PROSODY. 73. Prosody treats of the laws of metrical compositions, regarding accent, quantity, rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, &c., &c. Accent is the stress laid upon one or more syllables of a word. Monosyllables are capable of accents only when they are uttered with other words. Ex. Fáther, industry, níghtingale, himself, disséver, éxquisitely, whatsoever, volúptuous ;-" there is that in his fáce which leads one to trust him." Quantity is the time required to pronounce a syllable, and is either long, marked (-), or short, marked (). Seeing, upright, personablě, tūtělǎry, peerage, translation, not, nōte, ăt, ate, ten, tend, full, cǎll. Rhythm is the harmonious arrangement of words in lines of various definite lengths; and is one of the chief elements of metre. Ex. "The poetry of earth is never dead.” "The willow leaves that dánced in the breeze." "At the close of the day, when the hámlet is stíll.” 74. Rhyme is the correspondence of the final sound in a metrical line, with those of one or more other lines preceding or following, immediately or alternately. It is distinguished into assonance and consonance; the former being the correspondence of the vowel sounds alone, the latter of both vowels and consonants. Ex. 66 'The baron he stroakt his dark-brown cheeke, Single and double rhymes are also to be distinguished. Ex. "The Abbot had preached for many years, With clear articulation, As ever was heard in the House of Peers His words had made battalions quake, And the king himself three-quarters." Alliteration is the commencement of two or more words, in the same or adjoining lines, with the same or closely allied sounds. Ex. "The parted bosom clings to wonted home, If aught that's kindred cheer the welcome hearth; Or gazing o'er the plains, where Greek and Persian died." 75. Specimens of the principal English meters. In order to distinguish the different kinds of metre, certain names are borrowed from the prosody of Latin and Greek. Thus, an accented syllable preceded by one unaccented is regarded as equivalent to a long syllable following a short one, and is called an Iambic. Ex. "Awáy, or away; rejoíce, or rejoice." An accented or long syllable before an accented or short one, is called a Trochee. Ex. "Wretched, or wretched; rísing, or rising." An accented syllable followed by two unaccented is called a Dactyl. Ex. "I'ndustry, or industry; éxquisite, or exquisite." An accented syllable following two unaccented is called an Anapest. Ex. "Lochinvár' or Lochinvar; cavalier, or căvăliēr." The most common metres are varieties of the Iambic, the Trochaic, and the Anapestic; the differences consisting in the number of Iambics, &c., in each line. Further differences arise out of the various kinds of lines, and the manner in which they are grouped so as to form the stanzas. Our examples principally illustrate the composition of single lines. 1. Iambic meter. Four syllables. "With ravisht ears, The monarch hears; Six syllables. What though light Phoe'bus' beams Eight syllables. "And máy at lást my weary áge Find out the peaceful hérmitage, The hairy gówn and móssy rill.” Ten syllables. (Heroic.) Such sweet compulsion dóth in músic líe, And keep unsteady náture tó her law, And the slow world in méasured mótion draw." Twelve syllables. (Alexandrine.) "A constant máiden stíll she only did remain, The last her genuine laws which stoútly díd retáin.” Fourteen syllables. as when about the silver moon, when afr is free from wind, And stárs shine clear: to whose sweet béams, high prospects, and the bróws Of all steep hills and pinnacles, thrust úp themselves for shows.” The most frequent combinations of Iambic meters are those exemplified in the following stanzas: 1. Short. "Thou know'st that twice a day I've brought thee, in this cán, Fresh water from the running brook, As clear as ever rán." 2. Common. "Of a' the áirts the wind can bláw, I déarly like the west; For there the bónnie lássie lives, 3. Long. "O thou by whose expréssive árt 2. Trochaic meter. Three syllables. “ Hére we máy Think and pray Steps our breath." Four syllables. "Rich the treasure, Sweet the pleasure." Five and six syllables. "Fill the bumper fáir, E'very drop we sprinkle O'n the brów of care, Smoothes away a wrinkle." Seven syllables. "Love is hurt with jár and frét, Love is made a váin regrét. Eyes with idle tears are wét. I'dle hábit links us yét." Eight syllables. "Bind the sea to slúmber stilly, Bind its ódor to the lily, Bind the aspen né'er to quíver, Thén bind Love to last for ever." The most common use of this meter is in qua trains (or stanzas of four lines) of seven syllables. There is an almost infinite variety of meters and of stanzas, produced by the intermixture of Iambics and Trochees, and of Iambic with Trochaic metres. 3. Dactylic meter. The following specimen will suffice for the illustration of the varieties of this meter. "Hád I a cave on some wild distant shore, Where the winds hówl to the waves' dashing roár; There seek my lóst repose, Till grief my eyes should close, 4. Anapestic meter.-The effect of this meter can be learned from this illustration: "I have lost for that faith more than thou canst bestów, As the Gód who permits thee to prósper doth knów Of the imitations of classical meters little needs to be said, except that they are not adapted to the genius of our language. Many attempts have been made to render them acceptable, some with considerable success; but the great number of our monosyllables will always prevent them from coming into general use or favor. 76. Beside the kinds of stanza given already, which are principally used in Divine service, some other kinds may be exemplified here. 1. Elegiac. "Here rests his head upon the lap of earth, "'Tis sweet to hear the watchdog's honest bárk Our cóming, and look brighter when we cóme; 'Tis sweet to be awakened by' the lark, Or lull'd by falling waters; sweet the hum Of bées, the voice of girls, the sóng of birds, The lisp of children and their earliest words." 3. Spenserian. "The Níobé of nátions; there she stands, Childless and crownless, in her voiceless woe An empty úrn within her wither'd hands, Whose holy dust was scatter'd long ago; Her Scipio's tomb contains no áshes nów ; Her véry sépulchrés lie ténantléss Of their heróic dwellers: dóst thou flów, Old Tiber, through a márble wilderness? Rise, with thy yellow waves, and mántle hér distress!" SYNONYME is a term applied to different words, whose meaning is so nearly the same, that the one may be substituted for the other, without altering the sense of the sentence, in order to avoid the inelegant repetition of the same word: BANDON, leave, forsake, desert, renounce, relinquish, quit, forego, let go, waive. Abandoned, wicked, reprobate, dissolute, profligate, flagitious, corrupt, depraved, vicious. Abandonment, leaving, desertion, dereliction, renunciation, defection. Abasement, degradation, fall, degeneracy, humiliation, abjection, debasement, servility. Abash, bewilder, disconcert, discompose, confound, confuse, shame. Abbreviate, shorten, abridge, condense, contract, curtail, reduce. Abdicate, give up, resign, renounce, abandon, forsake, relinquish, quit, forego. Abet, help, encourage, instigate, incite, stimulate, aid, assist. Abettor, assistant, accessory, accomplice, promoter, instigator, particeps criminis, coadjutor, associate, companion, coöperator. Abhor, dislike intensely, view with horror, hate, detest, abominate, loathe, nauseate. Ability, capability, talent, faculty, capacity, qualification, aptitude, aptness, expertness, skill, efficiency, accomplishment, attainment. Abject, grovelling, low, mean, base, ignoble, worthless, despicable, vile, servile, contemptible. Abjure, recant, forswear, disclaim, recall, revoke, retract, renounce. Able, strong, powerful, muscular, stalwart, vigorous, athletic, robust, brawny, skillful, adroit, competent, efficient, capable, clever, selfqualified, telling, fitted. Abode, residence, habitation, dwelling, domicile, home, quarters, lodging. Abolish, quash, destroy, revoke, abrogate, annul, cancel, annihilate, extinguish, vitiate, invalidate, nullify. Abominable, hateful, detestable, odious, vile, execrable. About, concerning, regarding, relative to, with regard to, as to, respecting, with respect to, referring to, around, nearly, approximately. Abscond, run off, steal away, decamp, bolt. Absent, a., inattentive, abstracted, not attending to, listless, dreamy. Absolute, entire, complete, unconditional, unqualified, unrestricted, despotic, arbitrary, tyrannous, imperative, authoritative, imperious. Absolve, set free, loose, clear, acquit, liberate, release, forgive. Absorb, engross, swallow up, engulf, imbibe, consume, merge, fuse. Absurd, silly, foolish, preposterous, ridiculous, irrational, unreasonable, nonsensical, inconsistent. Abuse, v., asperse, revile, vilify, reproach, calumniate, defame, slander, scandalize, malign, traduce, disparage, depreciate, ill-use. Abuse, m., scurrility, ribaldry, contumely, obloquy, opprobrium, foul invective, vituperation. Accede, assent to, consent, acquiesce, comply with, agree, coincide, concur, approve. Accelerate, hasten, hurry, expedite, forward, quicken, despatch. Acceptable, agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable, gratifying, welcome. Accommodate, adapt, adjust, fit, suit, serve, supply, furnish. Accomplice, confederate, accessory, abettor, coadjutor, assistant, ally, associate, particeps criminis. Accomplish, do, effect, finish, execute, achieve, complete, perfect, con summate. Accomplishment, attainment, qualification, acquirement. Accost, salute, address, speak to, stop, greet. Account, v., assign, adduce, reckon, compute, calculate, estimate. Account, n., narrative, description, narration, relation, detail, rectal, moneys, reckoning, bill, charge. Accountable, punishable, answerable, amenable, responsible, liable. Achieve, do, accomplish, effect, fulfill, execute, gain, win. Achievement, feat, exploit, accomplishment, attainment, perform. ance, acquirement, gain. Acknowledge, admit, confess, own, avow, grant, recognize, allow, con. cede. Acquaint, inform, enlighten, apprise, make aware, make known, notify, communicate. Acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, cognizance, fellowship, companionship, knowledge. Acquiesce, agree, accede, assent, comply, consent, give way, coinside with. Acquit, pardon, forgive, discharge, set free, clear, absolve. Action, deed, achievement, feat, exploit, accomplishment, battle, en◄ gagement, agency, instrumentality. Active, lively, sprightly, alert, agile, nimble, brisk, quick, supple, Acute, shrewd, intelligent, penetrating, piercing, keen. Addicted, devoted, wedded, attached, given up to, dedicated. Adjacent, near to, adjoining, contiguous, conterminous, bordering, neighboring. Adjourn, defer, prorogue, postpone, delay. Adjunct, appendage, appurtenance, appendency, dependency. Adjust, set right, fit, accommodate, adapt, arrange, settle, regulate, or ganize. Admirable, striking, surprising, wonderful, astonishing. Admonition, warning, notice, caution. Adroit, skillful, clever, dexterous, expert. Advance, bring forward, adduce, assign, allege. Adventure, incident, occurrence, casualty, contingency, accident, event. Adventurous, bold, enterprising, daring, chivalrous, rash, precipitate, foolhardy. Adversary, opponent, antagonist, enemy, foe. Adverse, opposed to, contrary, opposite, counteractive, hostile, repugnant. Adversity, misfortune, affliction, calamity, disaster. Advice, warning, counsel, instruction, information, deliberation, consultation, reflection, consideration. Advise, acquaint, inform, communicate, notify, tell. Advocate, counsel, defender, upholder. Affability, courteousness, courtesy, urbanity, politeness. Affect, influence, act upon, interfere with, feign, pretend, assume. Affection, fondness, attachment, kindness, love, tenderness, endear. ment. Affectionate, loving, attached to, fond, kind, tender, filial. Afflict, grieve, give pain, distress, trouble, torment, agonize. Afford, give, impart, communicate, produce, bestow, grant, confer, spare. Affright, frighten, terrify, appall, overawe, dismay, scare, daunt, cow. Affront, injury, wrong, insult, offence, outrage. Afraid, timid, fearful, timorous, faint-hearted. Age, period, time, date, generation, era, epoch, decade, century. Aggravate, tantalize, irritate, inflame, provoke, chafe, nettle, embitter, Agitate, convulse, disturb, stir, move, shake, oscillate, toss, upheave. Aid, n., assistance, support, sustenance, succor, relief, help, coöperation. Ailing, unwell, sickly, diseased, ill. Aim, v., direct, point, level, endeavor to attain. Aim, ., end, purpose, object, drift, scope, design, intent, intention, tendency. Alarm, terror, fright, affright, dismay, consternation, disquietude. Alienate, estrange, take off, withdraw from, transfer, assign, convey. Allay, appease, assuage, mitigate, soothe, alleviate, solace, compose, calm, pacify, tranquilize, repress. Allege, affirm, declare, maintain, adduce, advance, assign. Alleviate, assuage, mitigate, soothe, solace, relieve, abate, allay, diminish, extenuate, soften. Alliance, affinity, union, connection, relation, confederacy, combination, coalition, league, confederation. Allot, assign, apportion, appropriate, appoint, distribute. Allow, admit, concede, yield, grant, give, permit, tolerate, suffer, sanction, authorize. Allude, hint, refer, insinuate, imply, glance at, intimate, suggest. Alteration, change, variation, shifting, transition, changeableness, mu tability. Altercation, contention, dispute, dissension, variance, affray, braw feud, quarrel. Altitude, height, elevation, ascendant. Always, continually, ever, perpetually, constantly, incessantly, un ceasingly, forever, eternally. Amass, accumulate, collect, gather, heap up, pile up, hoard, store up. Amend, mend, better, improve, correct, rectify, ameliorate. Ample, complete, full, wide, spacious, capacious, extensive, liberal, pansive, diffusive. Amplification. enlargement, exegesis, expansion, development. Anger, v., vex, exasperate, enrage, inflame, irritate, kindle, provoki imbitter, incense. Anger, n., wrath, passion, rage, fury, indignation, ire, choler, bile, ex asperation, irritation, resentment, incensement, pique, displeasure 'Angry, passionate, irascible, choleric, touchy, hasty, hot, sullen, moody, incensed, irritated, enraged, provoked, galled, chafed, nettled, piqued, exasperated, wrathful. Anguish, woe, agony, pain, distress, suffering. Animosity, enmity, feeling against, malignity, hostility, antagonism. Annex, add, attach, affix, append, subjoin, adjoin. Annihilate, destroy, annul, extinguish, nullify. Announce, make known, publish, advertise, proclaim, report, notify, give out. Annoy, vex, tease, chafe, molest, incommode, discommode, inconveni ence, disaccommodate. Annoyance, trouble, uneasiness, discomfort. Annul, revoke, abolish, abrogate, repeal, cancel, destroy, extinguish, quash, nullify. Answerable, responsible, accountable, amenable, suitable. Anterior, preceding, antecedent, previous, prior, foregoing, former. Anticipate, forestall, foretaste, prejudge. Antipathy, dislike, aversion, repugnance, contrariety, opposition Anxiety, care, solicitude, attention, Intentness, eagerness. Appall, affright, dismay, terrify, frighten, scare, daunt, cow. Applaud, praise, extol, commend, approve. Appoint, assign, allot, ordain, depute, order, prescribe, constitute, settle, determine. Apportion, distribute, allot, appropriate. Apprehend, take, arrest, seize, think, feel, conceive, imagine, fancy, anticipate, fear, dread, understand. Apprise, make known, acquaint, notify, inform, make aware, make cognizant, disclose, communicate. Appropriate, v., take to, adopt, assume, arrogate, usurp, allot, assign. Approval, assent, approbation, concurrence, consent. Apt, fit, meet, suitable, pertinent, prompt, ready, quick, dexterous, ap propriate. Arbitrary, despotic, imperious, domineering, tyrannous, tyrannical. Arbitrator, arbiter, judge, umpire, referee. Ardent, eager, fervid, hot, fiery, glowing, passionate. Arrange, put in order, place, assort, classify, regulate, dispose, adjust. Art, skill, tact, aptitude, adroitness, expertness, cunning, subtilty. Artifice, trick, stratagem, machination, deception, cheat, imposture delusion. Artless, fair, honest, ingenuous, frank, candid, unsophisticated, open. Asperity, acrimony, acerbity, harshness, smartness, pungency, poignancy, tartness, roughness. Asperse, accuse falsely, malign, slander, traduce, defame, scandalize, disparage, depreciate. Assault, v., assail, attack, invade, encounter, storm. Assemble, congregate, collect, gather, muster, bring together. Assembly, assemblage, collection, group, company, muster, congregation, convention, congress, diet, council, convocation, conclave, synod, meeting, auditory, audience. Assert, affirm, declare, aver, protest, maintain, vindicate, defend. Assign adduce, allege, advance, bring forward, appoint, allot, appropriate, apportion. Associate, colleague, ally, partner, coadjutor, comrade, companion. Association, company, society, confederacy, union, partnership, fellowship, companionship. Assuage, compose, calm, pacify, allay, soothe, conciliate, appease, tranquilize, mitigate, alleviate, palliate, mollify. Assume, pretend to, arrogate, usurp, appropriate, affect. Assurance, confidence, certainty, consciousness, conviction, effrontery, impudence. Athletic, stalwart, powerful, brawny, muscular, robust, able-bodied. Atrocious, heinous, enormous, flagrant, villainous, notorious, monstrous, inhuman. Attach, affix, append, subjoin, annex, adjoin, connect, stick, distrain. Attachment, affection, devotedness, devotion, fondness, love, endearment. Attain, gain, get, procure, reach, arrive at, acquire, win, obtain. Attire, ., dress, apparel, garments, clothes, habiliments, Attract, draw to, allure, entice, charm, wheedle. Attribute, quality, property, grace, accomplishment, attainment, Audacious, assuming, forward, presumptuous. Augment, increase, enlarge, extend, stretch out, spread out. Auspicious, fortunate, favorable, propitious, prosperous, lucky, happy. Austere, rigid, severe, rigorous, stern, harsh. Authoritative, commanding, swaying, imperative, imperious. Averse, adverse, hostile, reluctant, unwilling, backward, Avocation, employment, calling, business, occupation, office, engage ment, function, profession, trade. Award, adjudge, adjudicate, judge, determine. Bearing, manner, deportment, demeanor, behavior, conduct. Beau, sweetheart, wooer, lover, suitor, fop, dandy, coxcomb. Below, underneath, beneath, under, lower, inferior, subordinate. erous. Benefit, advantage, good, profit, service, ability, avail, use. Bereave, deprive, strip, dispossess, disarm, divest. Bewilder, confound, perplex, embarrass, entangle, puzzle. Bias, bent, inclination, predilection, tendency, partiality, prejudice. Bitter, harsh, pungent, poignant, stinging. Black, dark, murky, pitchy, inky, Cimmerian. Blacken, defame, calumniate, slander, scandalize, asperse. Blamable, culpable, censurable, reprehensible, reprovable. Blame, reprove, reprehend, censure, condemn, reprobate, reproach. Blameless, inculpable, guiltless, sinless, innocent, immaculate, un sullied, unblemished, spotless. Bland, soft, gentle, mild, kind, gracious, benign, benignant, Blatant, noisy, clamorous, braying, bellowing, vociferous. Blot out, wipe out, erase, expunge, delete, obliterate, cancel, efface. annihilate. Bluff, blustering, burly, swaggering, hectoring, bullying. Boisterous, violent, furious, impassioned, impetuous, vehement, stormy, turbulent. Bold, fearless, undaunted, dauntless, brave, daring, adventurous, intrepid, audacious, impudent, contumacious. Bondage, slavery, thraldom, vassalage, servitude, serfdom, captivity. imprisonment, confinement. Bound, limit, circumscribe, confine, restrict, restrain, terminate. Bounty, munificence, liberality, generosity, benevolence, beneficence charity, benignity, humanity. Brand, stigmatize, denounce, mark. Brave, courageous, gallant, chivalrous, daring, adventurous, valorous heroic, valiant, bold, dauntless, intrepid, magnanimous, fearless. Brawny, muscular, athletic, sinewy, powerful, robust, stalwart, able bodied, strong. Break, burst, rend, rack, violate, infringe, transgress, demolish, de stroy. Breed, hatch, brood, incubate, beget, engender, generate, produce. |