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vigorous, and constant opposition to these outrageous claims, an opposition which stoutly asserted its own orthodoxy, which always caused itself to be respected, and which even sometimes gained the upper hand; now, in this nineteenth century of ours, and while it is growing old, this same opposition has been put out of court, and judicially extinguished within the Papal Church, by the recent Decrees of the Vatican. And it is impossible for persons accepting those decrees justly to complain, when such documents are subjected in good faith to a strict examination as respects their compatibility with civil right and the obedience of subjects." In support of this statement eighteen propositions are given from the Encyclical and Syllabus of Pius IX., the original passages being given in the Appendix.

The publication of this work has created, as was perhaps to be expected, an intense commotion among the adherents of the Papacy. Archbishop Manning, Mon. Capel, and several of the bishops and dignified clergy, have issued replies. Lay members have also taken part in the defence, several expressing their dissent from the modern developments of Papal doctrine. The questions raised have also been extensively discussed by the public press, the pretensions of this modern Babylon being brought into more prominent remembrance than usual, and with consequences which cannot fail to be beneficial.

learn that the lecture, which has been very extensively reported by the newspapers of the localities in which it has been delivered, and which has been highly praised by them, has been delivered at Bradford, Leeds, Bolton, Failsworth, Accrington, Chester, Preston, and Derby, one of the Preston papers devoting two columns, and another nearly two columns, to the report. Many persons have expressed gratitude to various friends that the philosophy of the New Church supplies so satisfactory a series of reasons for the common faith of all believers in Revealed Religion. We understand that the lecturer has been repeatedly urged to allow the lecture to be published, but that he has declined, on the ground that the arguments contained therein are already published in the work, Character: its Elements and Development, which has recently appeared.

SCIENCE AND RELIGION.-Among the various replies which have been elicited by the Address of Professor Tyndall to the last meeting of the British Association for the Promotion of Science, held at Belfast, one prepared by the Rev. John Hyde of Manchester has been creating considerable impression in Lancashire. Immediately after the delivery of the address, Mr. Hyde announced a discourse on the subject "Science and Religion," to be delivered on a Sunday morning in the Peter Street Church, Manchester. The discourse was reported at some length in the leading Manchester journal, The Examiner and Times. Mr. Hyde subsequently developed the discourse into a lecture, reviewing from the standpoint of New Church philosophy the objections of Professor Tyndall. In this lecture he sought to show that all such objections leave religion -as a matter of the emotions, as a principle of life, and as a power in the human soul-totally un- 'SUPERNATURAL RELIGION."- The touched; that such objections do not appearance of the work Supernatural disturb the solid bases on which Natural Religion, and the comments which it Theology rests, that they do not banish has elicited, have been deemed by the God out of the world; that they do not Peter Street Society, Manchester, to shake the foundations of Revealed Theo- afford a favourable opportunity for prelogy; that all knowledge concerning senting to the public the New Church science may be eagerly welcomed by the teachings upon subjects involved in Christian believer as showing creative the contentions of that book. Accordprocesses, as illustrating modes of Divine ingly a series of four discourses was operation, and as throwing valuable advertised to be delivered by the minislight on the proper method of interpret- ter of that Society, Mr Hyde, on the ing scripture; that all that modern following subjects: "Man's wants as an science shakes is modern and current immortal-i.e. supernatural-being; interpretations of the Bible, leaving the "Jesus Christ God manifest in the Bible intact and unassailable. We flesh;' "The Lord's miracles illustra



tive rather than evidential of His AUSTRIA. We have received a cirwork;" "Christ born, Christ crucified, cular from our brethren at Vienna of Christ risen, Christ glorified." The which the following is a translation :line of argument pursued by the preacher "Beloved Brethren and Sisters in the in the course was, that there is an over- New Church, -For the development whelming balance of proof in favour of and strengthening of the New Church man's immortality; that if man is im- on the Continent it would be most immortal, his paramount want is a revela- portant and useful if the numerous tion from God; that if immortal, man Society of the New Church in Vienna, is supernatural, and the supernatural which has a minister in its midst, were being thus a fact, supernatural revela- to obtain recognition as a Church. tion addressed to this supernatural If, on the one hand, this Society could creature is not only not impossible, but fulfil all the requirements of the State supremely probable; that the revelation with regard to Churches, yet, on the needed was not only from God but the other hand, it is wanting in almost every revelation of God, and that God has respect in material means, without met this want by having revealed or which no recognition as a Church can "manifested" Himself in the Person be obtained, and even the existence of of Jesus Christ; that the miracles our Society is in danger. As regards wrought by the Saviour illustrated His the means of the Soeiety 1600 fl. were abiding and universal work rather than bequeathed to it in the month of furnished evidences of His Divine mis- November 1873 by Mr. Peter Smetana, sion; that therefore the position as- who passed into the other world at the signed to the miracles by divines of the beginning of this year. To this chief Anglican communion was erroneous, capital is to be added a fund of 368 fl. and, consequently, the attack on that founded by voluntary subscriptions of position by the author of " Supernatural some members of the Society. Religion missed its object, and left two funds are according to the wishes Christianity unassailed; and the last of the founders to be used only for the discourse of the series was an attempt building or purchase of a house which to present a broad and comprehensive shall serve as a meeting-house. The view of what the Gospels declare con- means of the Society are, as may easily cerning the birth, sufferings, death, be seen from the above, too small to exeresurrection, ascension and glorification cute such a plan. The members of the of the Humanity which God had assumed Society will certainly do their utmost. and made perfect, apart from all glosses, As yet 400 fl. have been already received metaphysical notions, theories of har- by means of subscription from some of the mony, and other superadditions. The members. We are sorry to say that our preacher urged that the evidence in favour of the resurrection of the Saviour was overwhelmingly sufficient, and in establishing this the greatest of all the miracles, all others of His miracles, as well as the miracle of the incarnation, were constructively established and sufficiently proved. He contended that, inasmuch as it is a certain fact that man was once brought into existence without the instrumentality of either a human father or a human mother, it cannot be styled impossible that a Divine human being should have been born into the world without the instrumentality of a human father; and that this was the claim which the Gospels made for the humanity of Jesus, the " 'Christ," the Anointed Humanity that "came forth and proceeded from God." The series of discourses appeared to deeply impress the numerous and intelligent audiences which listened to them.

Society cannot attain the end it has in
view, as most of its members are without
means. Only by the help of our distant
friends could, at a time perhaps not far
distant, the building so necessary for us
be in the possession of the Society. The
founders of the fund we have mentioned
hope, certainly not in vain, that the
friends of the New Church from far and
near will, when they know this, follow
their example. Great pleasure every
one will certainly feel who can say, 'I
too have contributed means for the build-
ing, etc., of the Vienna Meeting-House,
by which the existence of the Society is
ensured.' We fervently urge all our
brothers and sisters to increase the fund
of which we have been speaking.
people think that in this manner great
service may be rendered to the New
Church of the Lord.-By decision of the
General Meeting of the Society of the
New Church in Vienna in October 1874.


PEISKER, Minister; ·Chairman; MITTERMULLER, Treasurer; MARESCH, Secretary.

NEUMAYER, be made to the ministers of all denominations throughout Victoria, Australia. For this purpose Mr. Speirs has received through the Colporteur of the Melbourne Society a first order for copies, and further orders will be given every half year. That this last and thoroughly

"N.B.-Any subscriptions will be received with thanks; (1) by the Chairman, A. Neumayer, IV. Wieden Hauptstrasse No. 47, Vienna; (2) by the Treasurer, Mr. Mittermüller, IX. Alser- comprehensive work of Swedenborg will grund, Spitelauergasse No. 10, Vienna."

AUSTRALIA.-The Report of the Sixtyfourth Annual Meeting of the Swedenborg Society represents Mr. C. W. Smith as saying that "there was a large New Church Society in Melbourne in a highly prosperous condition; there was another in Brisbane, Queensland, and there would be one at Adelaide." A correspondent residing in Adelaide thinks that Mr. Smith must have made some mistake in the names of places in this remote region. There has been a Society in Adelaide for over twenty-six years. Indeed, the Adelaide Society was the first formed Society in the Southern Hemisphere, and within the last three years has built its second place of worship, a neat little Gothic Church, at a cost of nearly £1200, and is only £350 in debt. Our correspondent seems somewhat surprised that the inaccuracy was not at once corrected, and says that, in his judgment, "large and prosperous condition will not apply to any New Church Society on this side of the globe."

MELBOURNE, VICTORIA.-It is pleasant to learn that the great work inaugurated in America about a couple of years ago, and which still continues there, of offering to furnish copies of the True Christian Religion gratuitously to all clergymen and ministers sufficiently interested to apply for the work, has set an example which is encircling the globe. A good example is never without influence; but the alacrity with which it has in this case been followed in other countries-first in Germany and afterwards in Great Britain-shows that not only the example but the method have met with general approval. The last instance in which it has been adopted is in Australia, where a gentleman who has from time to time shown his devotion to the cause by many large donations to institutions of the New Church here, has determined that a similar offer of gratis copies of the True Christian Religion shall

by these multifold means reach the most accessible portion of the ministry of other bodies there is little doubt; as even, in answer to the advertisements of the Swedenborg Society, applications for the work have been received in addition to those from our own islands, from Madagascar, India, Canada, the United States, France, Sweden, and even from Melbourne itself, which is now undertaking its own share of this estimable work. The offer has revealed a large amount of sympathy for, and an acquaintance (imperfect though it shows itself to be) with, our doctrines which cannot but be gratifying to us; and without doubt the present wide dissemination of this work must tend to correct the erroneous views and dispel the prejudice, which have done so much to deter from their more general recep tion. The circumstance of its being a gift made in a most unusual manner, itself proves to applicants that our views are held by earnest men; makes them more eager to learn what they are, and helps to secure for them all we in the first instance can desire-an impartial consideration.

LONDON-New Church College.-Our friends will be glad to learn that success continues to attend this Institution, and that, with increased numbers, the school is assuming a more New Church character. Of the forty-one pupils now attending twenty-five are the sons of New Church parents, and are regularly instructed in the catechism and other forms of doctrine.

The boarders, of whom there are ten, have the additional advantage of attendance at our Sunday school. As a step towards the enlargement of secular operations, evening lectures on science and art have been sanctioned. These are efficiently conducted by Mr. Calmady Richardson (a duly qualified lecturer), and are well attended. The great desirableness of establishing similar classes has long been felt. With rooms admirably adapted for such purposes, with almost

every needful appurtenance, and situated that eateth will have everlasting life.” where such services would be eminently Man hath a spiritual as well as a natural useful, it is hoped that all the members body, and both require nourishment. of the Church will do something by The spiritual body has to be nourished kindly suggesting, recommending, or with spiritual bread, which is truth otherwise assisting this scheme for in- from the Word, and this leads him into creasing the advantages that the College the affection of good; and there is no may and ought to be the means of con- doubt but a good life is absolutely ferring upon many. Those who have necessary in order to attain salvation. this matter most at heart look upon the In the evening, Mr. Potts selected as his prosecution of this idea as an advance text John iii. 19-21-" And this is the towards the introduction of other classes condemnation, that light is come into for day-students, and the fuller working the world, and men loved darkness of one department after another, till the rather than light, because their deedsInstitution truly justify its appellation; were evil," &c. From this text the and, from the excellence and high principle manifested in the results attained, prove itself worthy of the New Church in the estimation of all.

ALLOA. At the annual meeting of the New Church Societies in Scotland, held in Edinburgh on the 22nd October last, it was resolved, as stated in our last number, to form a Union of the Societies of Glasgow, Paisley, Edinburgh, Alloa, and Dunfermline, associated with the isolated receivers of New Church doctrines, to be called "The Scottish Association of the New Church," having for its object the spread of the Heavenly Doctrines of the New Jerusalem, by means of Lectures and Missions in the leading towns throughout Scotland, and also by any other means which may seem suitable, to create an interest in the Doctrines of the New Church. A committee was appointed to carry out the views of the meeting. Its first measure was to adopt a scheme whereby, during the ensuing winter, Ministers and Leaders of already formed Societies will exchange pulpits and make missionary visits to isolated receivers. In accordance with the above resolution, the pastors of the churches in the places mentioned exchanged pulpits on Sabbath last. Mr Drysdale, Alloa, occupied the pulpit in Paisley; and Mr. Potts, Cathedral Street Church, Glasgow, officiated in Alloa. In the forenoon Mr. Potts chose for his text Matt. iv. 4"Thou shalt not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." He explained that there were two kinds of bread, namely, that which is necessary for the sustenance of the material body, and without which it could not live, and that bread which the Lord said "He

rev. gentleman showed how important light is for our advancement, and if we faithfully use it it will lead us to virtue and happiness; but warned those hearing him that this very light might be a great curse to them if it was either ridiculed or ignored. There was a good attendance in the forenoon, and in the evening the beautiful and comfortable place of worship was filled to the door by a highly gratified audience. We could have wished that one hundred times the number had heard the remarks of the preacher in the evening, they were so truthful, and at the same time so plain, that any one of the least capacity could have had no difficulty in understanding them.

BACUP.-One of the great questions of the day amongst theologians is that of the immortality of the soul. The subject is being discussed all over the country, but perhaps nowhere with greater warmth than in the valley of Rossendale. Rather over two months since a Baptist minister in Bacup delivered a lecture, setting forth the doctrine that the soul of man is not in itself immortal, that it dies and is buried with the body, that at the Resurrection day the souls and bodies of all men will be raised, that then God will endow those "who believe in Jesus Christ" with immortality, but will cast the unbelieving into hell, where they will be punished for their former sins and then annihilated. This lecture has caused an extraordinary number of reply lectures to be delivered in Bacup and the neighbouring towns. Episcopal, Baptist, Methodist, and Unitarian ministers have come to the defence, but have all manifested the weakness of orthodoxy to do battle with modern

It is

heresy. One of the Methodist min- this Society was held on Friday the 6th isters, having declared that God does Nov., when sixty-two persons sat down not inflict, but permits, the punish- to tea, and a very pleasant evening ments of hell, has, it is reported, been was spent, interspersed with music and prohibited from delivering any more speeches. The meeting was presided lectures on the subject. The Committee over by Mr. J. E. Waller, and addresses. of the Bacup New Church Society, re- given by Messrs. Waller, William garding the present as a seasonable Palmer, Lee, Eyles, Walter Palmer, and opportunity to invite attention to the Hart, also by Messrs. Gibbs, Chivers, view held by the New Church, invited Beattie, Wethey, Baxter, and Wilmot, Mr. Boyle to deliver a lecture in the visitors from Bath, Clifton, and neighCo-operative Hall, on "the Immortality bourhood. Mr. J. E. Waller, the leader of the Soul, independent of faith in of the Society, was presented with a Jesus Christ." This he did on Tuesday testimonial, consisting of the Arcana evening the 3rd of November, to an Coelestia, including the Index. attentive audience of about 500-the Rev. J. Jefferson, Baptist Minister of Rawtenstall, occupying the chair. At the conclusion of the lecture, an intelligent member of the Wesleyan body moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Boyle for what he regarded as "a most masterly treatment of the subject." On the motion being put to the meeting it was carried with acclamation. There is no doubt that good has been done to the cause of the New Church in Bacup by this small effort. Mr. Boyle is also at present delivering a series of lectures on Sunday evenings, on Genesis and Modern Science, which have hitherto been well attended by intelligent people.

hoped that, by every one attending well to duty, this Society will make good progress and be the cause of conveying the Heavenly Doctrines to many.

CHESTER.-The Manchester and Salford Missionary Society determined to follow up the excellent impression produced at Chester by the lectures delivered there in the spring of last year, by the delivery of four lectures in the month of November last. The handsome and commodious Town Hall was secured, and the Revs. John Hyde and P. Ramage were engaged as the lecturers. Mr. Ramage chose as his subjects "Christianity: the Religion of Good Sense and the Want of the Age," BRISTOL.-The Bristol Society has and "The Contradictions of the Bible: taken a lofty room at the Oddfellows' how to reconcile them." Mr. Hyde Hall in Rupert Street, which is capable selected "Science and Religion (a of seating from eighty to a hundred Review of Professor Tyndall's Address at persons. Since this was opened in Belfast), and "The Resurrection of Man, October last there has appeared some not the Resuscitation of the Natural signs of life and activity. For several Body, the Christian's Hope." Although years past this society has been without the attendance was not so numerous at a place of worship, but they have met this course of lectures as was the case privately once a fortnight at Messrs. in the spring, it was very encouraging; Palmer and Hart's, for the purpose of the same persons generally attending Divine worship; and a Sunday-school the whole course. The Lancashirewas also conducted by Mr. J. Lee at his Colporteur assisted in these lectures, house. The members of the Bristol and performed much valuable service Society have long felt the necessity of by the distribution of notices, the circuhaving a proper place to meet in, and lation of tracts, and the sale of New when the above room was offered at a Church literature. There is a pleasing very moderate rent they very gladly group of New Church friends in Chester, availed themselves of it. Services are who, it may well be hoped, will have conducted by Mr. J. E. Waller, morn- been stimulated by these missionary ing and evening, and the attendance is visits to establish a weekly meeting for considerably beyond their expectations. reading and conversing upon the docThe Sunday-school also meets in the trines of the New Church, to which same place at 2:45 P.M., and is super- inquirers may occasionally or regularly intended by Mr. J. Lee; there is also a be invited, so that the good seed that Bible Class in connection with the has been sown may be helped to bring Sunday-school. The anniversary of forth fruit.

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