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Latin, as I wish to make the most of the Council of Trent; I acknowmy time. (St. Aug. contr. Adv. Legit. ledge that the words are used; but et Prophet. lib. ii. cap. 9, vol. viii. why endeavour to bring the whole p.599.) "As we receive, with a faith-subject into ridicule? If this be ful heart and mouth, the Mediator permissible in his treatment of a of God and of men, Christ Jesus, subject so awful, let him reflect who tells us that his body is to be whether the sanction of his exeaten, and his blood is to be drunk; ample will not afford justification although it may appear more horri- for ridicule to the followers of Carble to eat the flesh of a man than to lisle, and all those men who blasdestroy it, and to drink human blood pheme Christianity? When he sets than to shed it. Again, they (some the example, will they not be quite of the Jews) were converted: they ready to follow? Again, then, the were converted and baptized. They reverend gentleman alluded to our approached to the table of the Lord, Saviour appearing in the midst of and now, believing, they drank that his disciples, when the doors were blood which, in their ungovernable shut; but can the learned gentlefury, they themselves had shed." man possibly account for the apNow, gentlemen, methinks my pearance of our Saviour after he facetious orientalist is preparing al-had been dead? Can the learned ready to open his ears to take advantage of it, [laughter.] "Christ took earth from earth, inasmuch as flesh is from earth, and this flesh he took from the flesh of Mary; and, because he conversed with us in the flesh, he gave us this same flesh to eat for our salvation..... But no one eats that flesh without adoring it first-not only is it no sin to adore it,-but we sin if we adore it not." (St. Aug. Enarr. in Psalm. Opera, Bened. Edit. vol. iv. pars 2)

gentleman tell me by what transcendant miracle it was that our blessed Lord was transfigured? If he cannot tell me how it was he appeared in the midst of his disciples when the doors were shut; and if he cannot, we are not bound to give him an answer when he asks us, how the Lord of heaven and earth is received by the faithful in every region of the globe, or how he appears at the same time on all our altars. All we know is, that Is not now my reverend friend we have his unerring word for it: prepared to banish St. Augustine "this is my body, this is my from the code of Calvin, when he addresses the consecrated bread, and adores Christ in the Sacrament? Will he admit him to be member of his Church? Is it not high time that he should anathematize St. Augustine, as being idolatrous in the object of his worship? If I am not mistaken, we shall hear very little from the works of St. Augustine on future occasions, quoted by my reverend opponent. With regard to the "bones and nerves of the Son of God," a subject to which the reverend gentleman alluded, I acknowledge it is in

blood." The apostles were bidden to do the same, "in remembrance of him;" that is, to consecrate as he consecrated. They consecrated after him-as I am prepared to prove when that subject is discussed-the successors of the apostles consecrated successively after them, the consecration has been going on from apostolic times to the present day, and all the nations of the earth cry out with one voice in testimony of the sacred fact. The learned gentleman gravely pretends to prove that it interferes with God's government,—those are

his words, which I do not well History of the Church he tells comprehend; but I ask what he you that St. Austin brought over all can easily comprehend-viz. how those usages and practices, which he accounts for this harmonious are known and adhered to in the consent of nations, for that tra- Roman Church; and will any one dition which is uninterruptedly deny that the doctrine of Transubhanded down from age to age. Istantiation was likewise included? challenge him to answer me, I would, moreover, ask this quesWhen did Transubstantiation arise tion :-Did Protestants introduce in the world-when was the doc- Christianity into every nation of trine first preached? Sometimes the earth? Read, again, upon this he tells us that it was in the eighth point, the pages of your own hiscentury, and that Pascasius Rad- torian, Milner, and you will find bert wrote the first treatise on it. that in every age the only way in But I have already told him that which he proves the visibility and Pascasius only wrote copiously, on the sanctity of the Church, in the what others had written less exten- six first centuries, in the seventh, sively. I wish it to be thoroughly eighth, nay in the ninth, is by elucidated this night, and I shall bringing forward on the scene some now proceed to give you my ideas illustrious Catholic saints; for there on that divine sixth chapter of were no Protestants in existence to John, and leave you to draw your attract his notice. I say, therefore, own inference from our respective here I must fling back the compliinterpretations, so soon as you shall ment to my reverend antagonist; have heard me. This, then, is what when he opposes me with the I am most desirous to hear Gospel, the Gospel "stares him in thoroughly elucidated, -to know the face"-the Gospel cries out which is the primitive doctrine, the loudly for the doctrine of Catholics. primitive religion,-the body and I think the rev. gentleman himself the blood, or mere bread and wine? will not hesitate to acknowledge, I find that England was converted that, as far as the literality of the to Christianity in the sixtn century. words go, it is in our favour. All Was the doctrine of Transubstan- that the learned gentleman can do tiation brought over by those holy, or say, is to draw a fine and figurathose immortal men, who came to tive distinction from all these pasrescue this island from the depths sages. The words, I have before of blasphemy and idolatry? Was said, are strong, aye, infrangibly Protestantism, or was Catholicity strong, strong enough to delude, if believed by those sainted, those we Catholics labour under error, illustrious men-by St. Augustine many centuries, to believe in Tran and others? Read the monuments substantiation; strong enough to of antiquity to ascertain the truth make those "fallible" fathers, as of it; look at the letters of Gregory my opponent calls them, and I the Great, which are still quoted in acknowledge they are fallible,-to many of your histories; look at the make them all with one voice agree letters of Gregory the Great, I say, that Christ did not intend to be bidding Augustine to wear the pall understood figuratively, but liteduring the celebration of Mass; rally, and that he meant in reality look at all the histories which in- his flesh and his blood. St. Maruform us on the subject; look at the thus, who wrote in the Syriac lanProtestant Dean Milner, in his guage, says, "Christ called it not

the figure of his body, but said, this lies in Transubstantiation; now, at is my body, this is my blood." The least, they surely will see that our learned gentleman then introduces Lord and Saviour meant to convey another subject, which I defer to the idea, that it was to be representhe end, until I have answered tative of his body; surely this is some remarks of his, taken, if I sufficient to open the eyes of those mistake not, from Dr. Adam Clarke. poor, benighted Roman Catholics." Dr. Adam Clarke, I believe, from Well, my friends, what did Dr. whom my learned friend has culled Wiseman do in the midst of the all those ingenious passages, such tumult? Why he proved, demonas, "I am the door," "I am the stratively, that so far from that vine," came into contact, some language labouring under any penyears ago, as I dare say my friend ury of expression as to painting the very well remembers, with a most idea in question, that it was the powerful giant in polemics of our most potent, the most copious lanChurch, of the name of Dr. Wise-guage ever spoken by the mouth of man. Dr. Adam Clarke, who man; that there were actually fortybrought up all those strange objec- one modes of expressing that idea tions against the doctrine of Tran- in that very language, all of which substantiation, was, as it appeared, he has written down, and presented not quite satisfied with the long to the learned, and all the learned string of parabolic expressions, such have approved of them, and have as, "I am the door," "I am the declared, that Dr. Adam Clarke is vine," &c. &c.; but he thought to wrong; that he had no ground, no overturn the doctrine of Transub-right to make the assertion,-in stantiation, by declaring, that our one word, that it was rank imblessed Lord and Saviour said, posture practised on the British "This is my body, this is my public.

blood," because, forsooth, there But what did the followers of was such a penury of expression in Dr. Adam Clarke say? What did the language in which he spoke-the Rev. Mr. Horne say? Why, that there was no word to express in the next pamphlet that he pubthe idea, "this is figurative of, this lished, he artfully omitted the mat is representative of, or this stands ter, without ever making the least for my body," and that therefore apology for the thousands of Chrisour blessed Saviour, according to tians whom he had been deluding him, was necessitated to have re-by such a false, though plausible course to, in order to express his argument. Forty-one well-proved meaning, the substantive "to be," words to express this idea! many and said, "This is my body, this is more one might introduce likemy blood." This accordingly was wise, but there were forty-one, soon spread all over England, and most fittingly squaring with the the Rev. Mr. Horne, who had expression of the idea. Subsewritten rather a virulent pamphlet quently, as a dernier ressort on the against the doctrine of Transub- part of the baffled theologians, Dr. stantiation, immediately took up, Lee, Professor of Hebrew in the and disseminated far and wide, the University of Cambridge, and of grand discovery. Protestants na- the oriental languages, was applied turally enough began to say, "Now to, who delivered his opinion that we can account for the belief of Dr. Wiseman was undoubtedly those poor deluded Roman Catho- right; that there were so many un

land, though not so usual now as in former days, that adoring Christ in the Eucharist overturns the chief evidence of Christianity, which is the senses.

contested words to correspond to doctrine, "was God," means "the the expression of the sentiment; representative of God," and nothing that it was a copious language, in- else; and he would have thus arstead of being one, as Dr. Adam gued much more plausibly and Clarke wished to insinuate, desti- felicitously than Dr. Adam Clarke tute of phrases to express common urged his argument, inasmuch as, ideas. I am sorry to make an ob- in St. Paul's epistles, Christ is servation of this kind on a learned called the image of God. Yes, he man; but when that learned man would have afforded a strong argucalls Catholics "the most stupid of ment by which the Unitarians might mortals," and wonders, to use his fortify themselves with redoubled own expression, "how we can be- obstinacy in their unbelief. The Leve such a congeries of absurdities learned gentleman has insinuatedas the dogmas of our creed, I can- and it is a stale argument used by not refrain from exclaiming-Thus the divines of the Church of Engit is, my friends, that, in the nineteenth century, the enemy of Catholicity retires to his gloomy cell, in order to forge a new thunderbolt against the immortal dogma of Transubstantiation, and comes out But the learned gentleman should of it, if I may use a poetical simile, know, if he has read the fathers, as on the occasion, like Salmoneus, I am sure he has-he should know, glittering and flashing for awhile, that almost all the fathers have aland dazzling all eyes with the mimic luded to the frequency with which splendour of his invention, till at our senses are deluded, and to that length the " non imitabile fulmen" frequency with which in the Bible of a Wiseman dashes the impostor we find they have been deluded. to the ground, and exposes him to We read of it in Luke xxiv. 16, 31: every eye, an object of pity, of "But their eyes were holden, that derision, and contempt! But what they should not know him." Again, has he in reality done? Why he "And their eyes were opened, and has given an additional strength to they knew him; and he vanished the argument of Transubstantiation; out of their sight." Again, St. he has adorned it with a greater John, xx. 14-16:-" And when lustre than that with which it ever she had thus said, she turned hershone before. Again, he little self back, and saw Jesus standing, knew, also, that, in urging such an and knew not that it was Jesus. argument against the doctrine of Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why Transubstantiation, he was aiding, weepest thou? whom seekest thou? materially aiding the Unitarians in She, supposing him to be the gartheir views of our doctrine as to dener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou the divinity of Christ. If such a have borne him hence, tell me theory had once been admitted into where thou hast laid him, and I will modern theology, in the schools of take him away. Jesus saith unto Calvin or Luther, the Unitarian her, Mary. She turned herself, and would immediately have exclaimed, saith unto him, Rabboni; which is "In the beginning was the word, to say, Master." Again, St. Matand the word was with God, and thew, xxviii. 9: "And as they went the word was God," he would to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus then have said, according to your met them, saying, All hail. Andi

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and I believe, that if I were called on to explain all the novum argu mentum congeries of ideas in Calvin's Catechism, I should be much more ignorant. But in order that he may have more solid ground to go upon, I shall prove to him that the species, or the host-that is the proper word, and not " wafer"-after the words of consecration, become really the body and blood of our Lord: that is, they become our blessed Lord's body, soul and divinity, and that the blessed Lord of heaven and of earth in this sacrament is not liable to those outrages, those corporeal contingencies of which he has so feelingly complained.

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they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him." Again, St. John, ii. 18: "Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?" Then, when 'Jacob wrestled with the angel," were not his senses deceived? But I say, in answer to the learned gentleman, that I would much rather disregard my senses than disbelieve the words of the Omnipotent God. His word cannot deceive me, my senses may possibly be deceived, are frequently deceived; nay, in common material life they are deceived. The eye is frequently deceived: put a stick in the water that is straight, and it will appear Good God! such a strain of argucrooked; the senses can be deceived. ment is really astonishing! It gives The learned gentleman, in his an opportunity to Deists to ridicule sterility of anything like solid argu- the whole fabric of the Christian ment against us, has endeavoured religion. It might be said by them, to draw an argument from the pic- if you believe Christ to have been tures painted by Roman Catholic thus liable to accident, and that he artists of the Church of Rome, where was truly God and truly man,' the Saviour is looking up. But that how was it that, when a little child does not furnish any argument as to going into Egypt, he was secure the posture of the Saviour at the last from accident? Suppose a wild supper. The artist, whoever he may beast of the desert had darted upon be, can know nothing on that awful him and devoured him? Let me subject, except that Christ was tell you, my friends, if the Lord seated at a table, with his twelve of heaven and earth is where the disciples, and took bread and blessed Host is supposed to be, he is as able it, and did not say, "this is the to protect himself now by his own figure of my body," as St. Maruthus divinity, as he was when in the arms observes, but "this is my body, this of Mary and of Joseph. We find even is my blood." And I would rather a poet, St. Thomas Aquinas, who believe his divine word, than believe wrote long before the Reformation, the infallibility of my senses. But who wrote long before Protestants I am astonished that the learned arose to declaim against the docgentleman should have inquired into trine of Transubstantiation, expressour doctrine of the Eucharist so ing in that immortal hymn, which superficially. I do not mean to say Sir Walter Scott says "is one of the that he is superficial in any of the finest that ever flowed from the pen branches of learning, except in the of man," expressing himself on the tenets of my own Church. As to subject with more accuracy that my these, I must own, and sure I am theological opponent. He will inthat the learned gentleman will not form my learned friend on this subcontradict me, he has manifested | ject. It is not for the sake of my some degree of ignorance this night; poetry, or mode of translating it,

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