POPULATION OF ALL OTHER CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES HAVING 15,000 POPULATION AND OVER.-(Continued.) In defining what constitutes a city, in each case the Census Office has consistently maintained the policy of including only such population as lives within the charter limits, because no other defined limits exist. In many cases, however, this does not give to the city all the population which naturally belongs to it. There may be populous suburbs, which are to all intents and purposes parts of the city, whose inhabitants transact business within the city, who are served by the same post-office, etc., but who, living without the charter limits, are not included in the city's population. Of this our greatest city, New York, is a forcible example. Within a radius of fifteen miles of City Hall on Manhattan Island the people are in effect citizens of New York, so far as their business and social interests go, although politically they live in different cities, counties and States. This body of population, the commercial metropolis of the country, contains a population considerably in excess of 3,000,000, or two-thirds that of London, which is, similarly, a congeries of municipalities. Gibraltar, Spain.... Austin, Texas..................... 10 37 a. m. London, England..................... 6 01 p. m. Madrid, Spain.... 4 43 p. m. 4 51 p. m. 4 51 p. m. 12 54 p. m. ................................... 12 01 p. m. Mecca, Arabia..................... Constantinople, Turkey.. ......................... II 18 a. m. Paris, France.... Rio Janeiro, Brazil.. St. Louis, Mo St. Petersburg, Russia.. .... II 48 THE ENGLISH MILE COMPARED WITH OTHER EUROPEAN MEASURES. 2 16 p. 558.m. 11 07 a. m. 7 09 p.m. 9 40 a m. 8 58 a. n. A TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF MILES IN A DEGREE OF LONGITUDE AT EACH DEGREE OF LATITUDE. |