TO A PAINTER. BY JOHN HUGHES, ESQ.* PAINTER, if thou canst fafely gaze O! teach the mighty charm, that we 5 10 Canft thou Love's brighteft light'ning draw, Whom crouds with awful rapture view; 15 To wondrous heights unknown before, 20 • Born 1677; dyed 1719. And to her beauty you will own 25 "Their dreaded victor drawn by thee; 30 THE PEACH STONE. BY GEORGE JEFFREYS, ESQ.* WHERE healing fprings, by Aftrop plac'd, Such magic in that prize is found, By bright Maria taught To speed the chearful brimmer round, And confecrate the draught. Blefs'd by thofe lips, whose touch divine Might wasting life repair; To nectar it converts the wine, To gladness ev'ry care. Give me that balm to ease my pain, My cordial when I faint; And let the relique ftill remain, To witness for the faint. Born 1678; dyed 1755. 10 15 THE HERMIT. BY THOMAS PARNELL, D.D. ARCHDEACON OF CLOGHER. * FAR in a wild, unknown to publick view, Swift ruffling circles curl on ev'ry fide, And glimmering fragments of a broken fun, II Banks, trees, and skies, in thick disorder run. 20 To clear this doubt, to know the world by fight, To find if books, or fwains, report it right, (For yet by fwains alone the world he knew, Whose feet came wand'ring o'er the nightly dew) He quits his cell; the pilgrim-staff he bore, And fix'd the fcallop in his hat before ; Then with the fun a rifing journey went, Sedate to think, and watching each event. 25 The morn was wafted in the pathless grafs, And long and lonesome was the wild to pass; 30 But when the Southern fun had warm'd the day, A youth came pofting o'er a croffing way! His rayment decent, his complexion fair, And foft in graceful ringlets wav'd his hair. Then near approaching, Father, hail! he cry'd, And hail, my fon, the rev'rend fire reply'd; 36 Words followed words, from question answer flow'd, And talk of various kind deceiv'd the road; Till each with other pleas'd, and loth to part, While in their age they differ, join in heart. 40 Thus ftands an aged elm in ivy bound, Thus youthful ivy clafps an elm around. Now funk the fun; the clofing hour of day Came onward, mantled o'er with sober gray; Nature in filence bid the world repose; 45 When near the road a stately palace rofe: |