Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge on Art, Science, Pastimes, Belles-lettres, and Many Other Subjects of Interest in the American Home CircleP. F. Collier, 1882 - 758 էջ |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 78–ի 1-ից 5-ը:
Էջ 64
... side by side with him , in golden sands , I could bow cheerfully and kiss the rod , Since Benny was in wiser , safer hands . If he were dead , I would not sit to - day And stain with tears the wee sock on my knee ; I would not kiss ...
... side by side with him , in golden sands , I could bow cheerfully and kiss the rod , Since Benny was in wiser , safer hands . If he were dead , I would not sit to - day And stain with tears the wee sock on my knee ; I would not kiss ...
Էջ 70
... SIDE . I WANDERED by the brook - side , I wandered by the mill ; I could not hear the brook flow , The noisy wheel was still ; There was no burr of grasshopper , No chirp of any bird ; But the beating of my own heart Was all the sound I ...
... SIDE . I WANDERED by the brook - side , I wandered by the mill ; I could not hear the brook flow , The noisy wheel was still ; There was no burr of grasshopper , No chirp of any bird ; But the beating of my own heart Was all the sound I ...
Էջ 171
... side to the desk , and the face to the desk . Where we adopt the former , we direct the pupil to turn on his seat , so that his right side may be directly to the desk with . out touching ; the body to be erect , and supported by the spi ...
... side to the desk , and the face to the desk . Where we adopt the former , we direct the pupil to turn on his seat , so that his right side may be directly to the desk with . out touching ; the body to be erect , and supported by the spi ...
Էջ 172
... side of the second finger just below the nail ; the end of the finger will thus be above the pen . Next , adjust the holder obliquely across the left side of the third portion of the first finger , just behind the second joint , the ...
... side of the second finger just below the nail ; the end of the finger will thus be above the pen . Next , adjust the holder obliquely across the left side of the third portion of the first finger , just behind the second joint , the ...
Էջ 173
... side is carried down one - third instead of a half , and the dot is omitted . The separa- tion between the upper and lower sections of the right side is made by a horizontal loop . The lower curve ends with the inverted oval . A ...
... side is carried down one - third instead of a half , and the dot is omitted . The separa- tion between the upper and lower sections of the right side is made by a horizontal loop . The lower curve ends with the inverted oval . A ...
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Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1882 |
Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1882 |
Collier's Cyclopedia of Commercial and Social Information and Treasury of ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1882 |
Common terms and phrases
A. S. Barnes administrators adversary amount arms assigns Baby Bell balance ball bill of exchange Bill Receivable boat body bonds Book called Cash cents chattels commence common law coupon bonds court dear debts dollars Dols double equation executors feet fingers fore-arm fraction give granted ground hand heart heirs hereby hold honor horse inches interest keep King Knave land Ledger legs letter manner marriage move multiplied never number thought Old King Cole oval paid partner party pass patent person play player position pound avoirdupois quadratic equations quantities Queen remain roquet rowlock rule side straight striker stroke suit term thee thereof thou tion treadle trick trumps turn Umpire United unto verbs vowels vulgar fractions words writing