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II. The Difciples asking CHRIST when thefe Things Should come to pass, and what should be the Sign of his Coming, and of the End of the World; be foretels the Wars, Peftilence, and Famine that Should be in the World, and the great Perfecutions that the Apoftles and bis Subjects should undergo, both from Jews and Gentiles.

[Mr.] A AND as he fat upon the Mount of Olives, over against the Temple, [M] the Difciples, [Mr.] Peter, and James, and John and Andrew [M.] came unto him, [Mr.] and asked him privately, [M] saying, [Z.] Mafter, [M.] tell us, when fhall these Things be? [Mr.] And what fhall be the SIGN when all these Things [L] fhall come to pafs, and [Mr.] fhall be fulfilled? [M.] And what fhall be the SIGN of thy COMING, and of the End of the World? [M] And he faid unto them, [L.] When ye fhall hear of Wars and Commotions, [M] and Rumours of Wars, fee that ye be not troubled, [Z.] be not terrified, [M] for all [.] thefe Things must first come to pafs: [M] but the End is not yet; [L.] by and by. Then faid he unto them, NATION fhall rife against NATION, and KINGDOM against KINGDOM, and great Earthquakes fhall be in divers Places; [M] and there fhall be Famines, and Peftilences, [Mr.] and Troubles, [Z.] and fearful Sights, and great Signs fhall there be from Heaven. [M] All these are the BEGINNING of SORROW. But take heed to your felves: for [L.] before all thefe, they fhall lay their Hands on you, and (a) PERSECUTE you, delivering you up to [Mr.] COUNCILS, and [Z] to the SYNAGOGUES, and into Prifons; being brought before Kings and Rulers for my Name's fake: and [Mr.] ye fhall be beaten, and ye fhall be brought before Rulers and Kings for my fake. [L.] And it fhall turn to you for a TESTIMO


(a) Phil. i. 29. For unto you it not only to BELIEVE on him, but is given in the Behalf of Cera, alfo to SUFFER for his fake.

1 Theff.iii. 3. That no Man (hould for your felves know that we are be moved by these AFFLICTIONS:

APPOINTED thereunto.

4. For verily when we were with you, we told you before, that we fhould SUFFER TRIBULATION: even as it came to pass, and ye know.

2 Tim. iii. 12. Yea, and all that fhall fuffer PERSECUTION. will live GODLY in Chrift Jefus, Heb.

Heb. x. 32. But call to remembrance the former Days, in which after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great Fight of AFFLIC TIONS:

33. Partly whilst ye were made a gazing Stock, both by REPROACHEs and AFFLICTIONS, and partly whilft ye became COMPANIONS OF

them that were so used.

34. For ye had Compaffion of me in my BONDS, and took joyfully the fpoiling of your Goods, knowing in your felves that ye have in Heaven a better and an enduring Subftance.

1 Pet. ii. 19. For this is thankworthy, if a Man for Confcience toward God, endure GRIEF, fuffering WRONGFULLY.

20. For what Glory is it, if when ye be buffeted for your Faults, yo fhall take it patiently? But if when ye do well, and SUFFER for it, ye take it patiently; this is acceptable with GoD.

fer for Righteoufnefs fake, happy Chap. iii. 14. But and if ye fufare ye: and be not afraid of their Terror, neither be troubled ;

NY, and [Mr.] against them. [M] Then fhall they deliver you up to be AFFLICTED, and fhall KILL you, and ye fhall be HATED of all Nations for my Name's fake. And then fhall many be offended, and fhall betray one another, and fhall hate one another. And many FALSE Prophets fhall arife, and fhall DECEIVE many. And becaufe INIQUITY fhall abound, the Love of many fhall wax cold. [Mr.] And the Gospel must first be publifhed among all Nations. [M] And this GOSPEL of the KINGDOM fhall be preached in all the World, for a Witness unto all Nations; and then shall the End come. [Mr. But when they fhall lead you, and deliver you up, take no Thought beforehand what ye fhall fpeak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatfoever shall be given you in that Hour, that speak ye for it is not ye that fpeak, but the HOLY GHOST. [Z.] Settle it therefore in your Hearts, not to meditate before what ye fhall answer. For I will give you a Mouth and Wifdom, which all your Adverfaries fhall not be able to gainfay or refift. And ye fhall be betrayed both by Parents, and Brethren, and 14. If ye be reproached for the Name of Chrift, happy are ye; for Kinsfolk, and Friends, and the SPIRIT of GLORY, and of fome of you fhall they caufe GOD refteth upon you: on their to be put to Death. [Mr.] part he is evil fpoken of, but on Now the Brother fhall betray your part he is GLORIFIED.


15. But SANCTIFY the Lord God in your Hearts: and be ready always to give an Answer to every Man that asketh you a REASON of the Hore that is in you, with Meck

nefs and Fear.


16. Having a good Confcience that whereas they fpeak EVIL of you, as of evil Doers, they may be afhamed that FALSLY ACCUSE your good Converfation in Chrift.

Chap. iv. 12. Beloved, think it not ftrange concerning the FIERY TRIAL which is to try you, as though fome ftrange Thing happened unto you:

13. But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are Partakers of Chrift's SUFFERINGS; that when his GLORY fhall

be revealed, ye may be glad allo with exceeding Joy.

Nn 2

16. Yet

16. Yet if any Man SUFFER as a CHRISTIAN, let him not be afhamed; but let him GLORIFY God on this behalf.

the Brother to death, and the Father the Son; and Children fhall rife up against their Parents, and fhall caufe them to be put to death. Men for my Name's fake. Hair of your Head perifh. your Souls: [M.] But he that shall ENDURE to the End, the fame fhall be SAVED.

And ye fhall be hated of all [L.] But there fhall not an In your PATIENCE poffefs ye

Matt. x. 17. But beware of Men, for they will deliver you up to the COUNCILS, and they will SCOURGE you in their SYNAGOGUES.

18. And ye fhall be brought before Governours and Kings for my fake, for a TESTIMONY against them and the Gentiles.

19. But when they deliver you up, take no Thought how, or what ye fhall fpeak; for it fhall be given you in that fame Hour what ye fhall speak.

20. For it is not ye that fpeak, but the Spirit of your Father, which fpeaketh in you.


22. And ye fhall be hated of all Men for my Name's fake but he that ENDURETH to the End, fhall be faved. 23. But when they perfecute you in this City, flee into another for verily I fay unto you, ye fhall not have gone over the Cities of Ifrael, till the Son of Man be come.


Chap. xxiii. 34. Wherefore behold I fend unto you PROPHETS, and WISE Men, and Scribes; and fome of them ye fhall KILL and CRUCIFY, and fome of them fhall ye SCOURGE in your Synagogues, and PERSECUTE them from City to City.

John xv. 18. If the World HATE you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

19. If ye were of the World, the World would LOVE his own: but becaufe ye are not of the World, but I have CHOSEN you out of the World, therefore the World hateth you.

20. Remember the Word that I faid unto you, The Servant is not greater than the Lord. If they have perfecuted me, they will alfo perfecute you: If they have kept my Saying, they will keep yours alfo.

21. But all thefe Things will they do unto you for my Name's fake, because they know not him that fent me. John xvi. 1. Thefe Things have I fpoken unto you, that ye fhould not be offended.

2. They

2. They fhall put you out of the Synagogues: yea, the Time cometh, that whofoever KILLETH you, will think that he doth God fervice.

3. And thefe Things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.

20. Verily, verily I fay unto you, that ye fhall WEEP and LAMENT, but the World fhall REJOICE: and ye fhall be SORROWFUL, but your SORROW fhall be turned into Joy.

22. And ye now therefore have SORROW: but I will fee you again, and your Heart fhall REJOICE, and your Joy no Man taketh from you.

33. Thefe Things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have PEACE. In the WORLD ye fhall have TRIBULATION: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the World.

See in the ACTS of the APOSTLES, the Martyrdom of St. Stephen, the Imprisonment of Peter and John, the Perfecutions of St. Paul.

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III. CHRIST foretels the Rife of falfe Chrifts and falfe Prophets, and the great Apoftacy that should be in the Church.


A ND Jefus faid unto them, Take heed that no Man DECEIVE you. For many fhall come in my Name, faying, I am CHRIST, ([Z.] and the Time draweth near) and fhall deceive many; [L.] go ye_not therefore after them. [Mr.] And then if any Man fhall fay unto you, Lo, here is CHRIST, or lo, he is there: believe him not. For FALSE CHRISTS and (a) FALSE PROPHETS fhall rife, [M.] and fhall fhew great SIGNS and WONDERS, [Mr.] to feduce, [M] (that if it were poffible) they fhall deceive the very Elect. [Mr.] But take ye heed; behold, I have


(a) 1 Cor. xi. 18. For first of all, Church, I hear that there be DIwhen ye come together in the VISIONS among you; and I partly believe it.

19. For there must be alfo HERESIES among you, that they which are approved, may be made manifeft among you.

2 Cor. ii. 17. For we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God:

foretold you all Things. [M] Wherefore if they fhall fay unto you, Behold, he is in the Defert, go not forth: behold, he is in the fecret Chambers; believe it not. For as the Lightning cometh out of the Eaft, and fhineth even unto the Weft, fo fhall alfo the Coming of the Son of Man be. For wherefoever the Carcafe is, there will the Eagles be gathered toge


God: but as of Sincerity, but as of
in Chrift.
God, in the Sight of God fpeak we

Chap. xi. 13. Forfuch are FALSE
transforming themfelves into the
Apoftles of Chrift.

Gal. ii. 4. And that because of FALSE Brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our Liberty which we have in Chrift Jefus, that they might bring us into Bondage.

Ephef. iv. 14. That we henceforth be no more Children, toffed to and fro, and carried about with every Wind of Doctrine, by the SLIGHT of Men, and CUNNING CRAFTINESS, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.

1 Tim. vi. 3. If any Man teach otherwife, and confent not to wholefome Words, even the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the Doctrine which is according to GODLINESS;

4. He is PROUD, knowing nothing, but doting about Questions and Strifes of Words, whereof cometh Envy, Strife, Railings, evil Surmifings,

5. Perverfe Difputings of Men of corrupt Minds, and deftitute of the Truth, fuppofing that GAIN is GODLINESS: from fuch withdraw thy felf.

2 Tim. ii. 14. Of thefe Things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord, that they ftrive not about Words to No PROFIT, but to the fubverting of the Hearers.

16. Shun profane and vain Babblings; for they will increase unto more UNGODLINESS.

Chap. iii. 1. This know also, that in the last Days PERILOUS Times fhall come.

2. For Men fhall be LOVERS of their own felves, Covetous, Boasters, Proud, Blafphemers, Difobedient to Parents, Unthankful, Unholy,

3. Without natural Affection, Truce-breakers, false Accufers, incontinent, fierce, Defpifers of those that are good,

4. Traiterous, heady, high-minded, Lovers of PLEASURE more than Lovers of God;

5. Having a FORM of GODLINESS, but denying the POWER thereof: from fuch turn away.

13. But EVIL MEN and SEDUCERS fhall wax worfe and worse; deceiving, and being deceived.

Jude 17. But beloved, remember ye the Words which were spoken before of the APOSTLES of our Lord Jefus Chrift:

18. How that they told you, there fhould be MOCKERS in the last Time, who fhould walk after their own UNGODLY LUSTS.

See pag. 87. Of false Prophets and falfe Teachers, against Matt. vii. 15.


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