feelings were in perpetual since his departure. From the agitation, especially at night; time of her first falling into this for when the sentries were re- lamentable condition, twelve lieved, she always imagined that years elapsed before she partially it was her husband they were recovered her intellect, and even bringing back. For five-and- then she was still subject to fits twenty days and nights she of deep melancholy and abstracnever slept. At the expiration tion. But even in her saddest of six weeks some little remains moods she was always equally of shame induced her perse- mild, amiable, and good. They cutors to set her free. But they lived in retirement, and he had consummated their revenge; lavished on her those tender they had not, indeed, destroyed cares which she so well deserved. the body of their victim; they He did not, however, enjoy her had only destroyed her mind. society more than two years after the amendment in her mental health; he was carried off by a sudden illness on the 15th of February 1830, at the age of sixty-one.

From Mons, Lavalette proceeded to Germany, his passage through which country was not entirely free from danger; at Stuttgardt he was nearly


THE EMPRESS EUGENIE'S ESCAPE FROM PARIS AND FROM FRANCE. ON Sunday, the 4th of Septem- | last official interview with Count ber 1870, the Empress had her Palikao, who told her that he

and his colleagues and the whole Assembly had been driven out by the mob, and that the Extreme Left and the mob had gone to the Hôtel de Ville to proclaim a republic, and themselves its ministers, with General Trochu for president and commander-in-chief. The count declared his willingness to see what could be done, if a reasonable number of troops could be found who might be depended upon to make a stand for her. The Empress replied promptly and firmly, that not one drop of blood should be shed for her or for her family. She resolved to depart at once, if it were still possible. By this time it was about 3.30 in the afternoon, and the crowd which had gathered round the palace already filled the palace grounds. The old Tuileries resembled a gigantic ship in a heavy sea. The roar of the human billows echoed through the deserted halls and apartments. Voices could be heard on the main staircase, and the clatter of muskets on the stones below. The flag on the cupola had been hauled down, perhaps in the hope of diverting the attention of the mob by suggesting that the Empress had already got away. But it had no such effect; the voices and tramp of footsteps came nearer and nearer. There was not a moment to lose. Accompanied by Madame le Breton, sister to General Bourbaki, Prince Metternich, M. Nigra, and a few

members of her household, the Empress began her attempt to escape.

To reach the street through the courtyard, which was divided by an iron fence from the Place du Carrousel, was impossible, for the place was full of people. They were obliged to return, and to hurry along the whole length of the gallery of the Louvre. The party by this time had dwindled down to the Empress, Madame le Breton, and the two foreign ministers; the others had dispersed to seek safety in their own way. The Empress and her friends reached the door opening into the Place St. Germain Auxerrois, opposite the church of that name. Outside the gate there is a short passage, with a tall iron railing on each side, leading to the street. But that street was full of people crying ‘Déchéance !' and Vive la République !' The little party paused and hesitated before they ventured to open the door; but there was nothing to be done, except to go forward. The crowd could be heard behind them; to return would have been to fall into their hands. The venture must be made. The gentlemen opened the door cautiously, looked out into the street with dismay, and the two ladies stepped forwards. They were not studiously disguised; indeed, they were too thinly veiled, for one of the inevitable gamins, catching sight of the ladies, cried out, either in jest or mischief, 'The Empress !'

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Fortunately, no one heeded the cry, and still more fortunately, a close fiacre was drawn close to the kerbstone of the pavement. The Empress and Madame le Breton entered it, and giving a fictitious address to the driver, rode away in safety. It was a most critical moment, and one shuddered to think of what would have been the fate of these two women if they had fallen into the hands of that excited mob. The recollection of a narrow escape gives one a pang of terror sharper than any felt during the danger itself.



had come to seek protection under his roof until they could leave Paris. Dr. Evans was more astonished than might have been expected; for, engrossed in his patients, he was ignorant of the sudden and complete change of affairs. At first he could not believe that there were any grounds of alarm for the personal safety of her majesty. He asked the ladies to remain, and putting on his hat, he went into the streets for a short time. On his return he was quite convinced that the Empress had not left the The perils of the Empress palace a moment too soon. were not yet over; as they behaved like a most loyal and drove down the Boulevard gallant gentleman, counting the Haussmann, the Empress asked risk to himself as nothing. her friend if she had any money, desired them to remain his as she herself had not her purse. guests until such time as he Madame le Breton brought out could compass means to get hers, and found that it contained them out of Paris. Fortunately, three francs only; and then the two ladies (strangers to his serterror seized them, that they vants) were expected to arrive would not have enough to pay in the course of a few days. the driver. They decided to The Empress and Madame le alight at once, to avoid all Breton were to personate these danger of a dispute, and they pur-ladies-arrived unexpectedly. sued their way on foot to the house of Dr. Thomas W. Evans, the celebrated American dentist. They had to wait, like all other visitors, until he could see them. Some time elapsed before they were called, and then, being ushered into the presence of the doctor, Madame le Breton closed the door and turned the key, and warning the doctor to make no exclamation that might be heard, she introduced the Empress, and told him they

Mrs. Evans was in the country, and the Empress, as an invalid, kept her room.

As soon as it was practicable, the doctor went out in his carriage, ostensibly to pay professional visits as usual, in reality to prepare the way for passing the barriers. He drove to the Pont de Neuilly, where he was stopped and questioned; he declared he was going to see a patient, and ought neither to be stopped nor questioned.

He announced his name and
profession. One of the guards
recognised him, and said he
ought to be allowed to pass
without question or passport.
The doctor begged them to
look at him well, that they
might recognise him, as he
would probably have occasion
to pass and repass the barrier
frequently. He drove on, and
returned after a while without
hindrance. The Empress and
Madame le Breton remained at
the doctor's house. The doctor
put his wife's wardrobe at their
disposal, as they had escaped
without any provision of neces-
saries. When Dr. Evans con-
sidered that the barrier might
be passed by him with tolerable
safety, he informed his guests
of his plan. The Empress was
to be a highly nervous patient,
whom he was taking to a maison take some refreshment.
de santé; Madame le Breton |
was the friend who had charge
of her. On reaching the barrier,
the carriage was stopped, to
account for the doctor's com-
panions. He pointed to the
Empress, and made a sign that
she was a person of unsound
mind, who must not be excited
or alarmed. The guards, who
recognised Dr. Evans, court-
eously drew back, and made
amicable signs of wishing him
a safe journey. This first dan-
ger passed, the carriage pro-
ceeded to St. Germains and
Maunt. There the doctor
drove to an hotel, and having
told the proprietor that one of
the ladies in the carriage was a

patient whom he was taking to
a maison de santé, requested
him to find a room that could
not be overlooked, and furnished
with shutters to the window and
locks to the door,-a request
which was very willingly obeyed;
and here the Empress and
her companion gladly took re-
fuge, while the doctor and the
friend who accompanied him
went out to make arrangements
for continuing the journey. He
sent his own carriage and horses
back to Paris.

After their departure, he en-
gaged another carriage and pair,
with a careful driver, to be ready
to start in an hour for a certain
château, belonging, as the doctor
said, to a relative of the afflicted
lady. While the fresh carriage
was being prepared, he returned
to his charges, and made them


Empress was told of the destina-
tion of the carriage, and she was
desired to show a great objec-
tion, and to become so angry
and restive, that the route would
have to be changed for another,
which the doctor would give at
the proper time. After they
had left the hotel and proceeded
some distance on their road, the
Empress began a lively quarrel
with the doctor, and the alter-
cation between the 'insane lady'
and her friends became so vio-
lent, that the doctor desired the
carriage to stop, and tried to
persuade the lady to alight and
walk a little, which she refused
to do, and objected vehemently
to going in the direction of the

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château, whither she seemed to know they were taking her. The driver remonstrated, and said his horses would take fright if such a clamour were continued, upon which the doctor, apparently driven to despair, ordered the horses' heads to be turned and driven to the town on the next stage, where the carriage was sent back.

The same precautions were used at the hotel as before. Another carriage and driver were procured, and the party proceeded on their journey to wards their real destination, was Déanville, where Mrs. Evans was then staying for the benefit of sea air. At each stage a fresh driver and carriage were hired, and the other sent back. The party had one or two narrow escapes, but the Empress was more fortunate than Marie Antoinette and the royal family in their attempt to escape. She was never recognised, and at the end of two days, fatigued and harassed, and with dangers and difficulties still before them, but so far safe, the little party arrived at Déanville, and drove to the apartments of Mrs. Evans. Here the ladies remained, and found such repose as they were capable of taking, while the doctor, accompanied by his friend, went to see what means existed to enable them to leave the port and cross the Channel. There were two yachts at anchor in the harbour. They first went on board the larger

of the two, but the owner was absent. They then went to the Gazelle; it belonged to Sir John Burgoyne, Bart. On telling him their story, and begging him to give a passage to the Empress and her friend, he at first absolutely refused to be mixed up in the matter, having possibly some fear that it might somehow become a source of national complication; but the perilous situation of the fugitives was urged, and it was insisted that all risks should be run to perform an act of common humanity. Sir John at length consented, only stipulating that the Empress and her friends should not come on board until the last possible moment before the vessel was ready to sail, in order to avoid the danger of the yacht being detained if attention were attracted to her passengers.

It was a prudent arrangement, for vague suspicions were afloat in the town, and the Gazelle received visitors who were not welcome guests; but as no one was on board save the rightful owner and his crew, the baffled searchers went their way. The Empress and Madame le Breton, accompanied by Dr. Evans, got safely on board, and the Gazelle set sail.

The perils by land were over, but the perils by sea were yet to be encountered. A fearful tempest arose, the most terrible and destructive that had for a long time been known in the Channel. It was in that same

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