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Bale Rope


.coils.. ..hhds.. .bbls & bxs..

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.bags.. .sacks.. 101,904.. Molasses......hhds & bbls.. 40,251.. ..bbls.. 46,250. .sacks.. 216,933.




99,736. 2,746. 34,088. 29,276. 36,687.


11,165 BALE-ROPE AND BAGGING.-The re66,306 ceipts of bale-rope during the year 1851, were 34,088 coils; this year 41,674 11,815 leaving a difference in favor of this 11.285 season's operations of 7,586 coils. The 18,809 pieces of bagging for 1851, were 2,746; 46,446 for 1852, 3,650-amount in favor of this 904 pieces.







42,121 TOBACCO.-The sales at our ware 35,283 houses, for the year just closed, exhibit 31,745 an excess on the operations of the pre96,240 ceding year, of 3,096 hhds. The follow54,935 ing table shows the 'transactions at the 266,616 Planters' and State Tobacco Warehouses .kegs.. 57,862.... 42,201 for the past seven years, from 1846 to By the above statement it will be ob- 1852, inclusive: served that in nearly all the staples of the country, the receipts of this year are far below those of last. The table is not as full, and, we fear, as accurate as the importance of the subject demands; but with such data as we have, it is presented.

HEMP. The relative prices of the two seasons, given monthly, are as follows:

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The large increase in the inspection and sale of tobacco, at this point, the present over any former year, is in a great measure to be attributed to the high prices that have ruled in this market in comparison with others, and which prices have induced stemmers to 62 to 78 dispose of their lugs here rather than 72 to 82 forward them to other places as had 68 to 87 heretofore been their general custom. The sales in our own market during 88 to 100 the embraced year, show the following 92... 88 to 107 gratifying result:


85 to 95.
70 to 90.
70 to
75 to
75 to
80 to



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60 to 75

72 to 85

83 to 91

92 to 100



Bale-rope and Bagging-Tobacco-Lead-Flour.

Lugs, factory.

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a 2

2 a 3


a 4


a 5



24 a 24


a 3

.3/4 a 4


a 5

5 a 6


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years since a strong prejudice existed mining population which the California against western-manufactured tobacco, emigration has carried off, amounting and the progress of the trade was con- to at least one half. 2d. The failures in siderably retarded in consequence; but more recently this feeling has given way, and each season witnesses a further improvement in this branch of industry. This city has now ten establishments, some of them on a large scale. Our manufactured tobacco, of medium and good qualities, is as good as, if not superior to, the Virginia, and some of the fine equal to the best imported. All that is wanting fully to develop the business is, that our merchants and dealers generally should encourage the manufacturers by purchasing at home, and thus give our own industry a fair chance. Prices have ruled from 5 cents a pound for the lowest grade of country brands, to 10 and 15 for the best. Citymanufactured from 10, for common, to 14 and 18 for medium, and 22 to 25 for fine, at which rates the article is now firm, with a good prospect of remaining

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Although such a decrease is exhibited, the price of lead has been steadily advancing. In 1847, on the levee at Galena, the rate was $3 60 per 100 lbs., while during the year just closed the article commanded an advance of $4 10.

The deficit in the receipts at this port as compared with the preceding year, (1851,) is over 99,000 pigs, and the price at which the article ranged during the year was as follows: From the first of January to near the close of March, $4 25, when it fell to $4 20, and at the commencement of April declined to $4 10; about the middle of April it rose to $415, and continued gradually rising until the latter part of May, when it attained to $4 50; from this time until the last of June, it alternately stood at $4 45, and $4 50, and in July fell to $4 30, and $4 35, and thus remained till the middle of August, when it ruled at $4 40; in the early part of September it commenced a permanent rise, and at the close of .778,469 that month stood at $4 50, which posi628,934 tion it occupied until the middle of No568,300 vember, when it went up to $4 75. During the early part of the month of December it ruled firmly at $4 87%; and toward the middle and close, at $5 00, and $5 25, at which price, our report closes with a decided upward tendency.

LEAD.-The operations of the season show a falling off in this product. A decline has been perceptible in the yield of the upper mines for the last six years, which is thus stated by a gentleman intimately acquainted with the subject:

Pigs of 70 lbs. produced in 1847..

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.472,608 .400,000

The amount of the year just closed is known up to the 25th November, and from that date to the close of December, the yield is estimated.

The causes to which this deficit is traceable, as shown by the writer allu

FLOUR. The receipts per river for 1851, were 184,446 bbls; this year 131,

333-difference 53,113. Received by is equal to 15,554 barrels, taking the wagons this year, as reported by five highest figure. The comparative prices houses in the city, (the only houses that for the past two years may be thus received in this way to any extent,) 89,461 bbls.; last year, as reported in the annual statement, 45,000--difference 44,



461. The comparative statement of the March.... two years may be thus made:


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.75 a 80%

70 a 80

70 a $0 85 .62 a 055

.70 a 80

.65 a 0 80

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Receipts per river

Receipts per wagons..


Deficit the present year..

89,461 September.

.638,545. 613,978
.24,567 bbls.

The following table of the monthly prices of the two seasons has been compiled with a view to as much accuracy as our means would admit:




65 a 0 75 85 a 1 00

CORN. In 1850 and 1851, the receipts of corn were liberal, and exceeded to a considerable amount those of previous years, with the exception of 1847. This year, the deficit shows a large falling off. The following table, embracing the 3 75 a 3 87% years mentioned, is given:


$3 75 a 4 00

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3 65 a 3 75
3.50 a 3 75


3 50 a 4 50.

3 55 a 3 75


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3 50 a 4 50.

3 40 a 4 50.

December ...... 3 75 a 4 75......

3. 40 a 3 60
3 65 a 3 90
4 00 a 4 50

St. Louis brands have always stood high in distant markets, and they yet maintain their superiority; but the high prices at which grain has ruled this season, and the low rates of flour, have had a tendency to relax the rule of our millers, and induce them to work up less wheat than is their practice.

Several reasons have been advanced to account for this falling off, and among them may be noticed the conversion of a large portion of grain into pork, the drought of the growing season, and the difficulty of reaching this market. But we think, along with these reasons, no considerable quantities have found their way to the lake. It is stated, that from a point on the Illinois river, grain can WHEAT. The decline in receipts at be shipped to Chicago as cheaply and this port have been steady since 1849. expeditiously as to this point, and that In 1850, they amounted to 1,808,817 from Chicago to New-York the transpor bushels; in 1851, to 1,665,347, and this tation does not exceed the charges from year, to 1,591,886. In 1847 and 1848, New-Orleans to New-York. If this be the receipts were 2,432,377 and 2,194,- true, Chicago has the advantage of the 789 bushels. Our mills were arranged amount of freight between St. Louis and for such receipts as these last exhibit, New-Orleans-no inconsiderable item and are capable of turning out over 3,000 of expenditure in the transportation of barrels per day. No doubt a large por- an article of the kind. Our object is to tion of the deficit here exhibited, in the speak of the commercial character of recept of grain, has been diverted from this city as the statistics require us, and this point through other channels of in doing so it is necessary to say, that trade, and country mills, as the statistics other points are successfully contending would lead us believe, are enlarging and for an important portion of our receipts, extending their business. Whatever the and as the result seems to show, most cause may be, the effect is apparent, successfully. We give the rates of the that, as a grain market, St. Louis is be- two past years: coming yearly less and less important. The amount in the hands of millers at January this time, does not exceed 65,000 to 70,- February. March... 000 bushels, which, allowing 4% bushels April. to the barrel of flour, superfine and extra, May.

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Wheat-Corn-Oats-Whisky-Beef-Pork-Molasses, &c. 395

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As far as can be ascertained there is but little corn on the market at this time.

OATS.-The receipts of 1851 were 794,431 bushels against 697,432 for the previous year; this year the receipts dwindle to 338,502 sacks or 677.000 bushels. The stock on hand is trifling. WHISKY-AS compared with the receipts of 1851, this year shows a falling off of 1,545 bbls. The imports of the two seasons, as stated, are 47,991, and 46,446. With regard to the amount manufactured in the city, we are unable to give a reliable statement. It is represented by distillers as short of last year's operations, and we should suppose, from the light receipts of corn, that such is the

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The above statement of the amount of receipts differs with some other tables. Taking the data of last year in our possession, the result cannot be otherwise stated. The great deficit in corn would seem to lead to the same conclusion.

PROVISIONS.-The price of provisions ruled high for a greater part of the year. At the opening of the pork season, hogs brought $4 30 and $4 35 net, upon which an advance was effected, before the close, to $4 75 and $4 85. At these rates our operators did not enter the business as deeply as they had done the preceding season. The ascertained amount of pork cut in the country was 1.398,846 hogs, against 1,662,187 the year before; showing a deficit of 263,341 head, of which deficit this point bore, for its share, 43,000. On the 1st of January, mess pork commanded $12 50, and at the close of the month $13 was obtained. It rose gradually through the month of February, and on the 1st of

March quotations were reported as high as $14; at the beginning of April it reached $15 50, and at the close of that month $16 50, at which it remained, with occasional slight variations, until the middle of June, when it attained $18; early in July it brought $19, and about the middle of August reached its maximum of $20, which was maintained until the stock in this city, and subject to the city orders, was almost entirely exhausted. In October a depression in the South was felt here, but few, if any, operations were affected by it. The decline was but for a short period; for almost upon the advent of the present season the article rose again in the South to near its former position, and our market opened with the new crop fall, hams and lard kept pace with barat $16 50. Through the summer and reled meats, and maintained their rates until the close of the season; but shoulders and sides, after attaining to 8% and of the fall, and went down to 5% and 10%, declined about the commencement 7%. The transactions of the year, with the exception of those in baconed shoulders and sides, show favorably to operators. The reason for the permanent decline in the products named, must be found in the large quantities thrown in from different points on the markets below, and the comparatively small demand which existed. There was no real cause for the high rates at which shoulders and sides were held, and the advance upon them may be attributed altogether to a speculative feeling among western operators, and by which many of these operators sustained heavy losses. A greater proportion of meats had been baconed than usual, induced by the belief that it would prove more profitable


a belief predicated upon the prices which ruled at the close of the previous season. The use of hams is general; their range of quality, from common to fancy sugar-cured, is within the reach of nearly all classes; the poor prefer them, in their plainest state, to shoulders or sides, and the wealthy care but little for the enhancement in the prices superinduced by superiority of curing and preserving; and hence, as we have said, their consumption is general, and every year this consumption appears to be on the increase. manufacture of lard oil is rapidly extending. This article is now used on


machinery of every description, and its consumption by the railways alone is immense. With these demands, hams and lard maintained their stand; but sides and shoulders, used only by a class or two, were unable to recover from their depression. At the close of the season, holders had worked off nearly the whole of their stock, and at the the beginning of operations about the middle of November, there was but little on the market. This little left received an advantage from the high rates which new products commanded -and old shoulders, at the close, realized 6 @ 6%, sides 8 @ 8%.

measure, the packing of the article. This demand keeps the price too high for a successful competition with the packing operations at other points. The emigration across the plains employed a large number of our best cattle, and of course restricted trade to a considerable extent. The year closes with the mar ket high, $5 50 for choice qualities, and with but comparatively few in the region from which our yards are supplied. The only sales of barreled beef reported at this point have been prime at $9 25.

SUGAR. The receipts this year have been 35,276 hhds., and 27,672 barrels and boxes, against 29,276 hhds., 20,BEEF AND CATTLE.-For the packing 854 barrels, and 15.833 boxes last. The of beef this market has never been very year closes with a larger amount on remarkable, operators preferring to send hand than usual, the sudden close of the article off on hoof rather than in navigation having prevented expected barrels. The whole season, perhaps, sales. Prices rule low at this time, will not show beyond 3,000 barrels. The barely covering cost and charges, and receipts at this point are generally for- in some instances hardly doing that. warded, and the article is but rarely The city consumption has increased resorted to in the way of speculation. materially, and the country demand is In lieu of this, however, we claim St. also enlarging. This will account for Louis as one of the greatest points for the heavy receipts somewhat; but the the shipment of cattle in the west. It full crop this year must be taken, in this is difficult to state with any great accu- view, into consideration. We quote racy the number of head which have common to prime, as the closing rates been shipped south the past year. From of the season, at from 31⁄2 to 5c. the best information to be obtained, we put the amount down at 300 per week, making over 15,000. It is the shipping demand which precludes, in a great

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The following is a statement of sugars received at Belcher's refinery in 1852, and refined during the year:





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On hand Jan. 1st, 1853



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SALT.-Receipts of Kanawha, 42.281 barrels, against 30,591 last year. The reduction of this article to 25c. opened a much larger market, and we presume the enhanced sales are to be attributed in a good degree to this cause. Of salt in sacks, embracing L. B., T. I. and G. A our receipts foot up 266,622 sacks, against 252,855 sacks last year. This is a large increase. The prices, by reason of this increase, have fallen, and the year closes with Turk's island at 65c., and ground alum at $1 05 @ $1 10. The receipts of sacks this year is less 2,400 than that of 1850.

LUMBER. The following table of the monthly receipts of lumber, within the limits of the corporation. has been furnished by Mr. FERGUSON, lumber-master of the city.

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