Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge on Art, Science, Pastimes, Belles-lettres, and Many Other Subjects of Interest in the American Home CircleP. F. Collier, 1882 - 758 էջ |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 79–ի 1-ից 5-ը:
Էջ 1
... commenced . And at this very time it may be seen how com- pletely powerless are all the grammatical treatises on our ... commence- ment of Lord Bacon's Essay , " OF STUDIES . " I. Studies serve for delight , for ornament , and for ...
... commenced . And at this very time it may be seen how com- pletely powerless are all the grammatical treatises on our ... commence- ment of Lord Bacon's Essay , " OF STUDIES . " I. Studies serve for delight , for ornament , and for ...
Էջ 3
... commencement of this paragraph , shows its connection in meaning with the preceding para- graph ; or , more correctly , with the last sentence in it ; for which it assigns a reason . " But , " on the other hand , separates the two parts ...
... commencement of this paragraph , shows its connection in meaning with the preceding para- graph ; or , more correctly , with the last sentence in it ; for which it assigns a reason . " But , " on the other hand , separates the two parts ...
Էջ 22
... commence yours , " " then cometh the end , when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God . " Instead of the future , the indefinite present is often used . Ex . I leave Eng- land to - morrow , we sail next week . Other forms for ...
... commence yours , " " then cometh the end , when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God . " Instead of the future , the indefinite present is often used . Ex . I leave Eng- land to - morrow , we sail next week . Other forms for ...
Էջ 27
... am he . " 39.66 19 39 66 25 " " he unto me , " thinkest Note , that whether the relative be subject attrib- utive , or object , in its own sentence , it is always placed at the very commencement of it , because it i GRAMMAR . 27.
... am he . " 39.66 19 39 66 25 " " he unto me , " thinkest Note , that whether the relative be subject attrib- utive , or object , in its own sentence , it is always placed at the very commencement of it , because it i GRAMMAR . 27.
Էջ 28
... commencement of it , because it has so few inflexions , that otherwise its connection with the subject ( or antecedent ) it refers to might be obscure . These sentences frequently stand as attributives to other sentences , which are ...
... commencement of it , because it has so few inflexions , that otherwise its connection with the subject ( or antecedent ) it refers to might be obscure . These sentences frequently stand as attributives to other sentences , which are ...
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Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1882 |
Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1882 |
Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1882 |
Common terms and phrases
A. S. Barnes administrators adversary amount arms assigns Baby Bell balance ball bill of exchange Bill Receivable boat body bonds Book called Cash cents chattels commence common law coupon bonds court dear debts dollars Dols double equation executors feet fingers fore-arm fraction give granted ground hand heart heirs hereby hold honor horse inches interest keep King Knave land Ledger legs letter manner marriage move multiplied never number thought Old King Cole oval paid partner party pass patent person play player position pound avoirdupois quadratic equations quantities Queen remain roquet rowlock rule side straight striker stroke suit term thee thereof thou tion treadle trick trumps turn Umpire United unto verbs vowels vulgar fractions words writing