Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge on Art, Science, Pastimes, Belles-lettres, and Many Other Subjects of Interest in the American Home CircleP. F. Collier, 1882 - 758 էջ |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 39–ի 1-ից 5-ը:
Էջ 172
... Hundreds , and seventy seven Dollars . PLURIBUS UNUM The scoret of happiness is im always having something to do and indoing that something with zral , and cherfulness of heart . AN EASY LESSON Phonography , or Short - Hand LANGUAGES. BO ...
... Hundreds , and seventy seven Dollars . PLURIBUS UNUM The scoret of happiness is im always having something to do and indoing that something with zral , and cherfulness of heart . AN EASY LESSON Phonography , or Short - Hand LANGUAGES. BO ...
Էջ 191
... yourself , I write to say that it is in my power to offer you a loan of two thousand dollars ( $ 2,000 ) without interfering in any way with my own business or expenditures . I trust that you will THE LETTER WRITER .
... yourself , I write to say that it is in my power to offer you a loan of two thousand dollars ( $ 2,000 ) without interfering in any way with my own business or expenditures . I trust that you will THE LETTER WRITER .
Էջ 222
... Dollars is $ . It is read dollars . Thus , $ 64 dollars is read 64 dollars ; $ 5 is read 5 dollars . When dollars and cents are written , a period or point ( . ) is placed before the cents , or between the dollars and cents . Thus ...
... Dollars is $ . It is read dollars . Thus , $ 64 dollars is read 64 dollars ; $ 5 is read 5 dollars . When dollars and cents are written , a period or point ( . ) is placed before the cents , or between the dollars and cents . Thus ...
Էջ 224
... dollars had he left ? ANALYSIS . - The difference between $ 15 , and the sum of $ 4 and $ 2 , which is $ 9 . DIVISION . IVISION is that process by which we discover how often one number may be contained in an- other , or by which we ...
... dollars had he left ? ANALYSIS . - The difference between $ 15 , and the sum of $ 4 and $ 2 , which is $ 9 . DIVISION . IVISION is that process by which we discover how often one number may be contained in an- other , or by which we ...
Էջ 227
... DOLLAR . plying the Int . for 1 yr . 6 6.125 Int . for 6 mo . principal by the rate % , we have $ 12.25 , the int . for I 5 cents = 10 cents = of $ 1 . 6 cents of $ 1 of $ 1 . 8 cents = 1 of $ 1 . 20 cents of $ 1 . 12 cents of $ 1 . 2 ...
... DOLLAR . plying the Int . for 1 yr . 6 6.125 Int . for 6 mo . principal by the rate % , we have $ 12.25 , the int . for I 5 cents = 10 cents = of $ 1 . 6 cents of $ 1 of $ 1 . 8 cents = 1 of $ 1 . 20 cents of $ 1 . 12 cents of $ 1 . 2 ...
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Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1882 |
Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1882 |
Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1882 |
Common terms and phrases
A. S. Barnes administrators adversary amount arms assigns Baby Bell balance ball bill of exchange Bill Receivable boat body bonds Book called Cash cents chattels commence common law coupon bonds court dear debts dollars Dols double equation executors feet fingers fore-arm fraction give granted ground hand heart heirs hereby hold honor horse inches interest keep King Knave land Ledger legs letter manner marriage move multiplied never number thought Old King Cole oval paid partner party pass patent person play player position pound avoirdupois quadratic equations quantities Queen remain roquet rowlock rule side straight striker stroke suit term thee thereof thou tion treadle trick trumps turn Umpire United unto verbs vowels vulgar fractions words writing