Thro' hidden Dangers, Toils, and Deaths, More to be fear'd than they. With Health renew'd my Face; V. Thy bounteous Hand, with worldly Bliss, Has doubled all my Store. Ten thousand thousand precious Gifts My daily Thanks employ; Nor is the least a chearful Heart, That tastes those Gifts with Joy. VI. Through ev'ry Period of my Life When Nature fails, and Day and Night Divide thy Works no more, My ever grateful Heart, O Lord, Thy Mercy shall adore. VII. Through : VH. Through all Eternity to Thee FINIS. 4 THE HARMONY OF TНЕ Four Gofpels; WHEREIN The different Manner of relating the FACTS by each EVANGELIST is exemplify'd. To which are annexed, REFERENCES to other Parts of the HOLY SCRIPTURE, but especially to those contained in the NEW TESTAMENT. WITH The HISTORY of the ACTS of the APOSTLES. JOHN III. 16. GOD so loved the World, that he gave bis only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in bim should not perish, but bave Everlasting Life. 17. For GOD fent not bis Son into the World to condemn the World, but that the World through him might be saved. 19. This is the Condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and Men loved Darkness rather than Light, because their Deeds were Evil. LONDON: Printed by Jos. DOWNING, in Bartholomew-Close. M.DCC.XXXIII. THE INTRODUCTION. HRISTIANITY is founded upon the Principles of what is called NATURAL RELIGION. THAT there is ONE SUPREME and ETERNAL BEING, the Creator of all Things, and whom all Men ought to WORSHIP and OBEY. THAT the SOULS of Men are Immortal, and capable of fubfifting after Death. THESE being the Foundations of all RELIGION, it is most agreeable to Reason, that the God whom we are to serve should himself prescribe the Way of his own Worship. THE Heavens indeed proclaim the GLORY of God, and the Firmament sheweth his Handywork; but these itinerant Preachers, tho' they declare his Eternal Power and Godhead, yet they could never instruct Mankind how the Favour and Mercy of the Almighty were to be obtained. For fuch was the lapsed and vitiated State of the human Nature, that tho' they profefsed to know God, yet they glorified him not asGod; but grew vain in their Imaginations, |