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SECT. 2. The officers of the Association, with three other members who shall be elected for that purpose, shall constitute the Executive Committee.

SECT. 3. A Finance Committee, consisting of three members of the Association, shall be chosen.

All officers shall serve for one year, or until their successors are elected.



SECT. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings, or in case of his absence the senior Vice President present shall preside.

SECT. 2. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee, subject to control of the Association by its action in general meeting. All questions in Executive Committee shall be decided by majority vote and five members shall be a


The Executive Committee shall have control of the property and management of the affairs of the Association, shall provide suitable rooms for all annual and other meetings and shall have power to expend the funds of the Association; provided, that no indebtedness shall be incurred in excess of the funds in the hands of the Treasurer. All papers read at meetings of the Association must relate to matters connected with the objects of the Association, and must be approved by the Executive Committee before being read, and they shall also suggest topics for discussion.

SECT. 3. The Secretary shall keep the records of all meetings, conduct all correspondence, receipt for all fees and dues, and pay to the Treasurer all money received, taking his receipt therefor. In addition to these duties he shall read minutes and also papers and communications, if the authors desire it, and discharge such other duties as may be required by the Constitution and By-Laws appertaining to his department. He shall have such compensation for his services as the Executive Committee may determine.

SECT. 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive from the Secretary all moneys for the Association, to keep correct account of all receipts and expenditures, and to pay all demands against the Association when approved by the President. At the annual meeting he shall exhibit a statement of his accounts and shall give such bonds as may be required by the Executive Committee.

SECT. 5. The Finance Committee shall meet on the day of the Annual Meeting of the Association, at least one hour before the

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opening of the meeting, to receive from the Treasurer a statement of his account and to audit the same. They shall hold such other meetings as the interest of the Association may require.

SECT. 6. The officers of the Association shall assume office immediately after the close of the meeting at which they have been elected. They shall hold meetings at the call of the President, or, in the absence of the President, at the call of the senior Vice President.


SECT. 1. The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held on the third Thursday in June, in each year, at 10 o'clock A. M., at such place as shall be determined by the Association at the previous annual meeting. Other general meetings of the Association may be held at such times and places as shall be directed at the previous meeting.

SECT. 2. At any Regular Meeting of the Association, ten members shall be a quorum for the transaction of business.

SECT. 3. The Secretary shall send a notice to all members of the Association at least fourteen days before each General Meeting.

SECT. 4. Questions shall be decided by any convenient form of voting, the presiding officer to have the casting vote when necessary. Questions of special nature shall be decided by ballot, if demanded.


SECT. 1. Any member of a Water Board or Board of Water Commissioners or Board of Trustees of any Water Works is cordially invited to be present at any meeting of the Association as Honorary Member. Any member, with the concurrence of the presiding officer, may admit a friend at each meeting of the Association, but such person shall not take part in any discussion unless permission to do so be given by the meeting.

SECT. 2. All papers, drawings or models submitted to the meetings of the Association, shall be and remain the property of the authors.

SECT. 3. All propositions for adding to, or altering any of the provisions of the foregoing Constitution, shall be submitted to the Executive Committee, who may bring it before the next meeting of the Association, and shall do so on the written request of any five members of the Association, and if two-thirds of the members present shall vote in favor of such alteration or amendment it shall be adopted.


At the Annual Meeting of the Association the order of business shall be:

First. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting.

Second. The reading of applications, notices, and reports for new membership.

Third. The election and introduction of new members.

Fourth. The address of the President.

Fifth. Report of the Executive Committee on the management of

the Association for the previous year.

Sixth. The report of the Treasurer.

Seventh. The report of the Finance Committee.

Eighth. The report of Special Committees.

Ninth. The Election of Officers.

Tenth. The Reading of Papers of which notice has been given and Discussion upon the same.

Eleventh. General Business.

At other General Meetings of the Association the Order of Business shall be the same, except as to the 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th clauses.


ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Lowell, Mass.,
Thursday and Friday, June 19 and 20, 1884.

The convention was called to order at 10 o'clock A. M., by President Frank E. Hall, of Quincy, who extended a brief welcome to all present, and announced that the convention was open for business.

Upon motion of Mr. Billings, of Taunton, voted that the reading of the records of the last meeting be dispensed with. The favorable report of the Executive Committee upon the following applications for membership was presented by the President:

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