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noon being Jesus washing the Disciples' following from The Colchester Mercury feet; in the evening an explanation of December 12th :— of what is meant in the New Testament "On Thursday, the 3rd inst., the Comby Salvation being obtained by faith mittee of the New Jerusalem Church in Christ, and how this faith justifies gave a tea party in honour of the memwithout the deeds of the law. Both bers of the choir. After tea a large services were well attended, especially number of friends assembled, and the the one in the evening; many people chair was taken by Mr. J. Deans, the who had come a distance to see their minister, who addressed the friends on friends on the occasion, and many the obligations of the congregation to belonging to other churches who were at the Social Meeting, and were invited to attend on the Sunday, being present.'

the choir, expressing a hope that the occasion on which they were assembled might stimulate the choir to a continuance of the diligence and talent they BIRMINGHAM-Summer Lane. -The had manifested for so long a period. Committee and Trustees have now re- Mrs. J. Aldous favoured the meeting ceived tenders for the erection of their with the song 'All together again; new church and schools. But, notwith- after which the Chairman proceeded to standing every possible economy in the present, on behalf of the congregation, plans consistent with propriety, the testimonials in recognition of the services lowest tender is a thousand pounds more of the organist and his deputy. The than the Society intended to spend. As gift to the organist consisted of a timesoon, however, as it was known amongst piece, in gilt and marble, bearing the the friends that their intended sub- inscription-Presented to Mr. A. scriptions must at any sacrifice be Went, in recognition of his services as doubled or trebled in amount, the most organist of the New Jerusalem Church, generous response was immediately Brightlingsea, Dec. 1874.' In making made. The Committee and Trustees the presentation, Mr. Deans highly were cheered by subscriptions such as eulogized the devotion of the organist could not have been anticipated. Three to his duties, and, on behalf of the subof £300 each, and nine of £100 each scribers, begged Mr. Went to accept it were without delay offered, with a view as a small but freely given expression to warrant the Executive of the Society of gratitude and respect. Mr. Went in entering into a contract to build. feelingly acknowledged the presentation. The total amount, in addition to the Mr. Deans then presented an elegant above sums that may be probably raised marmalade stand to Mrs. Wm. Martin in the congregation, cannot be above some for her kind services in the absence of £300-thus making a possible sum of the organist, and the trouble she had £2100 from themselves. But as £3000 taken in training the children. Mr. will be wanted, besides what will be Wm. Bragg responded on behalf of his received from the sale of the present daughter. The remainder of the evenbuildings, etc., and as it is the ardent ing was pleasantly spent in a social desire and hope of the Society to avoid manner. for the future the crippling influences of a debt, and to open their church free of DERBY.-The Consecration Services all incumbrance, the Committee and in connexion with the New Church Trustees would feel grateful for any help here took place on the 13th December from those wealthier members of the last; the Rev. John Hyde of ManchesChurch who are able to appreciate and ter, and the Rev. Edward Madeley of second the efforts which this Society has Birmingham, conducted the services, made to help itself. If any such, re- which were well attended, especially in joicing to hear of the firmer establish- the evening, when every available space ment and extension of the external was filled. Mr. Hyde took his text in Church, should be willing to aid, a the morning from Isaiah ix. 13, communication to Mr. John Bragg, Hamstead Mount, Handsworth, Birmingham, or to Mr. Thomas Willson, Villa Street, Bonningham, will be thankfully acknowledged.

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Beautifying the sanctuary," and in the evening from Luke xv. 4-7, " Seeking the lost sheep; and Mr. Madeley in the afternoon from Revelation xxi. 23-25, "A Brief View of the Principal Doctrines of the New JerusaBRIGHTLINGSEA. We extract the lem." Tea was ready in the school

Him who is the Giver of all good.-
FRED. WARD, Secretary.

room after the afternoon service for friends who have aided us, and I trust strangers and friends from a distance, we are and shall be thankful to the and there was a general expression of Lord for all His mercies, and shall show satisfaction. The collections amounted our gratitude in more earnest work for to £67, which was further augmented by the proceeds of a collection after a lecture on Tuesday evening by Mr. Hyde In addition to this communication on "Science and Religion," a review of from the Secretary, we have received a Professor Tyndall's speech at Belfast. letter from a friend who was present at On Monday evening there was a tea and the close of these opening services, and public meeting in the school-room, who writes respecting the changes presided over by the Mayor of Derby that have been effected :-"The im(George Holme, Esq.), which was so provement in the building is really numerously attended as to tax the Com- marvellous, presenting no appearance of mittee's ability to find room, and we fear an old edifice altered, but looking like our friends who arrived late would find an altogether new structure, comprising themselves ill-convenienced. Among a very pretty and well-arranged church, those present were friends from Notting- with one of the best school-rooms adham and Melbourne, besides the follow- joining in the town. Had they cleared ing, many of whom took part in the the ground and built de novo, I do not meeting, viz.: the Mayor, Rev. John think they could have found a more Hyde, President of Conference; Rev. E. judicious or handsome plan at the cost." Madeley; Rev. C. H. Wilkins, Nottingham; Rev. T. K. Payten, Melbourne ; OPENING OF THE NEW SCHOOLRev. T. Dobson (Unitarian), Rev. J. ROOMS, KERSLEY.-On Thursday evenMerwood (Congregational), Mr Ashby ing, January 14th, the large and hand(the minister of the church), and others. some Day and Sunday-schools which have The evening was spent in addresses, been erected in Church Street, Kersley, music and singing, with a short interval were opened by a tea and public meetfor conversation and congratulations; ing. The erection of the schools are a but in consequence of the number credit to the congregation and an ornapresent, there was no room to promen- ment to the district. The premises are ade; nevertheless a very pleasant and very lofty and substantially built of agreeable evening was spent. The brick. Upon the ground floor are three services were continued on the following lavatories, a small committee room or Sabbath, December 20th, by the Rev. Dr. Bayley of London, who preached two excellent sermons, and also attended a tea-meeting in the school-room on the Monday evening, and delivered a lecture on Tuesday evening. The collections on Sunday amounted to £21. We were very pleased to have the Doctor with us on this occasion, and it was remarked on all sides we had never heard Dr. Bayley in happier mood. On Sunday the 27th our esteemed friend and late minister, Rev. John Presland of London, brought the opening services to a conclusion by two very instructive discourses, followed by the collection of £16, which was increased the next day, at the tea-meeting and service of song, by the school teachers and children. The total result of the opening services was £120, which, considering the extremely cold weather and some other unfavourable circumstances, we must consider highly satisfactory. The accounts received are paid, except one balance; and we have £200 yet to raise. We thank all and every one of our

vestry, an infants' school-room, and a very spacious room, capable of accommodating a large number of scholars. Above is a large lecture hall, whilst upon the basement storey is the heating apparatus. All the rooms, especially the principal school-room, are well fitted with all the necessary requirements upon the most improved principles, and nothing seems to have been lost sight of which would add to the comfort and convenience of those for whom the premises have been specially designed. Every room is well lighted with chandeliers and gas pendants, whilst during the day-time ample light is obtained by large and neatly-designed windows. There are separate and large playgrounds for boys and girls. Altogether, the premises will comfortably accommodate 700 scholars. They are well ventilated, and the acoustic properties of the rooms, especially the large one, have proved to be all that could be desired. premises have cost about £3000.


About 400 persons sat down to the tea

on Thursday evening, and that number was increased to 700 at the public meeting held afterwards. After the repast the chair was occupied by W. Hughes, Esq., a member of the Manchester School Board, and he was supported upon the platform by the Revs. P. Ramage, H. Burton, Wesleyan minister; W. Hewgill, Congregational minister; W. Westall, J. Hyde, and other gentlemen.

The proceedings were opened by the choir singing a hymn, and after the Rev. P. Ramage had offered up the Lord's Prayer, the Chairman congratulated the inhabitants of Kersley upon the erection of what he termed a noble educational palace. He was surprised to find in a place which was considered to be so close to the Moors such an active and earnest spirit manifested in the cause of education, and hoped that the interest in it would continue. After some further remarks, he stated that there were some very erroneous notions with regard to School Boards. It was generally supposed that a School Board was of no use unless the village or town was deficient in school accommodation. That was a great error. While they had a fine building, with good teachers, the next element was scholars. Unless they had a School Board they could not exercise compulsory powers. The great use of School Boards was to fill schools, and he trusted that by and by the inhabitants of Farnworth and Kersley would see the necessity of instituting a School Board for the district.

schools, and stated that what he should like to see in this country was a network of graded schools from the lowest primary schools up to the universities. He earnestly trusted that the work of education would be pushed on in that district and throughout the country.

After a short address from Mr. Smith of Bolton, the Rev. H. Burton remarked that he endeavoured to appreciate goodness wherever it was to be found, and to value worth in whatever body it existed. He related his experience of the American school system, and stated that after an experience of seven years in America he could speak of it in praiseworthy terms from his own knowledge.

The Rev. W. Westall made a few congratulatory remarks, after which votes of thanks were accorded to the ladies who had presided at the trays, and also to the Chairman.

The opening services were continued over the following Sunday, when two sermons were preached in the Church by the Rev. R. Storry, and a children's service held in the new school-room in the afternoon. The services in the Church were well attended and enlivened by an appropriate selection of hymns and spiritual songs, which were beautifully rendered by an efficient choir and heartily joined in by the large congregation. The service in the afternoon was somewhat novel, but singularly interesting. It consisted of a selection of popular and appropriate hymns, which the children of the Sunday-school had been taught to sing. These were interspersed by prayer, the reading of the The Rev. W. Hewgill, in the course Word, and a pleasing and suitable of an excellent address, remarked in address by the minister, the Rev. P. reference to the statement of the Chair- Ramage. A striking and interesting man with regard to School Boards, that portion of the proceedings was the first Farnworth was becoming full of ignorant hymn, "Jesus is my Shepherd," which people, because there was no School was sung by the children as a proBoard to compel the attendance of cessional hymn during the time they scholars at the schools, and many per- were marching to their places in the sons came from Bolton to reside at new school-room. The procession was Farnworth, where they would be out of conducted in good order, and the singing the reach of the Bolton School Board. of the children, led by the choir, was very He referred to the superior education of effective. Altogether the service was of children in Switzerland, which he knew the most cheerful kind, and we doubt from his own experience was much not will be long remembered by the better than children of this country. little people who took part in it and by He was pleased to be upon that platform the members of the congregation who that night, and congratulated his were present. All the services seemed friends at Kersley upon the erection to yield pleasure and we trust profit to of that noble pile of buildings.

The Rev. John Hyde congratulated those present upon the erection of those

those who were present. The collections, an important feature in services of this kind, were large, amounting to £190.

This sum was afterwards increased to £200, and with the proceeds of the teameeting, the trays for which were gratuitously provided by the ladies of the congregation, would raise the total amount to over £220.

LONDON (Argyle Square). The January number of the Monthly Manual published in this Society contains the usual announcement of services, including the words of the anthems for the month of January. During the Sunday evenings the minister, Rev. J. Presland, gave a course of lectures on "Religion in Common Life," ending with one on the first Sunday in February on life in heaven. A series of entertainments have been held in aid of the Organ Fund, and the annual recital of the Sunday School was appointed to take place on the evening of Thursday, January 14th. From the pastor's New Year's address to his congregation, which is published separately, we give the following extract:—

"And now a word upon a feature newly introduced into our public services -I mean, the Weekly Offertory; to which I allude not so much in its business aspect as in its character as a part of our Religious Worship. Such a tribute was always associated with the Jewish service. They shall not appear before the Lord empty: every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God, which He hath given thee.' (Deut. xvi. 16, 17.) The public uses of the Church requiring money for their support, the contribu tion of such money becomes distinctly an act of religious duty, which may be discharged in a spirit as purely devotional as that in which we sing or pray. Do not, therefore, regard the offertory as a secular intrusion, misplaced in a religious service, but bring an offering, and come into His courts.' (Psalm xcvi. 8.) Give, according to your means, with the spiritual motive of a desire to aid the diffusion of truth and goodness; remembering that the frequent and regular contribution of a very small sum, which cannot inconvenience yourself, will greatly benefit the Church, and encouraged by the assurance that 'the Lord loveth a cheerful giver.'"

LONDON (Camberwell).-The January number of the Chronicle published by this Society briefly narrates the opera

tions of the Society during the year 1874, and gives the services contemplated for the first three months of the present year. The annual meeting of the "Mutual Improvement Society" was held on Thursday evening, December 17th. The Society's operations during the year were considered satisfactory. The lectures and entertainments had been of a high order, and, after meeting current expenses, a small balance remained in the Treasurer's hand. A year has elapsed since the commence. ment of the "Junior Members' " section of the Society, which has on the whole worked admirably. Circumstances have led to the withdrawal of some of the members; but hopes are entertained that their places will be filled by others. The course of lectures on the Miracles of the Bible, which have been given on the Sunday evenings by Mr. Austin, have been briefly reported in the succes sive numbers of the Camberwell and Peckham Times. Some of the leading thoughts of this interesting series of discourses have thus been extended to a larger audience than listened to their delivery.

NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE.-We cut the following from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle of January 9th: “New Jerusalem Church, 23 Nun Street.— The friends of the Rev. W. Ray, in connection with their Christmas tea-meeting, made the above minister a kind present in money. This was done through Mr. John Jewitt, who delivered an excellent address on the occasion. In connection with the same a deputation of recent friends and attendants at the lectures presented the same minister with a handsome gold signet-ring, and a letter expressive of sincere regard and appreciation."

PAISLEY.-On Christmas evening the children of our Sabbath school, which prospers under its able Superintendent, Mr. Paterson, assembled for their usual midwinter festival. The entire arrangements of this gathering had been left to a committee of the " young men and maidens" of the Society, and right well they did their duty. The decorations were simple and elegant, the provisions sufficient and toothsome, the programme of music, vocal and instrumental, recitations and speeches, was admirable. Addresses were given by the Superintendent,

and the Minister of the Society, and by Mr. Johnstone, the Secretary and Leader of the Edinburgh Society. Then came the second part of the entertainment, the plum-puddings, and finally the distribution of the toys, etc., from the huge and handsome Christmas tree. A very pleasing fact is that a majority of these gifts were presented in this anonymous way by the scholars themselves to their class-mates; this not only proves, but will deepen the existing good feeling, and affords the happiest auspices for the New Year.

RAMSBOTTOM.-The annual tea-party and recital of the New Jerusalem Sunday-school in this town was held on Christmas Day in the Co-operative Hall. The number present was larger than on any previous occasion, there being up. wards of 500 persons at the recital, of whom 457 had been admitted to tea by ticket. The Rev. S. Pilkington presided, and opened the entertainment with a hymn and prayer; and afterwards an interesting programme, consisting of recitations, dialogues, songs, glees, etc., was gone through in a very satisfactory manner. Having for several years been under the necessity of incurring expenses by frequently hiring the above-named Hall, the Society is looking forward with pleasure to the time when it will have sufficient accommodation of its own for all its purposes. It is expected that the New Church and school will be completed in about five or six months, and the Society is desirous of raising the sum of £200 in the meantime, that is, before the opening services, when it is hoped that £200 more will be realized, If this can be done there will still remain a debt on the buildings which will lay the Society under much self-denial and hard work for some years. It is gratifying to report that the Society has received considerable assistance from gentlemen in its neighbourhood who are not in any way connected with the New Church; one gentleman, an Independent, having giveň £21, a Churchman £20, and other sums ranging from £5 to £1, amounting altogether from this source to about £130. To these gentlemen and to our New Church friends who have rendered assistance to this work the Society begs to return its sincere thanks, and to solicit the further aid of those who have not yet contributed to their

building fund. The attention of readers is called to the list of subscriptions on the wrapper of the Intellectual Repository for January, also to the appeal on behalf of this Society by the Rev. Dr. Bayley in the December number.

SALISBURY.-Mr. Gunton has just visited the Society here, and reports the same in a satisfactory and progressive state. The services are conducted by Mr. Whitehorn and Mr. Saunders, with the occasional aid of missionaries from London, towards the expense of which the Society has agreed to pay £10 a-year. On the occasion of Mr. Gunton's last visit, January 10th, the whole of Mr. and Mrs. Saunders's daughters, five in number, and the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cave, were baptized. The Sacrament of the Holy Supper was administered to eighteen communicants. The services on the Sabbath day and the lecture on Tuesday evening were all well attended, and thirty of the "Silent Missionaries" were sold on the Wednesday evening. The Sunday-school treat was given, a handsome Christmas tree was provided, and loaded with presents, which were distributed to the children. Several suitable pieces were recited and sung, and the charming voices of the children and young ladies called forth strong expressions of admiration from the audience. About eighty took tea, and a very happy evening was spent.

LONDON MISSIONARY AND TRACT SOCIETY.-This Society continues to prosecute its useful labours both in the missionary field and the tract department. In the latter sphere of labour the Committee have received in reply to their advertisement an ample supply of new tract manuscripts. So large, indeed, is this supply that additional MSS. are not required.

NEW CHURCH AUXILIARY MISSIONARY AND TRACT SOCIETY.-The Secretary of this Society writes us to call the attention of members of Mutual Improvement Societies to a pamphlet on the subject of Cremation, published by Mr. Speirs, and promoted by their Society,


to utilize the present public interest in the subject in such a way as to further the dissemination of the New Church doctrine of the Resurrection."

The Committee desire also the forma

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