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Upon motion of Mr. Horan, of Clinton, the Secretary was instructed to cast one ballot for the entire list of applicants. The motion prevailed and Secretary Coggeshall formally cast the ballot, as instructed.

The next business in order was the reading of the address of the President.



Gentlemen of the New England Water Works Associa

We have met for the third time in annual convention to review the labors of the past year, consider the business affairs of the association and arrange our plans for the future.

Our record for the past year is to-day made a part of history and we have reason to refer to it with pride. The reports of the Secretary and Treasurer give the usual detailed statements and show an increase of membership, and the financial affairs of the association to be in good condition.

Two meetings have been held, one annual and one special, with an increasing interest each time. The recep tions given us and attention shown us where it has been our privilege to meet, by those interested in a system of public water supply, are conclusive evidence of their interest in our prosperity, and a desire to assist us in our efforts to obtain knowledge, and should stimulate us to renewed efforts to advance our mutual interests.

We know that among a large number of individuals there will be a diversity of opinion; this is natural and right, and when controlled by reason, with a due regard for

the wishes and interests of others, will assist in forming conclusions and developing results that will prove of benefit to the community.

The is some difference of opinion as to the best time in the year for holding the annual meeting of the association. I presume no time that may be selected will be alike convenient for ali to attend, but I trust that the good judgment and reason of the association will as in the past do what may be for the interest of all. We all have our own affairs to attend to and often conclude we cannot leave our business to attend a meeting like this; but I hope all will agree with me in this, that all who do attend will be better fitted for their duties after our meetings than before. I hope the month of June will be the time for our annual meeting in the future and that the plan of having a fall meeting or "Field Day" will be continued. In the spring we arrange our plans of operation and commence our work, and perhaps at this time may gain ideas that may be of benefit to us; and as many of us are interested with work of great magnitude it is pleasant near the close of our labors to meet and compare notes and results as we now do in an informal way.

You are all aware that the next annual meeting of the American Water Works Association is to be held in Boston, commencing April 15, 1885, and if any action is considered advisable by this association the present seems a favorable time for its consideration.

While we may feel that we have reason for congratulation upon our success thus far, we must not forget that we owe a duty to the public; that much will be expected of us, and that to merit the continued support and co-operation of those whose interests we serve, already so cheerfully given, we must make and maintain a high standard of excellence

for ourselves and try to extend the usefulness of our association beyond the limits of New England.

The roll was next called, and the following members were found to be present:

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ROBERT C. P. COGGESHALL, Superintendent,
EDWIN DARLING, Superintendent,
NATHANIEL DENNETT, Superintendent,
GEO. A. ELLIS, Supt. and Registrar,
ALBERT S. GLOVER, Registrar,

ROBERT M. Gow, Superintendent,
SHERMAN E. GRANNIS, Superintendent, .
FRANK E. HALL, Superintendent,
WARD W. HAWKES, Superintendent,
THOMAS A. HODGE, Superintendent, .
HORACE G. HOLDEN, Superintendent,
DAVID W. HORAN, Superintendent, .
HORATIO N. HYDE, Jr., Superintendent,
ADDISON LANE, Superintendent,
THOMAS C. LOVELL, Superintendent, .
JAMES W. LYON, Commissioner,
ALVOID O. MILES, Superintendent, .
HIRAM NEVONS, Superintendent,
ALBERT F. NOYES, City Engineer,
WALTER H. RICHARDS, Superintendent,
HENRY W. ROGERS, Superintendent,
Jos. G. TENNEY, Superintendent,
CHAS. K. WALKER, Superintendent,
WM. C. WILCOX, Registrar,

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JASON GILES, Chapman Valve Manfg. Co.,

Boston, Mass.

Indian Orchard, Mass.

WM. B. SHERMAN, Secy. Corliss St. Engine Co.,

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W. W. HAWES, Water Commissioner,
H. O. SANDERSON, Water Commissioner,.
WEAVER OSBORN, Water Commissioner,
A. A. HAGGETT, Water Commissioner,
A. P. LESHURE, Chief Fire Dept.,

. Fall River, Mass. Springfield, Mass.

. Fall River, Mass. Lowell, Mass. Springfield, Mass.

The report of the Executive Committee upon the last year's management of the affairs of the association was next presented as follows:

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